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1、近五年上海中考写作题是引领考试的风向标。现梳理如下:年份2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年话题计划与愿望愿望与憧憬经历与感想哲理与经历哲理与经历题目Im readyTheres always hope.My progress关于以貌取人,盲从朋友,看待谎言,抉择人生的几个观点,任选其中一个Everyone can be special(天生我才)体裁记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文考查形式命题作文命题作文 命题作文半开放作文命题作文词数要求 不少于60词预测一:变化与发展1.关于变化Write a passage of at least 60 words about the to

2、pic“Changes in myself”.(以“我的变化”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题可供参考) Have you had any changes in yourself since you came to the middle school? Which are the most important changes? (Give at least 2 examples) What do you think of the changes?范文Changes in myselfE

3、veryone has changed a little or a lot since the day he came to the middle school. So have I. I am no longer a little girl because I am a middle school student now. I think that I have changed a lot. For example, I become more confident and friendly than ever before. I have made a lot of friends and

4、we often have a good time. We help each other and share things together. And I also get rid of some of my bad habits. For example, I used to spend much time on computer games. Now I always go to the park for a walk and try to do more physical exercise. I think the changes are good and I will be bett

5、er in the following days.2. Write a passage in at least 60 words on the topic “Changes in my _”.(以“我的_发生的变化”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)写作要点关键词我的、变化主语以第三人称为主时态以现在完成时为主中心内容1.记录在我的.发生的变化体裁记叙文范文Changes in my middle schoolGreat changes have take place in my middle school since I began to study here.My sch

6、ool now is much bigger and more beautiful than before.My school used to be so small and old that it couldnt provide us more classrooms.We didnt have any hobby groups.Now there are lots of modern classrooms in the school,such as an Arts room, a Music room,labs and a big hall.All the teaching equipmen

7、t has become smarter and more modern.We have not only many subjects,but also various school activities.I always take an active part in them.Besides,there are many hobby groups and clubs in my school.My classmates and I join in different hobby groups and we have learned much knowledge.What a great ch

8、ange in our school!预测二:课下活动1.Write at least 60 words on the topic “My favourite indoor activity”.(以“我最喜欢的室内活动”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)Use the following points as a reference.(以下内容仅供参考。)*What is your favourite indoor activity?*What do you usually do?*Why is it your favourite?范文My favourite indoor a

9、ctivityI like playing the piano,collecting stamps and playing computer games,but my favourite indoor activity is reading.As we all know,reading has many advantages.A good book can open our eyes and widen our minds.It can help us know more about what is happening both at home and abroad.Also we can g

10、et much knowledge from books.While I am reading a good book,I often feel very happy.So I think reading books is good for us.It is my favourite indoor activity.2.Write a passage in at least 60 words on the topic “My activities in spare time”.(以 “我的业余活动”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)关键词我、业余生活主语第一人称为主时态一般现

11、在时中心内容1. 自己的娱乐活动是什么2. 喜欢这项娱乐活动的原因范文My activities in spare timeI usually have a large number of things to do after school.Among them,I like learning English best.After supper,I always read many English passages in order to learn more about Western writers and cultures and improve my English writing a

12、s well.After that,I surf the Internet to learn the latest news and find something useful to practise my oral English.Certainly,it is an effective way to learn more knowledge and broaden my horizons.Also,I often listen to the English songs before falling asleep.It helps me sleep well.Learning English

13、 makes my life more meaningful and wonderful.预测三:人与物Write at least 60 words on the topic “A different_”. (以 “与众不同的_”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)生活是多姿多彩的,在你心中一定觉得许许多多的人或物与众不同。请选择一个人或物品,向大家介绍一下其与众不同的理由。The following is for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考)*Who/What do you want to introduce to us?*What is he/she

14、/it like?*Why do you think he/she/it is different from others?(Give at least 2 reasons.)写作要点关键词不一样的老师主语第三人称时态一般现在时中心内容举例突出老师与众不同的地方范文A different teacherI want to introduce my English teacher today.He is young and of average height.He is friendly and always smiles while talking.There are several reas

15、ons why I think he is different from other teachers.Some teachers teach student knowledge by making students copy words,read articles and have exams.But my teacher teaches us in different ways.For example,he lets us role-play a story so that we can remember new words more easily.He regularly organizes spelling competitions,speech contests and story-telling events to make learning more fun.Whats more,he encourages us to express our opinions and often gives us a reward if we raise a good idea in class.Because of him,


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