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1、 密封线内请勿书写答案密封线20192020学年度第二学期四年级英语期末试卷(答题时间:40分钟 命题: 审核: ) 成绩:_ . 书写卷面整洁,书写美观。卷面较整洁,书写规范。卷面基本整洁,书写正确。学号. 听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)( ) 1. A.Monday B. Friday C.Tuesday ( )2. A. trees B. flowers C. boats( ) 3. A. gloves B.trousers C. jeans姓名( )4. A. thirsty B. thirty C. tired( )5. A.headache B.cold C.

2、ill ( ) 6. A. draw B. swim C. sakte( )7. A. pill B. ill C. still班级( )8. A. go swimming B. go skating C.go climbing( )9. A. four fifty B.four forty C. four thirty( )10. A. Chinese and PE B. English and Art C.Science and PE二、听录音,给下面的图片标序号。(听两遍) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的应答句。(听两遍)( )1. A. I ha

3、ve English and PE. B.I like Maths and Art.C. We have Chinese. ( )2. A. Its Monday. B. Its summer.C. Its seven oclock.总分_ 、一、二、三、四、一、二、密封线( )3. A.Its Su Hais. B. Its my cousins. C. Theyre Su Yangs . ( )4. A . I can draw. B. I go swimming.C. I make snowmen. ( )5. A.Have some water. B.Heres a cake. C.

4、Heres a fan.四、听录音,填上所缺内容。(听三遍)Hello, Im Tim. I like flying kites with Mike. In spring, its _.We usually go to the _ on _. Its very beautiful.I can draw _ and trees there. 笔试部分 一、单项选择题。( ) 1.下列单词中字母“o”的发音有一个和其他三个不一样,请选出来: A.coffee B.hot C. sock D.glove( ) 2. - you hungry,Mike? -No ,I am . A. Do; feve

5、r B.Are; thirsty C. Are; cough( )3.Jack and Joe often at six thirty in the . A. is;ItsB. are;TheyC. is;TheyreD. are;Theyre A.have dinner ; evening B. has dinner; morning C.has dinner; night ( )4. -What can you , Nancy?-I . A. pies;forB. tea;toC. coffee;forD. cakes;to A. do;draw B. draw;can draw. C.

6、do;can draw ( ) 5. I feel(感觉) , perhaps(也许)I have . A.cold; cold B.a cold; a cold C. cold;a cold( )6. _ sweater is my sisters and _ jeans are my cousins.A. boy;heB. girl;sheC. boy,herD. girl;her A. That ; this B.This ; those C.Those ; these ( )7. -Hi,Nick.Come and _table tennis!- OK.I dont have_ les

7、oons after school.A.playing; some B.play ;any C. play ; some( )8.- What subjects do you _? - I like_. A. How manyB. How muchC. How oldD. How are A. have ;Chinese B.like ;Monday C. like;Chinese( ) 9. -_ you thirsty? -No, I _ tired. A. Are ; have B. Are ; am C. Are ; have a ( )10. - Hello,this is Tim

8、_ , may I_ to Tom?- Hello, Tim.This is Tom. A. speak ; speaking B. speaking ;speak C. speaking ; speaking 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. - What can you_ (see) over there? - I can see some _ (tree) .2. - Do you like Saturday? -Yes, I dont have _ (some) lessons on Saturday.密封线3.-I _(is/am/are) hungry. -Come and _ (

9、have)a cake. 4. -Are these gloves _ (Helen)?- Yes, theyre _ ( she)gloves. 二、三、四、五、六、七、密封线5. In autumn,its cool,we go _(climb).6. I _ (have) a swimming lesson ,she _ (have)a swimming lesson too. 三、连词成句。1. lessons, what, do, you, have ( ? ) _2. you, do, when,up, get ,morning,the,in(?) _3. tree, can, you, see, the,over,there (?) _4. trousers,your,are, long, too (.)_5. I,come, to, cant, school,today(.) _四、根据图片和首字母提示,补全单词。A: Lets go and p_ table tennis!B: Im sorry ,I cant.



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