六年级上册英语课件-Review 1|湘鲁版 (共23张PPT)

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1、小学英语六年级下册(湘教版),Review 1,复习课教学目标,1话题:能用第15单元的单词和句型 谈论季节、母亲、著名人物、动物和中外 节日。 2功能:通过听写、围绕主题表述、语 音认读、词类辨别、配图阅读等活动,帮助 学生复习所学词汇、日常交际用语和句型, 进一步提升学生听、说、读、写能力。 3情感:让学生积极参与各种课堂学习 活动,知道如何查询、搜集和处理信息,能用学 过的英语词语围绕主题进行简单的表达和交流。,复习课教学重点,1Target vocabulary season 季节 dry 干燥的,干旱的 wet 湿的,潮的;多雨的 autumn 秋,秋季 winter 冬,冬季 sp

2、ring 春,春季 summer 夏,夏季 actress 女演员 Mother s Day 母亲节 good idea 好主意 actor 男演员 singer 歌唱家,歌手 film 电影 was (is, am的过去式) 是 wise 聪明的;明智的 woman 妇女,女人 hero 英雄 man (成年)男人;人 brave 勇敢的,无畏的 person 人 scientist 科学家 last 最近的,上一个的 butterfly 蝴蝶 silk 丝;丝织品 bee 蜜蜂 honey 蜂蜜 ant 蚂蚁 moth 蛾 start with 从开始 start 开始 long ago

3、很久以前 good luck 好运气 Spring Festival 春节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 moon cake 月饼 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 jiaozi 饺子 zongzi 粽子,2Target structures What season is it? Its spring. Its weather is warm and rainy. What about the weather in the south? Is she your mums favourite singer? She is my mums favourite ac

4、tress. Mum and I will go to see that film on Mothers Day. Who was he/she? She was a great scientist. He saved many peoples lives. We went on a science field trip last week. What did you learn? We learned that ants are good. When did the Spring Festival start? It started very long ago. People made mo

5、on cakes to celebrate the autumn.,第1学时,教学目标 1能用第13单元的单词和句型谈论季节、母亲和著名人物。 2通过听写、围绕主题表述、语音认读、词类辨别等活动,帮助学生复习所学词汇和句型,进一步提升学生语言综合运用能力。 3培养学生对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语,积极参与各种课堂学习活动。 教学内容 单词: season dry wet autumn winter spring summer actress Mother s Day good idea actor singer film was(is, am的过去式) wise woman hero ma

6、n brave person scientist 句型: What season is it? Its spring. Its weather is warm and rainy. What about the weather in the south? Is she your mums favourite singer? She is my mums favourite actress. Mum and I will go to see that film on Mother s Day. Who was he/she? She was a great scientist. He saved

7、 many people s lives.,教学活动 看词说句。教师采用开放式教学,向学生出示带图片的英语词语或通过多媒体呈现英语词语等,让学生根据图片内容,独立思考后说出完整句子或组成一段话(句子应相互连贯,围绕一个中心)。这种形式,不仅有助于培养学生的思维与创新能力,也有助于培养学生语言运用和表达能力。 课前准备 教师课前需要准备录音机、磁带、教学挂图和制作的课件。,教学过程,1Warm-up. 上课前,教师要精心准备一些英语词语或制作多媒体播放内容。上课时,向学生出示带图片的英语词语或通过多媒体呈现英语词语等,让学生根据图片内容,独立思考后说出完整句子或组成一段话(句子应相互连贯,围绕一

8、个中心)。采用这种开放式教学,不仅有助于培养学生的思维与创新能力,有利于培养学生语言运用和表达能力,也能够起到复习、巩固和承上启下的作用。 通过这项热身活动,调动学生学习积极性,使学生注意力转入到英语课堂学习中。,2Activity 1的教学: (1)让学生看Listen and write的内容,教师指导学生读题,了解大意。 (2)播放录音,先让学生认真听。然后,根据录音内容和图片提示,在a, b, c, d和e后面句子的横线上填写出所缺的词语。 活动1录音材料: a. I will buy a CD by the famous singer. b. I enjoy playing in t

