四年级上册英语课件-lesson 2 what season is it now? ∣川教版(三年级起点)(18张ppt) (共18张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件-lesson 2 what season is it now? ∣川教版(三年级起点)(18张ppt) (共18张PPT)_第1页
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四年级上册英语课件-lesson 2 what season is it now? ∣川教版(三年级起点)(18张ppt) (共18张PPT)_第2页
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四年级上册英语课件-lesson 2 what season is it now? ∣川教版(三年级起点)(18张ppt) (共18张PPT)_第3页
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《四年级上册英语课件-lesson 2 what season is it now? ∣川教版(三年级起点)(18张ppt) (共18张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语课件-lesson 2 what season is it now? ∣川教版(三年级起点)(18张ppt) (共18张PPT)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Our School Day,Lesson 2 What Season Is It Now ?,season,What season is it now?,Its,autumn.,Lets learn.,autumn,cool,spring.,What season is it now?,Lets learn.,Its,spring,warm,summer.,What season is it now?,Lets learn.,Its,summer,hot,autumn,cool,winter.,What season is it now?,Lets learn.,Its,win

2、ter,cold,Lets play.,I point ,you point and read.,What season is it now?,Its,What season is it now?,Its autumn.,Hows the weather in autumn?,Its cool.,Lets talk.,Spring is coming .,Its warm.,Summer is coming.,Its hot.,Autumn is coming.,Its cool.,Winter is coming.,Its cold.,Lets chant.,A plant may prod

3、uce new flowers; man is young but once. 花有重开日,人无再少年。,The four seasons change , spring comes after winter. 四季变迁,冬去春来。,Dont dawdle away your time , or the young head will soon turn white. Then it will be in vain for you to moan and mourn for this. 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。,Cherish the time . 珍惜时间。 Grasp the time .Hold it .Hold it tightly. 抓住那似水年华,抓住,抓住!,1.Copy the words and sentences. 2.Make a dialogue with your classmates. 3.Draw a picture about spring summer autumn and winter.,Homework.,Thank you.,


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