外研版四年级英语下册《Module 2 Unit 2》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课2

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1、Module 2 Unit 2 Its very old.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 四年级下册章 节Module 2课 名Module 2, Unit 2Its very old.学习目标1. 能听懂、会说 old, famous. Its very old.等词汇和句子。2. 能大体描述某座城市、某个地点或物品的主要特征。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身导入1.看第一部分视频动画, 体会生词 old 和 famous 的意义。1. Hello everyone. Today a bird from Beijing and a bird from London

2、meet together in London. They talk about their homes. What are their homes like? Lets watch the video and find out.同学们好。今天,在伦敦,一只来自北京的鸟儿和一只来自伦敦的鸟儿相遇了。它们聊起了各自的家乡。它们的家都是什么样子的,咱们通过动画了解一下。跟随歌谣,复习上节课的重点词汇和句型,调动学生的学习兴趣。2. 跟随音频读单词 old, famous.3. 跟随视频朗读句子。2. What do the two birds think of their homes? Lets

3、look at the pictures and repeat the words.两只鸟儿是怎么评价它们各自的家的?咱们来看图片读单词。3. Now please follow the video and repeat the sentences.现在,请你们跟随视频逐句朗读。新知呈现1. 学生观看 Part 2 的动画, 观察今天要认识的熊猫朋友都有谁。1. Today Amy is introducing some very famous places in London to Lingling. What are these places? What are they like? Le

4、ts watch the video.今天 Amy 向玲玲介绍伦敦的几处著名景点。是哪几个地方,它们又分别是什么样子的呢?咱们来通过情景展现,学生看看动画。2. 回答 Big Ben, Hyde Park and Tower Bridge.2. OK boys and girls, can you tell me which places Amy introduced to Lingling?孩子们,你们能告诉我,今天 Amy 向玲玲介绍了哪几个地方吗?3. Yes, what do Amy and Lingling think of these places? Lets listen and

5、 find out.这些地点都是什么样的,有什么特点,咱们来听一听。4. Great! Now lets fill in the blanks and learn the words together.很棒!现在我们来通过补全句子,再认识一下这些描述词。5. Now lets try reading the whole text.接下来,咱们来跟读一下整篇课文吧。学习 old, famous 等描述词,复习 beautiful, tall 等常见形容词。3. 逐句听原音,找出 Amy和玲玲对每个地点的评价:Big Ben: very old, very tall. Hyde Park: ver

6、y beautiful. Tower Bridge: very famous, very beautiful.4. 补全句子、加深对于几个描述词的印象。5.跟读全文1. 回 答 ,a window, a schoolbag, a panda, a train, aschool and a desk.1. Look at the pictures, what can you see in them?请看课本第三部分的图片,每幅图里都是什么?2. What are these things like? Can you use one word for each of them?这些东西都是什么样子

7、的?请你用一个单词来分别形容它们。3. Now please work with your partner, ask and answer like this:-Its very old. What is it?-Its a desk. The desk is very old.现在请跟你的搭档一起,用下面的句子来做替换问答。4. Now lets enjoy a famous song, London Bridge is在复习巩固重点词汇2. 按照第一步的顺序,逐一回答 beautiful, new, tall, long,big, old.的基础上,让学生自己练习句型,排除学习障碍。学习歌

8、曲,加强对相分步训练3. 用这一部分剩余五幅图与搭档进行替换问答。关词语的记忆、提升熟练度。4. 练习歌曲的跟唱Falling down, then lets try singing it by ourselves.接下来我们来欣赏一首叫做伦敦桥要倒了的著名童谣,然后试着跟唱一下吧。尝试应用1. 仿照例子给出的句型,介绍剩余图片中的白金汉宫、大本钟、海德公园和塔桥。分别是:This is Buckingham Palace. Its very big and very beautiful.This is Big Ben. Its very old and very tall.This is H

9、yde Park. Its very beautiful.This is Tower Bridge. Its very famous and verybeautiful.1. We have learned about so many famous places in London, now can you try introducing them to the class? You can introduce like this: This is London. Its very big.我们最近认识了很多的伦敦著名景点,你能试着把它介绍给其他同学吗?可以参考这个例子:This is London. Its very big.能在实际情境中运用所学的句型。2. 制作海报,使用相关词汇和举行介绍自己的家乡。2. Good job everyone! Now please make a poster of your hometown and introduce it to the class.接下来,请你制作一幅自己家乡的海报,并试着用英语把它介绍给自己的同学。作业布置请用英语向你的家人介绍四个伦敦的著名地点。课堂内容巩固提升。进步标志1. 能听懂、会说 old, famous. Its very old.等词汇和句子。2. 能大体描述某座城市、某个地点或物品的主要特征。


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