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1、The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, and Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis,Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson,Chapter 2,1,2003 Southwestern Publishing Company,Strategy Implementation,Chapter 13 Strategic Entrepreneurship,Chapter 11 Organizational Structure

2、and Controls,Chapter 10 Corporate Governance,Chapter 12 Strategic Leadership,Strategy Formulation,Chapter 6 Corporate- Level Strategy,Chapter 9 Cooperative Strategy,Chapter 5 Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics,Chapter 8 International Strategy,Chapter 4 Business-Level Strategy,Chapter 7 Acq

3、uisition and Restructuring Strategies,Strategic Competitiveness Above-Average Returns,Strategic Intent Strategic Mission,Chapter 2 The External Environment,Chapter 3 The Internal Environment,The Strategic Management Process,Feedback,Strategic Inputs,Strategic Actions,Strategic Outcomes,2,General,Env

4、ironment,General,Environment,General,Environment,The External Environment,Industry Environment Threat of new entrants Power of suppliers Power of buyers Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry,Competitor Environment,總體環境 產業環境 競爭者環境,3,External Environmental Analysis,A continuous process which includ

5、es,Scanning 掃瞄: Identifying early signals of environmental changes and trends Monitoring 監測: Detecting meaning through ongoing observations of environmental changes and trends Forecasting 預測: Developing projections of anticipated outcomes based on monitored changes and trends Assessing 評價: Determini

6、ng the timing and importance of environmental changes and trends for firms strategies and their management,4,External Environmental Analysis,Strategic Intent Strategic Mission,The External Environment,Analysis of general environment,Analysis of industry environment,Analysis of competitor environment

7、,The External Environment,5,General Environment,Sociocultural segment 社會文化面,Women in the workplace Workforce diversity 勞動力多元化 Attitudes about quality of worklife 工作生活素質 Concerns about environment Shifts in work and career preferences Shifts in product and service preferences,6,Economic segment 經濟面,G

8、eneral Environment,Inflation rates Interest rates Trade deficits or surpluses Budget deficits or surpluses Personal savings rate Business savings rates Gross domestic product,7,General Environment,Political/Legal Segment 政治/法律面,Antitrust laws (公平交易法) Taxation laws Deregulation philosophies 管制解除(鬆綁)理

9、念 Labor training laws Educational philosophies and policies,8,General Environment,Technological Segment 科技面,Product innovations Applications of knowledge Focus of private and government-supported R&D expenditures New communication technologies,9,General Environment,Global Segment 全球面,Important polit

10、ical events Critical global markets Newly industrialize countries Different cultural and institutional attributes,10,General Environment,Demographic Segment 人口統計面,Population size Age structure Geographic distribution Ethnic mix Income distribution,11,Industry Environment,A set of factors that direct

11、ly influences a company and its competitive actions and responses. Interaction among these factors determine an industrys profit potential.,Threat of new entrants Power of suppliers Power of buyers Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry,12,Five Forces Model of Competition,Identify current and pote

12、ntial competitors and determine which firms serve them. Conduct competitive analysis. Recognize that suppliers and buyers can become competitors. Recognize that producers of potential substitutes may become competitors.,13,Threat of New Entrants,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,Bargaining Power of Buye

13、rs,Threat of Substitute Products,Rivalry Among Competing Firms,Five Forces Model of Competition,Five Forces of Competition,14,Threat of New Entrants,Barriers to entry,Economies of scale Product differentiation Capital requirements Switching costs轉換成本 Access to distribution channels Cost disadvantage

14、s independent of scale無關規模之成本優勢 Government policy Expected retaliation預期的報復行動,15,產業生命週期與進入障礙,進入障礙 萌芽期 成長期 成長消退期 成熟期 衰退期 科技 高至中 中至低 低 低 低 規模經濟 低 低至中 中至高 中至高 中至高 品牌忠誠 低 低至中 中至高 中至高 中至高,產業生命週期,進入障礙來源,需求高度成長,需求成長緩慢與停滯,需求衰退,16,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,A supplier group is powerful when:,it is dominat

15、ed by a few large companies satisfactory substitute products are not available to industry firms industry firms are not a significant customer for the supplier group suppliers goods are critical to buyers marketplace success effectiveness of suppliers products has created high switching costs suppli

16、ers are a credible threat to integrate forward into the buyers industry向前(向下)整合,17,Bargaining Power of Buyers,Buyers (customers) are powerful when:,they purchase a large portion of an industrys total output the sales of the product being purchased account for a significant portion of the sellers annual revenues they could easily switch to another product the industrys products are undifferentiated or standardized, and buyers pose a credible threat if they were to integrate backward into the sell



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