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1、本单元作文主要内容叙述你的梦想与未来的打算。注意:叙述时要有条理|,按照一定顺序(例如时间顺序)去写。在写梦想与打算的同时|,还应说明你准备如何实现。选用单词本单元所学的各种基本句型|,动词词组|,名词短语。各种高级句式练习一你是Mary|, 请给你以前的同学Joyce写一封邮件|,和她聊聊关于梦想的话题。在邮件中你需要告诉她你和你的两个最好的朋友的理想职业是什么以及你们打算如何实现。要求:80词左右。练习一Dear Joyce|,How are you|, my old friend? Are you healthy? Do you get good grades? I really mis

2、s you. And I am writing this email to talk about dreams.I am going to be a math teacher and work in a good school. I always love studying math and I am good at it. I have a new best friend|, her name is Sarah. She wants to be an actress. She likes movies very much and she often watches movies at hom

3、e when she is free. She says that she is going to move to the UK and take acting lessons there when she finishes high school. My other best friend Jack is going to be a basketball player when he grows up. He says that he is going to practice basketball every day after school and he is going to a spo

4、rts college. What are you going to be when you grow up? And how are you going to do that? I hope you can write to me soon.Mary练习二你是John|,请用英语写一篇短文介绍你将来想从事的职业。提示:1. 想成为一名记者|;2. 打算现在就开始给报纸、杂志写文章|;3. 高中毕业后想去纽约上大学|;4. 想在一家电视台工作。要求:1. 条理清楚|,语句通顺|,语法正确|,书写规范|;2. 提示内容全部体现在文章中|;3. 80词左右。练习二My name is John.

5、Now I am a middle school student. When I was a little girl|, I always enjoyed watching the reporters go to different kinds of places and talk with different persons. Thats why I really want to be a reporter. For this reason|, I am going to be a reporter when I grow up. First|, I need to study really

6、 hard at school. And I am going to start to write articles and send them to newspapers and magazines. I am going to practice writing every day. When I finish high school|, I want to go to a university in New York. Because it has the best teachers. When I am free|, I will also do some jobs and save some money to improve my life. After I finish college|, I am going to work as a reporter at a TV station and I think I will be so good that everyone likes me. Although it is difficult to do that|, I will still try to make my dreams come true.第1页/共1页


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