9、he snow in winter. c. I like the Dragon Boat Festival. I like to eat zongzi . d. I learned that bees give us honey. e. My favourite season is summer. I like hot and dry weather.,3Activity 2的教学: (1)让学生看Read, match and listen的内容,教师指导学生读题,先让学生浏览题目要求和Column A, Column B中的句子。 (2)让学生读Column A和Column B内容,找出

10、两栏中相关联的句子。 (3)根据阅读中发现的信息,将Column A和Column B两栏中相关联的句子连线。 (4)播放录音,让学生认真听,根据录音检查所连接的句子是否正确。,活动2录音材料: Match the sentences in column A and column B. Listen to the tape to check your answers. Mothers Day is in May. Li Xiao will give his mum a beautiful silk dre ss. The scientist talks about the four seaso

11、ns. He says that bears sleep in winter. The farmers are growing rice. The summer is hot and wet in the south. Amys uncle has a sheep farm in Australia. There are many new lambs in spring. Norman Bethune was a hero. He saved many people s lives. Andy likes Chinese festivals. His favourite festival is

12、 the Mi d-autumn Festival. Zhou Lin is doing a science project. He learns how people make silk. Wang Li will go to a movie. She will see it in a big, new cine ma.,4Activity 3的教学: (1)让学生看Talk to your classmates内容,明白主要内容(最喜欢的季节和天气)和要求。 (2)根据方框中提供的词语,让学生仿照Example连词组句,向同学们介绍一下自己(以第一人称介绍)最喜欢的季节和天气。,5Acti

13、vity 4的教学: (1)先让学生看Read, listen and write题目要求,观察其中的图片和浏览短文内容,了解短文主要内容(科学实验报告)和大致意思。 (2)让学生听录音,根据录音内容选择括号中的词语填写在横线上。 (3)让学生再认真看下面的图片内容,根据短文和图片内容续写短文结尾。,活动4录音材料: Listen to Zhou Lins Science Report. Choose a word to fill in each blank. Then,look at the pictures at the end and finish the report. Last we

14、ek, our class went on a science field trip. Our science teacher took us to the park. We studied about small animals. We saw how green leaves can make food for a plant. We learned that an apple tree sleeps in winter.,6Activity 5的教学: (1)让学生先看Spell and listen,教 师指导学生审题,先看懂题意和要求。 (2)运用以前所学语音知识(字母组合 的读音)

15、和已学过单词的读音,拼写并读 出生词。然后,听录音,根据录音进行检 查、核对。 (3)在词典上找出生词的意思,标注上去。,7Activity 6的教学: (1)让学生先看每个方框中的一组 词,注意分辨它们的类别(词性,属性 等)。 (2)在每组词中找出不同类别的词, 用笔划掉。,教学评析,这是一节复习课,重点复习和考查学生听写、表述、句型操练、语音认读、词类辨别等能力。通过听、写、读、说、拼等教学活动,使学生所学语言知识得到进一步巩固和提高,促进和拓展了学生灵活运用语言的能力。,第2学时,教学目标 1能用第45单元的单词和句型谈论人物、季节、动物和中外节日。 2通过围绕主题表述、配图阅读等活动

16、,帮助学生复习所学词汇、日常交际用语和句型,进一步提升学生会话、表述和阅读能力。 3积极参与各种课堂学习活动,学习中遇到困难或不会的地方,知道如何查询、搜集和处理信息或积极向他人寻求帮助。 教学内容 词汇: last butterfly silk bee honey ant moth start with start long ago good luck Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival moon cake Mid-autumn Festival jiaozi zongzi 句型: We went on a science field trip last week. What did you learn? We learned that ants are good. When did the Spring Festival start? It started very long ago. People made moon cakes to celebrate t he autumn.,教学活动 举办“英语秀(English Show)”活动。教师


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