Unit 4 Time第2课时 公开课教学课件(人教新起点二年级英语下册)

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Unit 4 Time第2课时 公开课教学课件(人教新起点二年级英语下册)_第1页
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Unit 4 Time第2课时 公开课教学课件(人教新起点二年级英语下册)_第2页
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《Unit 4 Time第2课时 公开课教学课件(人教新起点二年级英语下册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Time第2课时 公开课教学课件(人教新起点二年级英语下册)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Time,Lesson 2,第2课时,Listen and chant,Tick tock. Tick tock. Goes the clock. Its eleven oclock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Goes the clock. Its 11:20.,Tick tock. Tick tock. Goes the clock. Its 11:30. Tick tock. Tick tock. Goes the clock. Its 11:40. Tick tock. Tick tock. Goes the clock. Its 11:50.,Warm

2、-up,Its _ oclock.,What time is it?,Warm-up,Lets say,four,seven,three,eight,Lets learn,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,Presentation,five,Lets learn,Presentation,What time is it?Its 7 oclock .Lets go to school.,go to school,have English class,play football,Lets learn,Presentation,Listen and think,Presentati

3、on,What time is it? What do they want to do?,Look and answer,Presentation,What time is it? What do they want to do?,Its 2:50.,They want to play football.,Lets+动词原形. 表示让我们做某事。,Language point,Presentation,句型讲解询问时间(What time is it?),What time is it?,time,Its three oclock.,Its five oclock.,Language poin

4、t,Presentation,Listen and follow,Presentation,Its 6:30. Lets .,Its 7:05. Lets .,get up,go to school,What time is it?,Practice,Look and say,Its 4:45. Lets .,Its 9:00. Lets .,go home,go to bed,What time is it?,Practice,Look and say,Make and play,A: What time is it? B: Its . Lets .,Practice,A: Good morning./Hello. B: Good morning./Hello. C: What time is it? D: Its 2:13. Its playtime. Lets play football. ABC: OK. Lets go.,Ask and answer,Practice,Homework,1.跟读课文。 2.用所学语言问答现在几点了。,Thank you,Goodbye!,



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