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1、Reading and Thinking,Unit 3 Diverse Cultures,Learnabouta citythathasdiversecultures,How do you feel about San Francisco while watching the video?,It is a city in California which lies on the Coast of the US.,What do you know and want to know about the city?,West,It is famous for its and its .,Chinat

2、own,sports teams,Its a world-famous tourist city with many tourist attractions such as and . .,Golden Gate Bridge,Lombart Street,Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥,It is one of the (最富有的)cities in America.,wealthiest,It is a city of .,diverse cultures,Therefore, we can know in the article ,li Lan records_ . So

3、 it may be a_.,what she saw, heard, did and felt in her dairy after visiting San Francisco, US,Format(格式): _ The heroine(女主人公): _ The place she visited: _,dairy,Li Lan,San Francisco, US,travel journal,2 Prediction,3 Reading Task 1:Read for Li lans travel route and writing order,Q1: Where has she bee

4、n to and which place does she plan to visit ? (pay attention to the captalized words),Q2: How is the article organized ?,Has been : Redwood Forest, Napa Valley, Mission District,a local museum, Chinatown,plan to visit:Richmond District,Time order/Timeline (morning, afternoon, evening and tomorrow),T

5、ask2: The timeline,camped in the Redwood Forest; visited the wine country of Napa Valley,Before coming to San Francisco,the Redwood Forest,Napa Valley,morning,explored the neighborhood;,learned about Mission School Art;,ate Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck,Mission District教会区,Mexican-Chines

6、e noodles,a food truck 快餐车,afternoon,went to a historical museum,4 evening,enjoyed a meal in a Cantonese restaurant in the Chinatown,4 tomorrow,will go to a jazz bar in the Richmond District,Para1: 1What impressed the writer first about San Francisco? 2 How did the writer feel about San Francisco?Wh

7、y?,The beautiful old buildings ,many sitting on top of big hills.,She felt amazed as San Francisco was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.,Task3:Explore the diverse cultures of the city,Para2(in the Mission District, morning):,residents,art,food,Why is it called “a rea

8、l mix of cultures ”?,Because of its residents , art , and food.,Topic sentence ?,Some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.,America got California from _,attracted over 300,000 people from all over the world.,made a great contribution to the changes.,Mexico,The gold rush,Chinese people,1What

9、 historical changes happened in California? 2What contributions did Chinese make?,Many others found jobs on farms ,joined the gold rush,or went to build the railway that joined California to the eastern region of the country.,Para3:(in a local museum,afternoon),“When these immigrants left their coun

10、tries, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, and built a new home here.”,Whats your understanding of the last sentence?,People from different countries brought diverse cultures to build a new home with their hometown in heart.,Para 4:( in the Chinatown , the evening),Was there any example to s

11、how cultural diversity?,There were cafs and restaurants, including a Cantonese restaurant serving its food on beautiful china plates.,Para 5:( tomorrow evening , a jazz bar in Richmond Street),Jazz originated from the American Blacks; originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, southern United States in t

12、he late nineteenth Century.,Is there any example showing cultural diversity?,jazz bar,Cultural/ Ethnic diversity,Chinatown (cafs and Chinese restaurants),4 Summary,The Mission District (people from Mexico or Central America,street art,mexican-Chinese food),The local museum (immigrants from different

13、 countries),Richmond District (a jazz bar),Possible answer: One culturally diverse place in China I know is Hongkong, There is a great British influence there, as it was once ruled by Britain. The year 1997 saw the return of Hongkong. It is now a major international city with beautiful Western-style

14、 architecture and lots of interesting restaurants.The unique charm of Hokong lies in the perfect mixture of Chinese and western culture.,The benefits: People are able to experience a wide variety of cultures, making their lives more interesting. The challenges: People may have trouble communicating or understanding each other.,5,



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