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1、本周学习重点七年级上册Unit 3 The Earth重点语法:1.可数与不可数名词2. there be 句型重点及难点解析一、可数与不可数名词教材典句1. The earth provides us with air, water and food.2. There are many differentplants.3. There are also many people like youand me on Earth.4. There is a lot of pollution.5. We must stop doing thesethings.以上5个句子是本单元的主要句型,也是我们

2、本单元的语法知识点。语法全解 名词详解考点归纳1可数名词的复数变化1) 规则变化(1) 大多数都直接在名词后加-s。(2) 以-s , -x , -ch , -sh结尾的名词加-es。(3) 以元音字母+y结尾的名词加-s,如boys,days;但以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加-es,如babies,flies,libraries;以辅音字母+y结尾的专有名词直接加-s,如Marys,Henrys等。(4) 以-o结尾的名词,大多数在词尾加-s,如bamboos,radios,photos,kilos,但也有少数加-es,如potatoes,tomatoes,heroes; 而ze

3、ro两种形式均可。(5) -f,-fe结尾的名词,大部分将-f,-fe改成v,再加-es,如knives,halves,thieves,shelves,leaves,wives,wolves;但也有少数直接加-s,如roofs,beliefs,safes;而handkerchief和scarf两种均可。背记小口诀:妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去砍狼(wolf),小偷(thief)吓得发了慌; 躲在架(shelf)下保己(self)命(life),半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮面包(loaf)。2) 不规则变化(1) 单复数同形sheep,fish,deer,Chinese,Japan

4、ese。(2) 变内部元音man men,toothteeth,mouse mice,foot feet,goose geese。(3) 其他形式。childchildren ox oxen grown-up grown-ups(成年人) passer-by passers-by(过路人)brother-in-law brothers-in-law(姐夫,妹夫)man与woman作定语修饰的名词改为复数时,两者都要改为复数,如:two women doctors,many men leaders。但是boy, girl作定语修饰复数名词时用单词形式。例如two girl students.3)

5、 特殊的复数形式(1) 只有复数,没有单数形式。如:trousers裤子,clothes衣服,shorts短裤,goods商品,glasses眼镜,shoes鞋子等。(2) 集合名词不能用具体的数字修饰,只能在其前加the表示全体,如:the police,the English,the people,动词也用复数形式,但family,class,team,group等集合名词,若指整体,看作单数形式,若指其中的成员,则看作复数形式,动词也应该有相应变化。【注意】:可数名词的量可以用many,few,a few,several,a(large/great) number of,等来修饰,而so

6、me,any,enough,a lot of,lotsof,plenty of,等既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。而much,a little ,little , a great deal of 修饰不可数名词。2不可数名词(1)不可数名词一般只有单数形式,前面不能直接加冠词,但在一些固定短语中有些不可数名词也可转化为可数名词, 如havea good time,a heavy rain,a strong wind等。(2)不可数名词一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a / an ,若要表示它的个体意义时, 一般需要将其量化。不可数名词如何量化:就是在不可数名词前

7、面加上“数词+量词+of”,比如:paper(纸),cloth(布),news(新闻),advice(意见),information(信息),meat(肉))apieceofpaper一张纸条twobottlesofink两瓶墨水;apieceofbread一块面包。3常以复数形式出现的名词People(人),clothes(衣服),trousers(裤子),police(警察),glasses(眼镜),这些名词做主语时,同学们应特别注意它们的谓语要用复数。4. 复数形式的单数名词有些名词看似复数形式,实际上是单数。这一点是同学不易掌握的,应特别加以记忆。如:news(消息),maths(数学

8、),physics(物理),Nonews is good news5. 名词的所有格(1) 名词所有格一般都是在结尾加 s,如Kates,但以-s结尾的复数,只加“ ”,如Teachers Day; of+名词用来表示无生命东西的所有关系,如the problem of the Americans。但表示时间、距离、国家、地点等无生命的名词,所有格也有s的形式,如twodays trip。(2) 当某物为两人共有时,名词所有格为A+ Bs,eg. Jim and Toms room (共同所有)。 而当某物为各人所有时为As+Bs, Jims and Toms rooms(各自所有)。(3)

9、双重所有格则指:of+名词所有格名词性物主代词,如a cousin of my fathers,afriend of mine。链接中考题【例1】The biggest 32 isthat in Japan,only girls and women give chocolatesto boys and men.(2012广州市中考试题) Adifference Bdifferences Cdifferent Ddifferently【解析】本题出自于语法填空,指最大的一个不同点,所以应该选择名词的单数形式,C different是形容词形式,D differently 是副词形式,因此正确答案

10、为A。【例 2】Most people look forward tothe 43 , a time when they can enjoy a change from their normal life.(2008广州市中考试题)43. A.dreams B. gifts C. meals D. holidays【解析】本题出自于完型填空,根据题目的意思,应该是指大部分的人都期待一个假期来过一段不同于日常生活的时光,所以正确答案为D.考点精练. Choose the bestanswer1. Well have a _ holiday. What aboutgoing to the West

11、 Lake? A.two days B. two-day C. two-days D. two-days2. Linda, Ive bought many _. Now letsmake the birthday cake. A.fresh eggs B. chocolate milk C. frozen food D. rice dumplings3. Do you know whose thispair of _ is? A. taxis B. flowers C. jeans D. umbrellas4.In his letter, Uncle Lee told us many _ ab

12、out his visit to theUnited States.A. news B. stories C.information D. truth5. Li Dong is a friend of my _. We often play card games together.A. brother B. brothers C. brothers D.brothers6. Miss Smith doesnt have _ housework to dotoday.A. a piece B. many C. a lot D.much7. I didnt think it easy fora y

13、oung girl to finish so much work in _. A. two days time B. two-days time C. two days time D. two days time8. Wehad many pens, but ink.A. few B. a few C. not many D. not much9. He wrote letter to his parents yesterday.A. a 800 words B. an 800word C. an 800words D. a 800word10.A _ usually helps people put out the fire. A. farmer B. managers C. fisherman D. fireman11.There are_ birds inthat big tree.


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