2018年秋人教版九年级英语(广东)作业课件:Unit13 Section A 基础导学(共24张PPT)

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《2018年秋人教版九年级英语(广东)作业课件:Unit13 Section A 基础导学(共24张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年秋人教版九年级英语(广东)作业课件:Unit13 Section A 基础导学(共24张PPT)(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 13Were trying to save the earth!,人教版,Section A基础导学,【必记单词】litter,bottom,fisherman,coal,ugly,advantage,cost,wooden,plastic,cruel,harmful,industry,law,scientific,afford 【重点短语】 1.play a part in参与到中 2.hear of听说 3be popular in/among在中受欢迎 4.turn off关掉 5pay for付款 6.be harmful to对有害,7at the top/bottom o

2、f在顶/底部 8.be in danger处于危险中 9take part in参加 10.take action采取行动 11help out帮助解决困难 12.lead to通往;导向 13begin with. 以开始 14.add up合计,【典型句式】1.To cut down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公共汽车或坐地铁代替开车。 2Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!镇

3、上的每个人都应该参与到清扫当中来! 3Were trying to save the earth.我们正在尽力拯救地球。 4So together,our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future!因此,我们齐心协力就能带来变化,创造美好的未来!,【核心语法】1.复习动词的时态和语态。2.复习情态动词。 【语言目标】谈谈国内外人们的消费理念与动物生存之间的矛盾,增强环保的公益意识。,一、预习课本Section A的新单词,写出下列重点单词。 1工业;行业n._ 2.残酷的;残忍的adj._ 3法律;法规n._ 4.科学上

4、的adj._ 5承担得起;买得起v._ 6.有害的adj._ 7优点;有利条件n. _ 8.底部;最下部n. _,industry,cruel,law,scientific,afford,harmful,advantage,bottom,9煤块;煤n._ 10.废弃物;垃圾n. 乱扔v._ 11渔民n._ 12.木制的;木头的adj._ 13花费v. 价钱;花费n._ 14.丑陋的;难看的adj._ 15塑料的adj. 塑料n._,coal,litter,fisherman,wooden,cost,ugly,plastic,二、预习课本Section A,写出下列重点短语。 1对有害_ 2.在

5、顶部_ 3参加_ 4.关掉_ 5付费;付出代价_ 6.采取行动_ 7起作用;有影响_ 8.切断(电源,水等)_,be harmful to,at the top of,take part in,turn off,pay for,take action,make a difference,cut off,三、预习课本Section A,完成下列重点句子。 1这条河过去很干净。 The river _so clean. 2空气被严重污染了。 The air _ 3这(种行为)正在把美丽的地方变成丑陋的地方。 This is _beautiful places _ugly ones.,used to

6、 be,is badly polluted,turning,into,4行动起来吧,一刻也不能等了! We _any longer_! 5我们的行动会起作用并带领我们走向更好的未来。 Our actions can _and _a better future.,cant afford to wait,to take action,make a difference,lead to,1Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish. 甚至河底堆满了垃圾。 【解惑】bottom名词,意为“底部;最下部”。其反义词为top,意为“顶端;最上面的部分”

7、。常用短语:from top to bottom意为“从上到下,完完全全”;at the bottom of意为“在的底部”,其反义短语为at the top of意为“在顶部或顶端”。,eg:Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish. 把洋葱片铺在盘底。 There isnt enough time to clean your entire home from top to bottom. 没有足够的时间让你把整个家里里外外彻底打扫干净。 Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the o

8、ceans ecosystem. 鲨鱼在海洋生态系统中处于食物链的顶端。,【活用】我衷心地感谢你们所有的人并祝你们成功。 _my heart,I thank you all and wish you success. 他高声地叫喊。 He shouted _his voice. 2There were no more fish for fishermen to catch.不再有鱼让渔民去捕。,From the bottom of,at the top of,【解惑】no more意为“也不,不再”,相当于not. anymore,强调数量或程度上不再增加,作状语时一般放在实义动词之后;还可作

9、定语或宾语。若no more 位于句首时,主谓要倒装。 eg:Her voice is heard no more.再也听不到她的声音了。 He couldnt lift the table and no more could I 他抬不动那张桌子,我也抬不动。,【活用】我没什么要说的了。 I have _to say. 不要添茶了,谢谢! _tea,thank you! 机不可失,失不再来。 Time or opportunity lost will return _ 3Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything! 它有益于健康,而且不用花

10、钱!,no more,No more,no more,【解惑】cost作动词,意为“花费”,主语常是某个物品或某件事。cost还可作名词,意为“花费;价钱”。常用词组有:at the cost of意为“以为代价”;at all costs意为“不惜任何代价”。 eg:This plant costs 5.这种植物价值5英镑。 The cost of the repairs was very high.修理费非常高。 【注意】cost,spend和pay在一定条件下可相互转换: eg:The pen cost me three yuan. I spent three yuan on the p

11、en. I paid three yuan for the pen.这支钢笔花了我三元钱。,【活用】( )A smile _ nothing,but gives much. AcostsBspends Ccost Dspent ( )How much does the TV _? Not too much.Its just a secondhand one. Acost Bspend Ctake Dpay 4So far,no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health,so why eat them? 到

12、目前为止,没有科学研究表明鱼鳍对健康有益,那么为什么要吃它们呢?,A,A,【解惑】so far意为“到目前为止,迄今为止”,常被当作现在完成时的标志词。 eg:What do you think of the show so far?到目前为止你认为这场演出怎么样? So far there has been no bad news.到现在为止还没有什么坏消息。,【活用】( ) Do you know the Color Run, a fivekilometer race? Yes. So far it _ into quite a few cities in our country. Aco

13、mes Bcame Chas come Dhad come 5All these small things can/could add up and become big things that would/can/could improve the environment. 所有的这些小事可以加起来,就变成了能改善环境的大事。,C,【解惑】add 动词,意为“添加;补充”。短语add up意为“把加起来”。 eg:Mom added that we must finish the homework first.妈妈补充说我们必须先完成家庭作业。 Please add up these num

14、bers.请把这些数字加起来。 【拓展】add up to意为“总共是,总计为”。 eg:All of these add up to 20.所有这些加起来是20。 add to意为“增加”。add. to. 意为“往中加;把加到中”。 eg:The bad weather adds to our difficulties on the trip.行程中坏天气增加了我们的困难。 Please add some milk to/into coffee.请往咖啡里加些牛奶。,【活用】别忘了把我算在内。 Dont forget _me in. 4加6等于10。 If you _,you will get 10.,to add,add 4 to 6/add up 4 and 6,


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