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1、 科学发展观蕴涵的传统文化思想探讨 本篇论文目录导航:【题目】科学发展观蕴涵的传统文化思想探讨【引言】科学发展观对中国文化的继承与发扬引言【第一章】科学发展观的提出及理论渊源【第二章】以人为本对中国传统民本思想的继承发展【第三章】全面协调可持续发展理论对传统辩证法的继承【第四章】构建社会主义和谐社会与和谐观念【第五章】科学发展观对传统文化的继承与发展的研究意义【结语/参考文献】科学发展观对我国传统文化延续结语与参考文献中 文 摘 要发展问题是当今世界的主题,也是当代中国的主题,中国共产党领导集体在第十八次全国代表大会上把科学发展观确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想。科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最



4、,贯彻落实科学发展观具有重要意义。关 键 词 科学发展观;中国传统文化;继承ABSTRACTDevelopment is the theme of todays world, but also the theme of contemporary China,the Communist Party of China collective leadership in the Eighteenth National PeoplesCongress on the scientific development concept for the Party must uphold for a longest

5、ablished guiding ideology. Scientific concept of development of Marxism in Chinas latesttheoretical achievements made in the succession of traditional Chinese culture, based on thepast. This article aims to explore the idea of traditional Chinese culture Scientific Concept ofDevelopment, thus furthe

6、r deepening the awareness of the scientific concept of developmentof knowledge and understanding. This article from the start on the following points:First, explore the origins and theory proposed scientific concept of development, byexploring the scientific concept of development in order to point

7、out the origin of the theoryof traditional Chinese culture is one of the important concept of scientific development theoryorigin.Second, people-oriented elaborate inheritance and development of Chinese traditionalthought of the people, first of all discuss what specific content of Chinese tradition

8、al thoughtof the people are, and then explained to the people-oriented is how to inherit and developtraditional Chinese thought of the people.Third, explore the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of thetheory of the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional dialectic of

9、thought, here toclarify this issue from three perspectives, namely, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainabledevelopment of the theory of traditional Chinese culture, the collective ideology, ideologicalopposites, inheritance and development of man and nature, and the overall coordination of thesci

10、entific concept of development theory and the traditional culture of collectivism linked toexplore the idea of sustainable development is the innovation of this article.Fourth, discusses the concept of a socialist harmonious society and harmonious,harmony and contradiction first two concepts from th

11、e start, and then were discussed in thescientific concept of development in a harmonious society and traditional culture unifiedsociety, and finally explore how the concept of a harmonious socialist society inheritedChinese traditional culture, ideology, but also realize how innovation.Fifth, and fi

12、nally analyzed the theoretical and practical significance of this thesis, thisthesis elaborated by promoting Marxism in favor of nationalization, globalization, in favor oftraditional culture returning to the theory and help promote the comprehensive developmentof society practical significance, hig

13、hlighting the necessity of this research and reality.In short, the article explores the scientific concept of development of traditional Chinesecultural origins of the inheritance and development, to consolidate the position of thescientific development concept of the partys guiding ideology, implem

14、ent the scientificconcept of development is important.Keywords: Scientific Outlook on Development China; traditional culture; inherit目 录引 言(一)选题的目的和意义1.选题目的2.选题意义(二)国内外研究现状1.国外研究概况2.国内研究概况(三)采用的方法和创新之处1.采用的方法2.本文研究的创新之处一、科学发展观的提出及理论渊源(一)科学发展观提出的理论及现实背景1.理论背景-马克思主义中国化的发展2.现实背景-国内外环境的恶化(二) 科学发展观内涵阐释(三

15、)科学发展观理论渊源概述1.对马克思主义思想的继承2.对西方先进思想的继承3.对中国传统思想的继承二、以人为本对中国传统民本思想的继承发展(一) 中国传统民本思想(二)以人为本与民本1.重视人的道德修养2.肯定人民的政治作用即民贵君轻3.重视民生三、全面协调可持续发展理论对中国传统辩证法思想的继承发展(一)对中国传统文化中的集体主义思想的继承发展1.中国传统文化中集体主义思想内容概述2.全面协调可持续发展理论对传统文化集体主义思想的继承(二)对中国传统文化的对立统一思想的继承发展1.传统文化对立统一思想精髓2.全协调可持续发展理论对对立统一思想的继承(三)对中国传统天人合一思想的继承发展1.传统文化对于人与世界关系的理解-天人合一2.全面协调可持续发展理论对天人合一的体现四、构建社会主义和谐社会与和谐观念(一)和谐与矛盾(二)科学发展观中的和谐社会与传统文化的大同社会1.传统文化中的大同社会2.科学发展观中的和谐社会(三)科学发展观构建和谐社会对中国传统文化思想继承发展1.社会主义



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