外研版五年级英语下册《Module 7 Unit 1》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课2

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《外研版五年级英语下册《Module 7 Unit 1》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版五年级英语下册《Module 7 Unit 1》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 五年级下册章 节Module 7课 名Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用 evening, late, worker, factory, early, taxi 等词汇。2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型“My father goes to work at eight oc

2、lock every morning.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用;能够谈论活动、行为或事件发生的时间。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身进入1. Look at the pictures and guess what they do.观察图片,猜一猜他们是什么职业。2. Ss look at some pictures and say what time it is.学生根据教师的指令观察图片时间,并正确的表达出来。3. Look at the pictures and understand the main topic for1. Look at the pictures and

3、guess what they do.出示图片,猜一猜他们是什么职业。2. Look at the pictures. What time is it?出示钟表的图片,让学生说一说时间,并通过对话问答交流每个时间可以做的事情。3. Lets watch the video, and answer the questions. Where will they go?When will they leave?通过展示图片并听录音,复习学过的时间表达方法,导入本节课话题。todays lesson.学生观看照片中的人物神态和所做的事情,了解本节课的主题。4.Watch and say.学生看动画跟读

4、,模仿语音语调。引导学生观察图片、听录音,请告诉老师他们想去哪里和几点出发。4. Lets watch and repeat the sentences.看动画,跟读课文。新知呈现1. Watch and listen.看动画,了解课文内容。2. Listen and say.听录音,回答问题。1. Watch and TalkNow watch the video. What can you see? What are they talking about?同学们看动画,讨论对话中的人物在说什么?2. Lets watch and listen, and then answer questi

5、ons. What are they talking about?When does Damings father go to work? What does his father do?When does Fangfangs father go to work? What does her father do?When does Damings mother go to work? What does his mother do?When does Fangfangs mother go to work? What does her mother do?通过情景展现,继续复习时间,学习课文。

6、听录音,回答问题。Daming 和 Fangfang 的父母几点上班?是做什么的?3. Watch and repeat.学生跟读整个对话,并重点跟读词汇。3. Watch and repeat.让我们再次跟着动画听一听、指一指、读一读吧!4. Role play请同学们分角色朗读对话。4. Role play.看动画、跟读课文。角色朗读对话。5. Act out.请同学们分角色表演对话。5. Its time to show.角色表演对话分步训练1. Listen and say听一听,写一写。1. Listen and complete the sentences.听录音,完成句子。巩固所

7、学课文尝试应用1. Look and say.观察图片,运用所学句型描述所给图片。2. Introduce your family members. What do they do? When do they go to work?学生运用所学语言进行描述自己的家长是做什么的,并且几点去上班等。1. Show pictures and make sentences.观察图片,并正确的描述出来: goes to work at is a 2. Talk about your family members.让我们一起来介绍一下自己的家庭成员吧!两人一组,向同伴介绍自己的家庭成员。能在实际情境中运用所学的句型。作业布置今天我们学习了描述事件发生的时间。大家都学会了吗?课后就让我们用学过的单词和句子介绍家人的日常作息吧。课堂内容小结进步标志1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用 evening, late, worker, factory, early, taxi 等词汇。2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型“My father goes to work at eight o clock every morning.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用;能够谈论活动、行为或事件发生的时间。


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