Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第3课时示范公开课教学课件【八年级英语上册】

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Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第3课时示范公开课教学课件【八年级英语上册】_第1页
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《Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第3课时示范公开课教学课件【八年级英语上册】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第3课时示范公开课教学课件【八年级英语上册】(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?,Section B 1a2e,Lesson Three,Task 1,Warming-up,Look and say,Linda is _ girl of the three. Kate is _ girl of the three.,the tallest,the shortest,Linda,Nancy,Kate,most creative,Lets learn,most boring,creative adj. 有创造力的,创造性的 e.g. He is the most creative musician in

2、the world.,Pre-listening,quietest,loudest,Pre-listening,best / most delicious,worst / most terrible,Pre-listening,Write the words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.,funniest,most creative,best,quietest,quietest,best,funniest,Pre-listening,Try to use the words in 1a, and talk about peo

3、ple you know.,My P.E. teacher is the strongest person I know.,My deskmate Bob is the funniest person I know.,Li Ronghao is the most creative person I know.,Pre-listening,Listen and match the pictures with the performers.,While-listening,d,a,e,c,b,creative, the most creative,worst, terrible,funniest,

4、loudest,best, excellent, great,Listen again. Fill in the chart.,While-listening,Game time!,Who was the best performer?,Eliza was the best performer.,Eliza was ,Eliza ,Who will answer most quickly?,Post-listening,Task 2,Are you a star fan? Who is the most talented person you know? What can he/she do?

5、,Pre-reading,Free talk,Read the passage. Which three talent shows are mentioned?,American Idol Americas Got Talent Chinas Got Talent,While-reading,1. What do talent shows have in common? They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, magicians, the most exciting magicians, the fun

6、niest actors and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. 2. Who decides the winner? The people who watch the show decide the winner.,Read again and answer the questions.,While-reading,While-reading,3. Why do some people not like these shows? Because they think that the lives of the performers a

7、re made up. 4. Why do some people like these shows? Because they are fun to watch. And they give people a way to make their dreams come true. 5. What do you think of these shows? I think they give a way to make peoples dream come true.,Post-reading,Fill and retell,Chinas Got Talent,the best singers,

8、 the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors,fun to watch,make their dream come true,1. Thats up to you to decide. be up to sb. 意为“由某人来做决定”。使用这一短语时, 句子的主语一般为it/this/that,其中it的使用比较常见。 e.g. It is up to you where we will go on weekends. 由你来决定我们周末去哪里。,Post-reading,Languag

9、e points,2. They usually play a role in deciding the winner. play a role 固定表达,意思为“在之中起重要作用、 扮演重要角色”。后面经常接in,由于in是介词,后要加 doing的形式。 play the role of 表示“扮演的角色”。 e.g. I have toplaytheroleofa mother to look after my sisters. 我不得不扮演母亲的角色照顾我的妹妹们。,Post-reading,3. However, not everybody enjoys watching these

10、 shows. 这个句子是部分否定,当一个句子中含有everybody, everyone, everything, all, both等时,无论not在句中何 位置,都是部分否定的作用。 e.g. Both the doors are not open. 两扇门不是都开着。,Post-reading,e.g. best singer: In my class, Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast songs very well.,Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then

11、write sentences using at least four of them.,Yours: ,Post-reading,Post-reading,Whos got talent in your class? Add more talents and write a classmates name for each talent. Find out how many students in your group agree with you.,Thats up to you to decide. They usually play a role in deciding the winner. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows.,Summary,Write about the talents in your class according to 2e.,Homework,谢谢大家,Goodbye!,


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