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1、(全国卷)2021届高三英语下学期4月经典模拟题8(含解析)(时间:120分钟 满分:120分)选择题部分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。A(2021江西赣州市) Amanda had just come home from school. Exhausted but looking forward to receiving an email from her friend in New Zealand, she turned on her computer and waited

2、 impatiently for it to start up. As she waited, she began thinking about the times she spent with Bridget, her best friend, since primary one. Just then, an envelop popped out on her screen. Amanda sat up and clicked on the “Inbox” bar, expecting to see her friends usual email.Amanda was surprised t

3、o see the email address belonging to Bridgets brother in bold at the top of a row of emails in her inbox. He seldom wrote to her because he was much older and they had nothing in common. A feeling of dread passed through her but she ignored it.“It was probably nothing,” she said as she clicked on th

4、e email. What she saw was totally unexpected. It was a short email. He simply said that Bridget had been in a serious car accident and was hospitalized in the intensive care unit. He would write again later. Amandas jaw dropped and her fingers that had been so busy clicking the mouse buttons earlier

5、 slid off the computer table.At a loss as to what to do, Amanda hurriedly typed an email in response. She asked Bridgets brother for more information about the accident and Bridgets condition. Amandas eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to flow down her cheeks. She could not help remembering tha

6、t Bridget had told her of her plans to return to Singapore to visit her. She wanted to call Bridgets brother immediately but it was only then that she realized she did not have his number.Sitting up, she clicked on the Inbox bar to check her incoming message again. However, the sign No New Message f

7、lashed at the bottom of her screen.1What can we know about Amanda from Paragraph 1&2?AShe missed her best friend Bridget very much.BShe was happy to hear from Bridgets brother.CShe hasnt contacted her friend Bridget for long.DShe has never heard from Bridgets brother before.2What does the underlined

8、 word “dread” mean in Paragraph 2?ALoneliness.BFear.CRegret.DRelief.3How did Amanda feel after reading the email?AExcited.BDisappointed.CSurprised.DConcerned.4What is the best title for the text?AA Shocking EmailBA Car AccidentCA Terrible DayDA True Friend B(2021江西省宜丰中学高三一模) Scientist at University

9、College London have discovered sets of regulatory genes, which are responsible for maintaining healthy hearing. The finding, made in fruit flies, could lead to treatments for age-related hearing loss (ARHL) in humans.Globally, one-third of people aged over 65 experience hearing impairment, and while

10、 there are thought to be more than 150 genes that may affect hearing loss, there is no unified (统一的) view on how to use these to develop hearing loss treatments.In the study, published in Scientific Reports, researchers are at the UCL Ear Institute assessed the hearing ability of the common fruit fl

11、y across its life span (around 70 days) to see if their hearing declines with age.A fruit flys ears share many molecular (分子的) similarities with the ears of humans, making it an ideal tool for the study of human hearing loss.Researchers found that the antennal ears of fruit flies also display ARHL w

12、ith nearly all sensitive hearing measures starting to decline after 50 days of age. This made the researchers want to know if there were any “age-variable” genes in the flies inner ears which have kept the ears healthy for 50 days of their lives.After closer examination, researchers identified a new

13、 set of regulatory genes-homeostasis genes. These genes are often responsible for picking up sound and the overall sensitivity of the ear. Using this information, scientists were then able to genetically modify (修改) the genes and prevent the flies from getting ARHL.Professor Joerg Albert, lead autho

14、r of the study, said: “While many studies have been conducted into the hearing function of fruit flies, ours is the first to look at the mechanistic and molecular detail of their auditory life course.”“The fact that these genes are conserved in humans will also help to focus future clinical research

15、 in humans and thereby accelerate the discovery of new pharmacological or gene-therapeutic strategies.”5What did scientists at UCL discover?AOne-third of people aged over 65 have hearing problems.BHomeostasis genes maintain ones ability to hear.CThere are regulatory genes that are related to aging.D

16、Humans have over 150 genes that can affect hearing loss.6Why were fruit flies used in the research?ATheir hearing system is similar to that of humans.BTheir hearing ability also declines with age.CThey display ARHL during their lifespan.DThey share many genes with humans.7What is the main purpose of the last


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