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1、代词语法考点剖析考点一 人称代词、物主代词及反身代词1人称代词、物主代词及反身代词总表2.人称代词主格用作主语或表语,宾格用作宾语。要根据题干中的提示词,如mother, father, Lily, Tom等及语境判定应该用哪一人称。Where is dad?爸爸在哪儿?He is in the garden.他在花园里。Miss Smith is very kind. We all like her史密斯小姐非常和蔼,我们都喜欢她。3名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词名词My sister likes painting. Its one of her hobbies.我妹妹喜欢画画,这是她的爱好

2、之一。Is this your bike?这是你的自行车吗? No, its her bike. Mine(My bike) is under the tree.不是,是她的自行车。我的(自行车)在树下。4反身代词的固定搭配:enjoy oneself玩得愉快 learn/teach.by oneself自学dress oneself穿衣 help oneself to随便吃by oneself独自 for oneself亲自hurt oneself受伤 keep . to oneself 保守秘密prove oneself证明自己 lose onself in 沉迷于;陶醉于1Your un

3、cle is very good at cooking! How did he learn it?He learned it by Ahim Bhimself Cher Dherself2Jim, what do you usually do in the evening?I usually do homework.Ahe Bhim Cmy Dmine3Is this your English book?No. is in my bag.AMy BMe CMine DMyself4Jack used to be a teacher in this school, but he gave up

4、job when he went abroad.Ahim Bhis Che Dhimself5My birthday is coming. My parents will give some nice presents.Amine BI Cme Dmy6The schools in Qinhuai District will develop the museum courses suitable for children during school time.Athey Btheir Cthem Dtheirs7Is that your model plane?Yes, its . My si

5、ster sent it to me.Amy Bmine Cme Dour8There are many good teachers in school.Awe BhimCour Dthemselves9We should protect the earth because it is home.Awe Bus Cour Dours10Who is the lady in red?Miss Gao. She teaches English.Awe Bus Cour Dours考点二 指示代词 this/these, that/those1this和these用于指距离较近的人或事物;that和

6、those用于指距离较远的人或事物。This picture is clear and that picture is not clear.这张图画清楚,而那张图画不清楚。2打电话时用this做自我介绍,用that询问对方是谁。This is Mary speaking. Whos that?我是玛丽,你是谁?3that/those指代上文提到的名词。The weather in Hangzhou is much warmer than that in Harbin in winter.杭州冬天的天气比哈尔滨暖和多了。(that指代the weather,避免重复)1Mr. Han, how

7、is the weather in Anshun now, please?Actually, it is cooler than in Guiyang.Ait BthatCthis Dthose2As for learning English, students that read a lot can do much better than who dont.Athat Bwhich Cthose Dwhose考点三 不定代词1some与anyWould you like some coffee?你想要些咖啡吗?Yes, please.好的,谢谢。There arent any student

8、s in the classroom.教室里没有学生。2each与everyeach可以单独使用,侧重个别,可以与of连用,指两者或两者以上中的每一个,不可以与not连用;every不可单独使用,侧重全体,不可以与of连用,指三者或三者以上中的每一个,与not连用时,表示部分否定。Each has his/her good points.每个人都有自己的好点子。I know every member of your family.我认识你家的每个人。Not everyone has the chance to go to school.并不是每个人都有机会去上学。3either与 neithe

9、reither指两个人或物中的一个,作主语时谓语动词用单数;neither指两个人或物中一个也不,作主语时谓语动词用单数。There are many trees on either side of the street.在大街的两边有很多树。Neither of the books is good.这两本书都不好。4both与allboth“两者都”,其否定词是neither; all“(三者或更多)全都”,否定词是none。We are both students, but neither of us likes sports.我们俩都是学生,但是都不喜欢运动。5a little, lit

10、tle, a few, fewa little, a few表示肯定意义, little, few表示否定意义; a little/little后接不可数名词, a few/few后接可数名词复数。6other, the other, another, others, the others的用法词语词义用法other泛指其他的跟单数或复数名词the other两个人或物中的另一个常构成one. the other.another另一个跟单数名词,或跟“数字复数名词”others泛指另外的人或物是other的复数形式the others特指一定范围中的其他所有相当于the rest或“the o

11、ther名词复数”7.复合不定代词somebody某人anybody任何人nobody没有人everybody每个人 someone某人 anyone任何人no one没有人 everyone每人 something某事anything任何事 nothing没有什么 everything每件事1Money is important, but it cant buy , especially happiness and health.Aanything BsomethingCeverything Dnothing2Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet,

12、and is noisy.Aanother Bthe otherCother Dothers3Do you like rock music or light music? . I like Beijing Opera.AEither BNoneCBoth DNeither4When Flight 3U833 finally landed in Chengdu, of women cried.Fortunately, of the 119 passengers in the plane were hurt in the incident(事件)Asome; none Bsome; neither

13、Cany; none Dany; neither5A smile costs , but gives much, so always keep smiling!Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything6Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xian? is OK. Its up to you.AEither BNeither CBoth DAll考点四 疑问代词单词词义用法who谁作主语、表语和宾语whom谁作宾语,是who的宾格whose谁的作定语、主语、表语和宾语,是who的所有格形式what什么作主语、表语、宾语和定语which哪个作主语、表语、宾语和定语1 would you like to go shopping with?AWhich BWhom CWhat DWhere2 is your email address?Its .AWho BHowCWha


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