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1、 Unit 11 How was your school trip? 第一课时 【学习目标】1. 学习并记忆海洋动物的名称,会用there be 句型的一般过去式谈论动物。 2. 复习动词的过去式以及一般过去时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句,并会用这些句式描述过去发生的事情。3阅读以“过去经历”为话题的课文,找出承上启下的连词,结合这些连词并根据概念图复述课文。【自主预习】1. 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词(1) see _(2) take_(3) hang_(4)buy_(5) sleep_(6) get_(7) meet_(8) has/have_(9) eat_ (10)go_(11)wi

2、n_ 2. 写出下列单词,短语和句子(用动词的原形和过去时)(1)去海边/动物园/海洋馆_(2)吃冰淇淋/汉堡_(3)和朋友一起闲逛_ (4)照相 _(5 )买纪念品 _ (6)看海豹_ (7)得到姚明的亲笔签名 _ (8)碰见一位著名的演员_ (9) 赢得一项奖励_ (10)在你的上次学校旅行中_ (11)看关于鲨鱼的电影 _(12) Laura 买纪念品了吗? _不,她没有。她赢得了一个纪念品。_(13) 你上周的学校郊游怎么样? _ 非常好。_.(14)在海洋馆里有鲨鱼吗?_?没有,但是有一些的确聪明的海豹。_.(15) 9班学生在学校郊游中玩的很开心。_(16) 旅行结束后班长打扫了公

3、交车。_.【合作探究】1Did you have a happy weekend? What did you do?询问完后,组内分工合作Make a report.NameActivitywent to the aquariumhung out with her friendstook photoswent to a gift shopbought some souvenirsmet a famous actor2你能找出P49 3a中的连词和表示时间顺序的词吗?试一试!1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. 翻译:你们还做了别的什么?_ _ _ you do? (=)_ _ _ _ yo

4、u do?结论:_与不定代词、疑问词连用,表示“另外的、其他的”意思,放在这些词的_. 例:Would you like_ _(别的东西) to drink?Who _ will go to the meeting? 还有谁要去参加会议?Where _ did you go? 你还去了什么地方?_用来修饰_,放在_之前。例:Are there any _ questions? What_ animals do you like?【当堂检测】1选择填空 1)After two hours the children got to the hill, tired _ happy. A. and B.

5、 but C. althoughD. however2)Which team _ the game yesterday? A. tookB. beatC. beatedD. won3)_ did you spend your vocation last summer? A. When B. Who C. WhereD. What4)When did you go to bed last night? About 11 oclock. I _. A. slept earlyB. slept late C. got up earlyD. went to bed late5) The music s

6、ounds _, I like it very much. A. good B. wellC. badD. beautifully6) I _ late _ class yesterday morning. A. was, forB. was, toC. am, forD. am, to 7)_ did they play games? For two hours. A. What timeB. WhenC. How longD. How often8)Tomorrow I have a day off, so I want _. A. to take a classB. to hang ou

7、t with my friends C. took a class D. hanging out with my friends2正确使用动词的过去式完成短文。 Tinas happy tripTina _ a great trip last Sunday. First, she _ to the aquarium .There _ many animals in it. She _some seals and sharks. Next she _ out with her friends and _ a lot of photos. After that, she _ a famous ac

8、tor and _ his autograph. She _ very excited. Finally, she _ to a Gift Shop and _ a hat there. Luckily, her friend Toby _ a prize in the Gift Shop. Finally, she _ back home by bus.She _ tired, but she _a really happy school trip!【延伸迁移】A: Hi, Tim! How was your weekend? B: It was so boring. All I did w

9、as to do my homework.A: (1)_. B: How about you?A: (2)_.B: Really? Im glad to hear that. (3)_?A: I went to New York. B: New York? (4)_?A: Well, I went to watch a basketball match.B: Sounds great! (5)_?A: I went with my father. B: What a lucky guy! 第二课时 【学习目标】1. 通过听说练习进一步用过去时谈论过去的事情;2. 通过阅读短文学会对过去的事情进

10、行书面描述;3. 通过谈论,书写过去的经历,提高学生的英语综合运用能力。【自主预习】预习Section B和self-check,写出下列单词,短语和句子 1. 和朋友一起看电视_2. 上一节课_3. 睡过头_ 4. 开车兜风_5. 在我的下一个休息日_6. 在雨中野营_7. 把摆放出来_ 8. 进行一次庭院售卖_9. 听起来像是个忙碌的假期_ 10. 依我看来_11. 淋湿_ 12. 赢得一等奖_13. 昨天的歌唱比赛_ 13. 未来生活_14. 从回来_ 15. 他们中没有一个_【合作探究】1.完成课本p50 2a. 2b 任务之后完成此项听力任务Tony: How was your _, Tina? Tina: Oh, it


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