Unit 5 The value of money达标测试卷(含答案)--人教版(2019)必修第三册

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Unit 5 The value of money达标测试卷(含答案)--人教版(2019)必修第三册_第1页
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《Unit 5 The value of money达标测试卷(含答案)--人教版(2019)必修第三册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 The value of money达标测试卷(含答案)--人教版(2019)必修第三册(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5-The value of money达标测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分选择题部分第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMy sister and I were flying by ourselves from our home in Kansas to a summer camp in Minnesota. Our plane had a two-hour stop at the airport in Omaha, Nebraska. A flight atten

2、dant took us to a souvenir shop, where a toy airplane looked just like the plane my sister and I were flying on. I really wanted that airplane. I had $10 and the plane cost $8. I had no idea what I needed to buy at camp, but I bought the plane anyway. When we reached the camp, I discovered that ther

3、e were no showers! Instead, we bathed in a lake every night. I needed to buy special soap because the regular soap I brought had chemicals that could harm the fish. The special soap cost $4 at the camp store. However, I had only $2 left. What upset me was that I couldnt get clean without the soap, w

4、hich was soon found by my teacher, Sally. I had to tell her that I had spent most of my money on a toy airplane. She laughed and explained to me that a budget was necessary and it was a plan for spending money to help make sure you set aside enough for things you need, like soap, before you buy fun

5、things, like toys. Sally gave me one of her extra(额外的) bottles of special soap. When I returned home, I decided to budget. I spent several weeks writing down everything I bought, just to get an idea of how I was already spending my money. Then I made my first weekly budget. My budget wasnt always th

6、e same each week. For some weeks, I would have more in my “Money In” account because I did some jobs around the house. Once summer vacation started, I didnt need to buy school lunches, so I had extra money to go to the neighborhood swimming pool or to give to the town animal shelter. Budgeting was h

7、ard, sometimes. Whatever week it was, I always made sure that “Money In” equaled “Save and Spend. ” Thats called making ends meet, and its how you make sure that the money you have will always be enough to cover your plans to spend and save. 1. Why did Sally give the writer one bottle of her special

8、 soap? A. The writers usual soap did harm to his skin. B. The writer needed to take showers at the camp. C. The writer turned to Sally for it to get clean. D. The writers money couldnt cover the special soap. 2. What did the writer learn about at the camp? A. Spending and saving money. B. Getting al

9、ong with others. C. Making more money. D. Planning his daily life. 3. What can be the best title for the text? A. My Summer CampB. My Weekly BudgetC. My Special SoapD. My Lonely FlightBAbout six years ago I was going through a tough time, trying to work two jobs to afford my rent. On a cold Sunday m

10、orning, I went to Game Stopa video game retailer(零售商), to cancel the game Id booked. A woman in a car parked outside called me when I exited the store. Though it was in broad daylight, I was shy about it and kept some distance when I walked over. She said she couldnt walk and requested me to purchas

11、e a Kinect, a popular game, for her as her sons Christmas gift. Because of her leg disease it was painful for her to move around. She called ahead but the employee(雇员)wasnt willing to help. She gave me about $ 100 in cash and her credit card. I walked back in and bought the Kinect. Then it occurred

12、to me that this woman, a complete stranger, trusted me. What was it that stopped me from lying about the payment method and just pocket her cash? She couldnt know I wasnt a cheat; and how could she possibly believe in someone so much? I handed her the cash back, explaining I had to pay with her card

13、it was above $ 100 at the time, and handed over the game and her credit card. “This is what my sons been longing for. Thank you! By the way, just from glancing at you, I know you are the one who will be a friend to someone in need. You have a face of an angel! ” she said. She gave me $ 10 and refuse

14、d to take it back. Then she drove away. She had no idea how much of a difference even $ 10 made. I was able to buy a few cheap groceries for the week and it really made a hard time in my life a little better. She may think I helped her; however, I truly feel like the one who was being gifted somethi

15、ng amazing. 4. What can we infer from Paragraph 1? A. The author canceled the video game for saving money. B. The author worked so hard that there was no time for games. C. The author was unwilling to help and kept a distance from the woman. D. The woman requested the author to purchase a Kinect for

16、 her sons birthday. 5. What can we know about the woman? A. She gave the author $ 10 for the video game. B. She chose the author because he was handsome. C. She might not know exactly how much the video game would cost. D. She didnt buy the video game by herself because of her laziness. 6. Which of the f


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