第18课时 九年级(全) Unit 5~Unit 6

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1、第18课时九年级(全)Unit 5Unit 6,要点精讲,知识点7doubt的用法,知识点8辨析happen与take place,词汇拓展 1.leaf(n.)leaves(pl.)叶;叶子 2.day(n.)daily(adj.)每日的;日常的 3.nation(n.)national(adj.)国家的;民族的 international(adj.)国际的 4.Canada(n.)Canadian(adj. 加拿大人 Canadians(pl.)加拿大人,词汇安检,5.hero(n.)heroes(pl.)英雄;男主角 6.near(adj.)nearly(adv.)几乎;差不多 7.li

2、ve(v.)alive(adj.)活着的;有生气的 lively(adj.)生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 8.please(v.)pleasure(n.)高兴;愉快 pleasant(adj.)令人愉快的;可喜的;宜人的 pleased(adj.)高兴的;满意的 9.translate(v.)translation(n.)翻译;译文 translator(n.)(尤指专职)翻译;译员;翻译家,10.music(n.)musical(adj.)音乐的;有音乐天赋的 11.custom(n.)customer(n.)顾客;客户 12.wide(adj.)widely(adv.)广泛地;普遍地 13.

3、produce(v.)product(n.)产品;制品 14.postman(n.)postmen(pl.)邮递员 15.sudden(adj.)suddenly(adv.)突然;忽然 16.chopstick(n.)chopsticks(pl.)筷子 17.glass(n.)glasses(pl.)眼镜 18.German(n. 依据 6.send out放出;发送 7.in trouble处于困境;陷于困境 8.add.to.把添加到,9.by accident偶然;意外地 10.fall into掉进 11.take place发生;出现 12.without doubt毫无疑问;的确

4、13.at a low price低价 14.all of a sudden突然;猛地 15.by mistake错误地;无意中 16.divide.into把分成 17.at the same time同时,18.stop.from阻止 19.look up to仰慕;钦佩 20.achieve ones dream实现某人的梦想,口语交际 1.Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪里度假了? I went to an International Kite Festival. 我去了一个国际风筝节。 2.Is it made of silver?它是银制的吗? 3

5、.For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. 比如,安溪和杭州因茶叶而广为人知。,句型通关,4.Well,as far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. 噢,据我所知,茶被种植在山坡上。 5.Can you help me think of an invention? 你能帮我想一种发明吗? 6.When was the telephone invented? 电话是什么时候被发明的? 7.Did you know that te

6、a,the most popular drink in the world(after,water),was invented by accident? 你知道茶世界上最受欢迎的饮料(仅次于水)是偶然被发明的吗?,写作常备 1.It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. 好像全世界的很多人都喝中国茶。 2.Hesent them out to ask for help when in trouble.他把它们放出去是为了身处困境时可以求助。 3.He realized that Americans canhar

7、dly avoid buying products made in China. 他意识到美国人几乎无法避免购买中国制造的产品。,4.They areseen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.它们被看作幸福和美好愿望的光明象征。 5.It takes several weeksto complete everything.要花好几个星期来完成每一件事情。 6.Even though many people now know about tea culture,the Chi-nese are without doubt the on

8、es who best understand the nature of tea. 即使现在许多人都了解茶文化,但毫无疑问的是,中国人是最了解茶之精髓的人。,7.Dr. Naismithdivided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game. 奈史密斯博士把他班里的人分成两队,教他们玩他的新游戏。 8.Basketball hasnot only become a popular sport to play,but it has also become a popular sport to

9、 watch.篮球不仅成了一项受欢迎的玩的运动,也成了一项受欢迎的观看的运动。 9.Many young peoplelook up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. 很多年轻人仰慕这些篮球英雄,想变得像他们一样。,10.These starsencourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams. 这些明星鼓励年轻人为实现他们自己的梦想而努力。,知识点1avoid的用法,要点精讲,释义 用作动词,意为“避开;躲避”。 avoid后可接名词或代词作宾语

10、,也可接动名词作宾语。 Try to avoid accidents.尽量避免事故。 He avoided answering my questions.他避而不答我的问题。 注意在有些动词(词组)后,宾语用动名词形式。,+doing sth. +doing sth.,用所给词的适当形式填空 We are consideringgoing(go)to Paris next time. Would you mindopening(open)the window? Its so hot in the room. They keptwaiting(wait)for me for another ho

11、ur. Jim, open the door for your dad. Im busy cooking(cook).,单项选择 I have finished Bthe book, so I can return it now. A.to readB.reading C.readD.to reading They chose this path in order to avoid C enemies. A.metB.to meetC.meetingD.meet Jane has to practice A the piano twice a week. A.playingB.playsC.t

12、o playD.play,知识点2辨析be known as 与be known for,语境运用 单项选择 Were sure youllC an artist. A.known toB.be known for C.be known asD.famous as I hear Dandong is a beautiful city. Yes, its famousAits rice and seafood. A.forB.asC.toD.with,知识点3辨析alive, living, live与lively,语境运用 单项选择 Can a man keepA without eating

13、 things for seven days? A.aliveB.livelyC.livingD.live The girl is very A. We all love her. A.livelyB.livingC.aliveD.live The dog is badly ill,but hes still C. A.livingB.liveC.aliveD.lively,The boy has a D mind. A.livingB.liveC.aliveD.lively Look!A A fish!I will put it back to the river. A.liveB.live

14、lyC.aliveD.living People call this plant a Dfossil. A.liveB.livelyC.aliveD.living,知识点4pleasure的用法,释义用作名词,意为“愉快,快乐;满足”。 Its a pleasure to do sth.做是件愉快的事情 It is a pleasure for me to live with you.和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。 have the pleasure of doing sth.很荣幸做,拓展 With pleasure.和Its my pleasure.的不同 (1)Its my/a p

15、leasure.与You are welcome.等习语意义相同,用于当别人对你说,Thank you.时,即“不用谢”。 Thank you for coming to see me. 谢谢你来看我。 Its a pleasure.不用谢。,(2)With pleasure.与All right./No problem./Id like to.等习语意义相同。用于别人求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。 Could you post the letter for me?你能否替我把这封信寄走? With pleasure.愿意效劳。 简单讲,Its a pleasure.用于事情发生之后,而Wi

16、th pleasure.用于事情发生之,前。 (3)My pleasure.是相当正式的说法,意为“不客气;很乐意效劳”。,辨析pleased,pleasant与pleasure,语境运用 用please 的适当形式填空 Autumn is a pleasantseason. I am pleasedwith his work. Pleasesit down. It is my pleasureto help you.,单项选择 I had the C of working with Mr. Green, a successful businessman. A.pleaseB.pleasantC.pleasureD.pleased My mother is quite D with my progress. A.please B.pleasantC.pleasureD.pleased,知识点5remain的用法 释义remain作动词,意为“保持不变,仍然是;剩余,遗留,继续存在”。re-main作系动词时,后面可接形容词、名词、分词或介词短语作表语。如: Though he is i


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