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1、2021年江苏省镇江市中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1The year 2021 marks _ beginning of Chinas 14th Five-Year Plan period.AaBanCtheD/2I want to buy a fine tie for my father, but _ is fit for him in the shops nearby.Ano oneBnothingCnoneDneither3What is our head teacher like?Oh, he is very kind _ he looks very se

2、rious.AbecauseBthoughCifDwhen4Wow, you play the violin so well!Thank you, but thats the only musical _ I can play.AinstructionBinstrumentCintroductionDinvention5The new high-speed railway connecting Zhenjiang to Lianyungang is now in _ and it saves a lot of time.AsurpriseBspiritCsilenceDservice6Pres

3、ident Xi has _ that we are entering the new era (时代) of a well-off society (小康社会) in an all-round way.AannouncedBadvisedCavoidedDachieved7Amy, how many of your classmates have brothers or sisters?Believe it or not, it _ to be one quarter.Atakes outBbreaks outCturns outDfinds out8May I have some wine

4、 to drink?No, you _. You have to drive home later.AmustntBneedntCcantDmay not9Kate won the first prize in the English speech contest. _ pleasant surprise she has given us! She used to be weak in English.AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a10It is dark outside. Whos knocking at the door?_ may be Henry. Its time fo

5、r him to come back from work.AItBHeCSheDI11I didnt see you at the Olympic Sports Center this morning. What happened?Sorry, I _ the exchange students around our school then.AshowedBwas showingCam showingDwill show12After the first lunar samples _, Change 5 finished its task on the moon.AcollectBcolle

6、ctedCwere collectedDwill be collected13People in poor areas have improved their lives by selling goods _ online.AaliveBliveClivingDlively14Well go to different high schools soon. Ann, enjoy your time in the new school!_AIll take your advice.BThank you for telling me.CCongratulations!DThe same to you

7、.15What did Lisa ask you about the trip on weekends?She asked me _.Awho was the leader of our tripBwhen we will visit Jinshan TempleChow long would they stay at Xijin FerryDif she can go to Nanshan Park on the second day二、完型填空 Yolandas neighbour, Stacey, knocked on her door one morning. Stacey asked

8、 if Yolanda could keep an eye on a lost 16 she found walking around the local school. Yolanda agreed to watch the little poor animal, 17 she told Stacey it would only be for the day. The two women took photos of it and printed 4, 000 FOUND leaflets. They also placed a(n) 18 on the local newspaper. I

9、n the meantime, Yolanda went to a store and 19 some pet food, warning her two sons not to fall in love with the dog. At the time Yolandas son Azaiah was 10 years old, and Christian was 21 years old and had diseases. Recently he had 20 . Four days later, Yolanda was 21 looking after RaeLee一that poor

10、little dog. When she arrived home from work, the dog rushed against the screen door and barked 22 at her. As soon as she opened the door, RaeLee rushed into the boys room where Yolanda found Christian out of control. When Yolanda bent over to help him, the dog went calm and silent. “ 23 he hadnt com

11、e to get me, the doctor said Christian would have choked (窒息) on his own blood and died,” Yolanda reported to the local newspaper. At this point, no one had called to claim (认领) the dog so Yolanda 24 to keep him. The next morning Stacey got a call from a man named Randy. He recognized his lost pet a

12、nd called the number on the leaflet. Stacey started crying, and told him, “That dog saved my friends son.”Randy drove to Yolandas house to 25 his dog, and saw Azaiah crying on the porch (门廊) and Christian by the window. After a few moments Randy said, “Maybe the dog was supposed to find you, maybe y

13、ou should keep him.”16AcatBrabbitCdogDduck17AsoBbecauseCbutDor18AadvertisementBdiscoveryCagreementDdocumentary19AsoldBboughtCborrowedDlent20AinventionsBapplicationsCpresentationsDoperations21AalmostBalreadyCevenDstill22AhappilyBmadlyCsadlyDgently23AWhenBIfCThoughDSince24ArefusedBdecidedCforgotDregre

14、tted25Agive upBdress upCpick upDwake up三、阅读单选Have you ever gone on a field trip? Field trip day is often the most exciting day of school! But have you ever wondered where the name came from?When you think of the word “field”, many things might come to mind. Do you think of farmland? How about a baseball or soccer field? Adults might even think of the field they work in. As you can see, the word “field” has many meanings. But when people talk about field trips, they often mean an outing that gives you the chance


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