2018年秋人教版九年级上册(达州)英语作业课件:Unit4 第七课时 Self Check(共24.ppt)

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《2018年秋人教版九年级上册(达州)英语作业课件:Unit4 第七课时 Self Check(共24.ppt)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年秋人教版九年级上册(达州)英语作业课件:Unit4 第七课时 Self Check(共24.ppt)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 require,silent,general,speech,introduce 1Tomorrow Dr. Clark will give a _ to all the students. 2The work _ a lot of patience.I think Lily can finish it well. 3Keep _,kids.Now Im telling you some good news. 4There is an _ to Dazhou in this magazine. 5The _ opinion is that th

2、e meeting was a success.,speech,requires,silent,introduction,general,二、单项选择。 ()6.The _ in the football game was 21.Our team won the game. Congratulations! Atreat Bspeech Cscore Dguard ()7.Linda used to be very shy,and she didnt _ to say what she thought. Adare Bdecide Chate Dagree,C,A,()8.Here is a

3、new coat for you. Thank you.Thats exactly _ I need. Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhere ()9.I dont think you have to go to the post office _.Sarah can go there instead of you. Ain public Bin person Cin common Din fact,B,B,()10.Susan used to be afraid of speaking in public,didnt she? _.But now shes a good public

4、 speaker. ASo she is BNo,she didnt CYes,she did DI dont think so,C,三、根据所给的中文意思完成句子。每空一词。 11张杰赢得了数学比赛。他的老师一定为他感到骄傲。 Zhang Jie won the math competition. His teacher must be _ _ him. 12我们时常收到舅舅的来信。 We hear from our uncle _ _ _ _. 13尽管昨晚外面很冷,爸爸还是去跑步了。 Dad went for a run _ _ it was cold outside last nigh

5、t.,proud of,from time to time,even though/if,14我不知道该怎样处理这个问题。 I dont know how to _ _ the problem. 15迈克已经下定决心努力备考并取得好成绩。 Mike has _ _ _ to study hard for the tests and get good grades.,deal with,made a decision,四、按要求完成下面各句。每空一词。 16I used to go to school by_bike(对画线部分提问) _ _ you use to go to school? 1

6、7Having dinner with friends is impossible for the young mom. (改为同义句) _ _ for the young mom to have dinner with friends. 18My friend Mary is tall_and_slim(对画线部分提问) _ your friend Mary _?,How did,Its impossible,.Whats,like,19Its been five years since he left his hometown.(改为同义句) _ been away from his ho

7、metown _ five years. 20Paul missed ten classes last week.(改为同义句) Paul was _ _ ten classes last week.,Hes,for,absent from,五、从下面的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(其中有两项为多余选项) A:Hey,Paul!Over here!21._ B:Oh,Tina!What a surprise to see you here! A:Thats right.I havent seen you for nearly two years.22._ B:I have been on t

8、he city basketball team and have been busy practicing.Im on vacation here this week.23._ A:I am a singer in a band. B:Really?24._,E,C,A,G,A:Yeah,but now I am outgoing. B:Wow!People sure change.How many members are there in your band? A:There are four,three boys and one girl.We are going to give a mu

9、sic show at Screen City this Saturday.25._,B,B:Sure.Id like to. AWhat do you do now? BHow I miss the old days! CWhere have you been these two years? DWould you like to come? EDont you remember me? FSo,what do you do about it? GYou used to be shy in front of a group,didnt you?,六、完形填空。 A Many students

10、 like sports.I like sports too.Sports in our school have _26_ a lot.Now we have more activities than before.More and more students take an active part _27_ ball games,running and jumping on the playground.We are so _28_ at those things.Doing sports is a good way to keep _29_Whats more,a strong body

11、can help us _30_ better and live a happier life.,()26.A.changed Bbecome Cchanges Dbecame ()27.A.in Bat Cfor Dwithout ()28.A.exciting BExcited Cinterest Dinteresting ()29.A.ill Bsick Cfit Dfat ()30.A.studies Bstudied Cstudying Dstudy,A,A,B,C,D,B When I was younger,I _31_ afraid of and hate dogs.If a

12、dog was close to me,I would move away as _32_ as possible,or go to _33_ side of the street. But later on,my sister bought a puppy called Cathy,and I had to live with a dog in my house.My sister told me to pet the dog.She was small and looked nice and loving,_34_ I wasnt so scared,and I did it.The pu

13、ppy did not attack (袭击) me.Thats when I _35_ I really liked this puppy! I started taking care of her,feeding her,taking her out for walks,and taking her to the vets (兽医站) for checkups.Slowly I started to find _36_,Now,I love her so much,and I would do anything for her. My friends are still _37_ why

14、I am no longer afraid of dogs.It was a long time,but I did it.I make up my mind to _38_ being afraid.I _39_ my fear and the challenge and I overcome them.You can,too!Is there anything you are afraid of?You have the power to beat it!Think about it and see if you can _40_ a way to face your fear.Take

15、a chance!It could change your life.,()31.A.used to be Buse to Cused being Dused be ()32.A.slowly Bslow Cquick Dfast ()33.A.other Bthe other Cothers Dthe others ()34.A.and Bbut Cso Dor ()35.A.realized Bhoped Cregarded Drequired,A,D,B,C,A,()36.A.angry Bhappiness Clove Dhate ()37.A.surprised BExcited C

16、afraid Drelaxed ()38.A.begin Bstop Close Dinterest ()39.A.get BRaise Cunderstand Dface ()40.Ae up with Bdeal with Ccompare with Dtake up,C,A,B,D,A,七、阅读理解。 Did you use to be weak and unhealthy?If so,what did you do to make yourself healthy again?Could you please give me some advice?,()41.Alma thinks _ is useful to keep healthy. Ahaving a good habit Beating healthily Cdrinking a lot of water Ddoing sports ()42.Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined sentence? AThat was bad fo



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