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1、高级英语英语写作试卷 I.Combine the following sentences in each set below into a single sentence, using either dependent clauses or phrases. (52 points)1a. The doctor was taking the patients temperature. b. Suddenly a rock came crashing through the window. Answer:_2a. The fraternity members all over campus car

2、ried banners. b. They matched back and forth tirelessly.c. Their signs called for an end for building nuclear reactors.Answer:_3 a. The scientific establishment believes that the earth was formed 1015 billion years ago b. It was formed after an explosion. c. This explosion set the universe in motion

3、.Answer:_4 a Quite a few years ago a stranger came in and bought our small valley. b. This is where the redwood grew. c. At that time I was living in a little town. d. The little town was on the west coastAnswer:_5 a. Most people believed that the earth was roughly 6000 years old.b. This idea was ba

4、sed on the information on the Bible.c. It was accepted until the beginning of the 19th century.d. At that time geologists and naturalists began to suspect something.e. What they suspected was that the earth must have existed for a longer period of time.Answer:_II Fill in the blanks with the necessar

5、y particles. (101 point)1. Go to bed at once. You look done _ _ and worn _ _.2. Nobody really expected him to get _ _that illness.3. It took a long time, but at last the enemy was beaten_ _.4. She was almost frozen when she came back. She sat still, sipping a cup of coffee, letting the blessed warmt

6、h of it reach _ _her body.5. If I stay in this place much longer Ill go _ _ my head.6. I hadnt seen him for five years and then I ran _ _ him yesterday at the barbers.7. Weve finished _ _ this book, so you can keep it if you like.8. He let _ _ his breath as soon as he saw that the aircraft was safel

7、y down on the earth.9. The manager says that we cant take_ _any new orders till weve deal _ _ the ones we have in hand.10. Mr. Smith hasnt got a phone on his desk but if youll hold _ _a moment Ill bring him to this one.III Reading the following passages and answer the questions set on them. (10 poin

8、ts) I deny not, but that it is of greatest concernment for the Common wealth and church, to have vigilant eyes how books demean themselves as well as men; and thereafter to confine, imprison, and do sharpest justice on them as male- factors. For books are not absolutely dead things but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are: nay, they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that livin


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