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1、介词语法考点剖析考点一 时间介词1in, on, atin, on, at用法年月周前要用in,具体日子要用on。at用在时刻前,亦与正午、午夜连。黎明终止和开端,at与之紧相伴。 今明昨天前后天,上下这那每之前,at, in, on都不填,此乃习惯记心间。2during, induring和in都表示一段时间。 但during更加强调时间的延续性,可以表示在一段时间内自始至终的状态。 3for, sincefor和since表示的时间状语都有延续之意,“for时间段”表示“延续多久”,作时间状语时,句子可用过去时、完成时或将来时;since后接表示时间点的短语,意为“自从(过去某时)以来”,

2、说明自过去某时延续至今的一段时间,常与完成时连用。4in, afterin和after后都可以接时间段,表示“(时间)之后”,in用于将来时,after用于过去时。5by, beforeby表示“截止;到为止”,包括其后的时间;before则表示“在某时之前”,不包括其后的时间。You should get your homework ready by Friday.你应该最迟于星期五把作业准备好。(包含星期五)Can you come and meet me before Friday?你能在星期五之前来见我吗?(不包含星期五)1Chinas first homebuilt aircraft

3、 carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian the morning of April 26, 2017.Ain Bon Cat Dto2We are going to give our English teacher a surprise Teachers Day.Aon Bat Cin Dby3It is believed that December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played.Ain Bat Con Dof4Mr.Brown arrived at the airpo

4、rt 5 oclock on the evening of Saturday.Ain Bon Cat Dof5What time do you expect me to finish the task?Say, two hours.Abefore Bat Cfor Din6The accident took place a cold November evening.Aon Bin Cat Dfor7Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon 20 July 1969.Ain Bon Cat Dfor考点二 方位介词1across,

5、 through, pastacross强调从表面横过;through强调从内部穿过;past强调从旁边经过。2in, on, over, abovein“在里面”,通常指被包含在某物之内;on“在上面”,与表面有接触,反义词是beneath;over“在之上”,指在物体的正上方或覆盖在物体表面,反义词是under;above“在之上;高于”,指在上方,不一定是垂直的正上方,其反义词是below。3between, among表示在两者之间用between;在三者或三者以上之间用among。4in/on/to方位名词的用法in表示A地在B地范围之内Taiwan is in the southe

6、ast of China.台湾位于中国东南部。on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻Canada is on the north of America.加拿大位于美国北部。to表示A地在B地范围之外,即二者之间有距离间隔Haikou lies to the south of Guangzhou.海口位于广州南部。1The earth goes the sun.Aaround Bthrough Cbetween Dacross2In the picture, he sits me, looking very happy.Abeside BamongCup Dthrough3Excuse me, is th

7、ere a computer room in your school?Yes. Its the fifth floor.Aon Bin Cat Dto4A woman stood the window, watching the children playing games in the garden.Apast Bthrough Cacross Dby5Hong Kong is in the south of China, and Macao lies the west of Hong Kong.Ato Bat Cin Don6I cant see Lucy because she is t

8、he tree.Ain front of BbehindCnext to Dbefore7Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City the airport.Aat Bunder Con Dwith8The moonlight is shining in the window. Everything in the room looks nice.Aover Bacross Cthrough Dpast考点三 表示方式、手段或工具的介词1交通方式:by, in, onby交通工具的单数形式;on/in限定词交通工具的单数形式。

9、I go to school by bike.I go to school on my bike.2表“用”时,可用“with工具、手段”“by交通工具(单数)”“in语言、嗓音”。My daughter bought some books with the money she had saved.我女儿用她节省的钱买了些书。He told us something interesting in Japanese.他用日语告诉了我们一些有趣的事情。As a middle school student, dont write with a pencil.作为一个中学生,不要用铅笔写字。He al

10、ways goes to school by bus.他总是坐公共汽车去学校。【提醒】 with可以表示“带有”。Mr Green has a big house with a garden.格林先生有一所带花园的房子。1I made coat with my hands. It was made hand not with a machine.Ain Bon Cby Dwith2We are asked to write ink, that is, with a pen.Awith Bby Cin Don3(How do you learn English?I study English t

11、alking with foreign students.Aat Bin Cby Don4Can you answer the question French?Aby Bwith Cfrom Din5Tom went to school his bike, and I in my fathers car.Ain Bby Con Dwith考点四 其他常考介词1without“没有”,后面接名词或动名词。She just left without saying a word.她一句话也没说就走了。2including“包含;包括”The price is $100, including your

12、 meals.价钱是100美元,包括你的饭钱。3with“和;具有,带有;用,以;由于”,常表示伴随。She came back with a letter in her hand.她手里拿着一封信回来了。4against“反对;靠着,倚着”,反义词为for,表示“支持”。There is a ladder against the wall.有架梯子靠在墙上。5except, except for, but, besides(1)except表示“除之外(不再有)”,强调不被包括在内。The office is open every day except Sundays.办事处除了星期天以外天

13、天开门。(2)except for“除之外”,表示整体情况良好,局部出现问题。The article is good except for some spelling mistakes.除了一些拼写错误,这个文章整体还是很好的。(3)but与except同义,表示“除了”,常用于no one, nobody, all等代词后。Theres no one but me.这里除了我没有别人。(4)besides“除之外还有”。What languages do you know besides Chinese and English?除了汉语和英语以外你还懂什么语言?6as作介词,意思是“作为;以身份”。He came to China as a tourist five years ago.他五年前以游客的身份来过中国。English is used as a foreign language in our country.英语作为一门外语在我国被使用。7in front of 与in the front of in front of “在的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面,反义词是behind; in the front of.“在的前面”,指某一



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