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1、,Cross Functional Teams 跨职能团队,What is a Cross-Functional Team?何为跨职能团队,团队的一种,成员来自组织的不同职能领域,需要一起完成共同商定的具体目标 跨职能团队的目的是什么? 通过培养总周期时间心态,学习总周期时间方法,对关键业务流程实施持续改进,从而快速提高组织的 全球性竞争力。,A team of people representing the various functional areas of the division that are required to achieve an agreed upon specific

2、 objective. What is the Purpose of a CFT? To radically improve the divisions global competitiveness by establishing a TCT mindset input from and to their functional organization Attending all meetings, or providing an empowered substitute to act and make decisions for them,Role of Team Members 团队成员的

3、角色,和其它团队成员一起识别障碍及其根本原因,进行排序并予以清除 制定行动计划,推动这些行动计划的完成 利用衡量指标跟踪进程,确保具体的业务流程向目标式绩效的方向迈进,Working with the team to identify barriers and their root causes, ranking and removing them Developing Action Plans and driving those Action Plans to completion Using measurements to track progress and assure specifi

4、c business process or processes progress toward and reach entitled performance,Role of Team Members (Contd) 团队成员的角色(续),Prerequisites for CFT Success跨职能团队成功的先决条件,大家都具备并奉献技术和人际交往的技能 团队成员、原来的职能经理和项目/团队领导的三方接触 团队成员的权限明确 每个人都有责任和业务按照要求工作,People bring both technical and interpersonal skills. A three-way c

5、ontract exists between team members, their functional managers and project/team leader. Members authority and limits are clear. Everyone accepts responsibility and obligation to perform to requirements.,Prerequisites for CFT Success (Contd)跨职能团队成功的先决条件,跨职能团队有进展和汇报机制,如关键阶段性成果图 开始要花时间选择合适的人选,并进行培养 负责的

6、职能经理要准备跟踪进展,认可突出的业绩,惩戒工作不力者 认识到要投入很多时间,认识到要按时完成W3s.,Cross-functional team has progress and reporting mechanism, e.g., Milestone Chart. Time spent at outset to choose the right players and develop the team. Accountable functional managers are prepared to track progress, recognize good performance and

7、 confront non-performance. Understanding the significant time commitment, and the expectation of completing W3s in a timely fashion.,10 Rules for CFT Activity跨职能活动的十条规则,每周在固定时间固定地点召开碰头会 准时,及时开始,不允许无故缺席 总是有议程安排,并于会议开始至少48前发到各人手中 按照16步法开会,不能偷工减料! 会上识别重大问题,但不一定要求会上解决,Have a fixed meeting time and place

8、 each week. Be on time and start promptly. Unexcused absences are not permitted! Always have an agenda and circulate it at least 48 hours before the meeting. Follow the 16 step process-there are no shortcuts! Identify, do not try to solve major problems in the meeting.,10 Rules for CFT Activity (Con

9、td)跨职能活动的十条规则 (续),每个人都必须参与 - 不存在“旁听”现象 保持一个滚动式“何人,何事,何时”记录,每周回顾 - 不允许错漏 识别你不能解决的障碍,如合适,将其扩大 在会后24小时内,将有“何人,何事,何时”的会议记录发下去 沟通,沟通,再沟通!,Everyone must participate-there are no free rides! Keep a running 3W list and review each week-continual misses are unacceptable. Recognize barriers you cannot solve a

10、nd escalate them as appropriate. Publish minutes with 3Ws within 24 hours of meetings. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!,16 Step CFT Process CFT 16步回顾,Part 1 :Processes and Players 1.Identify high-leverage processes and the functions involved 2.Establish the CFT scope and charter 3.Select CFT l

11、eader and members Part 2:Scope and Mapping 4.Validate the scope and charter 5.Map the baseline process 6.Establish baseline performance 7.Identify value-added and non-value-added process steps and activities 8.Map the entitled process Part 3 :Measurements 9.Determine key measurement required 10.Desi

12、gn the measurement system 11.Establish initial entitled performance Part 4 :Barriers 12.Identify barriers 13.Develop cause and effect diagram to find out root cause barriers 14.Rank order root cause barriers 15.Assign and schedule barrier removal action 16.Track progress through measurement system,第

13、一部分 :明确关键程序及相关人员 1.明确关键程序和职能 2.明确跨职能团队工作范围和原则 3.明确跨职能团队领导和成员 第二部分:决定范围并画流程图 4.决定程序和原则 5.画流程图 6.确定基础绩效 7.明确增值与非增值之程序及活动 8.排除非增值程序,作出理想的程序图 第三部分:建立评估系统,决定B及E 9.决定评估指标 10.设计评估指标体系 11.设定最初的目标绩效 第四部分:找出并排除障碍,改善程序 12.找出障碍 13.画鱼刺图找根本原因 14.根本原因排序 15.制定排除障碍计划 16.跟踪进程,准备会议议程和会议记录(会议前后一个工作日内完成) 征求对会议记录的反馈,确认该记

14、录反映了团队的共同意见 记录行动计划项目,保证“何事、何人、何时”的记录总是最新的 明确行动项目哪些已经完成,哪些暂时搁置 将团队的成功项目公之于众,Prepares and distributes agenda and meeting minutes within one working day of meeting Requests feedback on minutes to assure that they reflect consensus of team Maintains the Action Item List so that 3Ws (what, who, and when)

15、 are always current Highlights completions and short falls to Action Item List Publicizes teams successes,Scribe and Communication Specialist记录和沟通专家,Measurement Specialist 绩效评估专员,评估专员负责领导团队评估工作,并给予评估建议。他/她所担负的工作有: 和业务改进团队的绩效评估负责人合作,协调该团队的评估活动 和团队成员合作,收集评估资料,描述基础状况、目标状况,监督实际周期时间、第一次通过率、进程中行动/进程中工作、交付

16、成本、生产效率等指标的改进状况 在团队成员的协助下,编写工作汇报的样板格式 设计并运用恰当的评估指标 定期公布评估结果,The Measurement Specialist is responsible for leading and advising the team on measurement. Functions performed are: Works with BIT measurement owner to coordinate measurement activities for the team Works with team members to collect measurement data to define Baseline, Entitlement and monitors improvement of actual cycle time, first pass yield, AIP/WIP, delivery cost, productivity, etc. Develops reporting formats with help of team Ens


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