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1、Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?重点单词讲解:1. receive : 从收到_Eg:1)我昨天收到了我朋友的一封来信._ 2)他从朋友那里收到了一份礼物._2.cost : sth cost sb some money eg:这本书花了我10元钱._ =_=_How much does the scarf _ you ? 3.give away :随后同样的礼物可能被赠送给其他人。_4.rather than : 1)我喜欢唱歌而不是跳舞. I like singing _ _ _.2) 我想去购物而不是和他们一起做游戏. I want to go s

2、hopping _ _ _ games with them. 3)周末我宁愿呆在家里看电视而不愿去购物. I prefer to watch TV at home _ _ go shopping at weekends . 4)宁愿而不愿 would do rather than do / would rather do than do / prefer to do rather than do 同义词: instead of eg: I went to school on foot _ _ _ my bike .5. winner : v-_ v过去式_ 的获胜者_6. interested

3、 :对感兴趣_ 对更感兴趣_7.encourage :鼓励某人做某事_ eg: 他父母经常鼓励他要努力工作。His parents often _ _ _ _ _.8. besides / except -Why did you go swimming _ Tom ? - Because he was ill at home . _ meat and vegetables , you should eat more fruits every day .短语: 1.给某人买某物_/_ 2. 太个人话了_ 3.不够特别_ 4. 太而不能_ 5. 一个叫的猪_ 6. 分发,赠送_ 7. 而不是_8.

4、用不同的方式_ 9.的获胜者_10. 对.感兴趣_ /_ 11. 鼓励某人做某事_12. 听说_ /_ 13.学英语的好方法_12.取得进步_句型总结:1. 我应该给妈妈买什么呢为了她的生日?_2. 你为什么不给她买条围巾呢? _3.给她买条围巾怎么样?_4.你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?_5.够太难照顾了._6.随后相同的礼物可能被赠送给其他人._7.唱英文歌曲使他对英语更感兴趣._Exercises :1.Why don t you _ (take) a bus to school . 2. Why not _ (go) to the park together ? 3. How abou

5、t _(play) basketball this afternoon? 4. Would you like _ (get) her a scarf ? 5. Youd better _ (not smoke) anymore . Its bad for your health . 6.Im too nervous _ (say ) a word . 7. I have a pot bellied pig _ (name) Connie .8.Sometimes I dont have enough time _(spend) with her . 9. In the USA , some p

6、eople ask their families to give money to charity rather than _ (buy) them gifts.10.We went to movies instead of _(go) shopping .11. My mother often _ me _ _ _ _ the school activities .(鼓励我参加)12. I got a watch _(在我12岁生日那一天)13. The box is too heavy for me _(carry) .14. The computer is too expensive.

7、I cant buy it (合为一句) The computer is _ expensive _ me _ _.=The computer is _ expensive _ _ _ buy it .15. We live in a flat _(带有) two bedrooms . 16. Lucy is the _(win) of the match. 17. Im sure you can learn English _ your classmates .(和.一样好) 18. Would you like _me ? (和我交朋友) 19.我宁可走着去学校,也不做公交车.1)_2)

8、_3)_20. A girl _(call) Lily is waiting for you at the school gate . Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement par?Key words : neither , end up , discover , three quarters , population , whenever 1. Have you seen the film ? -No, not _.(还没有)2. -Would you like to watch the movie Hero this evening ? -Ye

9、s, Id like to . But if you dont go , _.(我也不去)3.Would you like chicken noodles or beef noodles ? -_ . Id like tomato noodles. 4. The play _ _ Hamlets murder .(以结束) 5. The English alphabet _ _ A (以开始) and _ _ (以结束) Z.6.我们对某事感到兴奋然后却最终说了汉语。_7. -Wheres your English teacher ? -She _ Beijing for a meeting

10、. Shell come back in a week.8.Mr Brown _Shanghai for three days . 9.She _Shanghai twice. 10. I have been to Beijing twice ._(他也是) 11. -Why dont you go to the movie with me , Betty ?-Because I _(see) it twice .12. My uncle _(live) here since 1990. 13. 我弟弟和我都不喜欢跳舞._ my brother _I _ dancing.14. The boy came to China five years ago .= The boy _ _ _ China _ five years . 15. 思考,考虑_ eg: 也许


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