
上传人:小****克 文档编号:183186724 上传时间:2021-06-01 格式:PDF 页数:8 大小:11.40KB
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1、病人与医生的英语口语对话 【病人与医生的英语口语对话】 A:Good morning. 早上好 ! B:Good morning. 早上好 ! A:Whats the matter with you? 请问哪里不舒服 ? B:Im running a high fever and feeling terribly had. 我发高烧,感觉糟透了。 A:How long has this been going on? 这种情况持续多久了 ? B:Since last night. And as a matter of fact I have just moved to this city. 从昨

2、晚开始的。实际上,我刚搬到这座城市。 A:OK. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender,address and things like that. 好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,性别,住址 等等。 B:No problem. Which department should I register with, Miss? 没问题。医生请问我应该挂哪科? A:I suppose that youd better go to the medical department. 我

3、认为您挂内科。 B:(Two minutes later) Here is the registration card ( 两分钟后 )给你。 A:Thank you. The registration fee is two yuan 谢谢。挂号费是两元。 B:All right. But can you tell me how to get there, please? 好的。请问我该怎么去 ? A:Take the lift to the secondlloorl and then make a right turn. Go along the passage until you see

4、the sign on your left. 坐电梯到二楼,右拐。沿着过道走. 您会看到一块牌子在您的左 手边。 B:Thanks a lot 多谢了。 A:Youre welcome 不客气。 【预约看病常用的英语对话】 信息台: Hello, this is St. Vincents hospital. Miss Tracy speaking. May I help you? 你好. 这里是圣文森医院 . 我是特雷西小姐 . 请问有什么需要帮忙 的? 埃里克: Can I make an appointment with Dr. Smith? 我想和史密斯医生预约看病时间. 信息台: We

5、 have many Dr. Smith here. Which department is he in? 我们这儿有很多叫史密斯的医生. 你要找的是哪个科室的 ? 埃里克: Oh! Ive almost forgotten it-just that Dr. Perterson in the Medical Department. 哦! 我忘了 - 是内科的彼得森医生 . 信息台: That Dr. Smith- Im really sorry, he has a full calendar today. Will it be ok for you to come tomorrow? 内科的彼

6、得森医生 - 很抱歉. 他今天的日程安排得很满. 你明天来 能够吗 ? 埃里克: In fact, Id like to make the appointment for another patient. I think it might be something serious. 其实. 我是替别人预约的 . 我想他的情况可能有点儿严重. 信息台: Oh- Excuse me, just a moment, please. (After a while) You are very lucky! Dr. Petersons appointment on 3: 00 this afternoon

7、 has just been canceled. Will that be convenient for the patient? 哦. 对不起 . 请稍等一下 .( 过了一会儿 ) 你很幸运 . 彼得森医生今 天下午 3 点的一个预约刚被取消 .这个时间方便吗 ? 埃里克: Yes. It sounds good. 能够. 太好了 . 信息台: May I have the name of that patient? 请问患者的姓名是 -? 埃里克: He is an international student of Columbia University. His Chinese name

8、 is Li Tao, L-i, T-a-o. 他是哥伦比亚大学的留学生. 中文名字叫李涛 . 信息台: Okay, its all set. See you then. 好的. 都安排好了 .到时候见 . 【关于病人与医生的英语对话】 A:Hello, Miss. Sit down, please. 你好,小姐。请坐。 B:Hi, I am feeling terrible. 你好,我感觉糟糕透了。 A:Oh, whats wrong with you? 哦,你怎么了 ? B:My whole body feels weak, and I have a sore throat. 我觉得浑身无

9、力,而且我喉咙痛。 A:Put this thermometer under your tongue first. What cause the illness? 首先把这个温度计放在舌下。怎么生病了? B:I didnt close the window before going to bed last night. 我昨晚睡觉前没关窗户。 A:You do have a fever. I want to take a look at your throat. Open your mouth, please say ah 你确实是发烧了。我想看看你的喉咙。张嘴说“啊”。 B:Ah. Is i

10、t serious? 啊。严重吗 ? A;Hmm, I think its nothing serious. Dont worry about it. 嗯,我想没什么严重的。不用担心。 B:But what should I do to get well? 但是我要怎样做才能康复? A:Ill give you an injection first, then I will give you some medicine. 我先给你打一针,然后给你开一些药。 B:When do I take the medicine? 我什么时候吃这些药呢 ? A:Take them after meals t

11、wice a day. 这些药一天服两次,饭后服用。 B:What else should I do? 我还需要做些别的什么吗? A:You should have a good rest. And remember you dont eat hot food and drink plenty of water. 你要好好休息。你必须记住不要吃辣的食物并且要多喝水。 B:OK, I will. 好的. 我会的。 A:I hope you will get welL soon. 我希望你快点好起来。 B:Thank you. 谢谢你。 【去看医生的英语口语对话】 病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药

12、吗? Patient : This is my pres cription. Can you fill it for me, please? 药剂师:当然能够。 Chemist: Certainly. 病人:谢谢。 Patient : Thank you. 药剂师:别客气。让我看看。大概需要五分钟的时间。 Chemist:Youre welcome. Well, let me see. It will take about five minutes. 病人:好的。 Patient : All right. 药剂师:好了,这是你所需要的中草药。 Chemist: O.K. this is you

13、r herbal medicine. 病人:请您给我解释一下怎么熬这副中草药,好吗? Patient : Could you tell me what I should do with it? 药剂师:每天早晨打开一包,倒入500 毫升冷水中浸泡一个半小 时。然后用大火煮。煮至沸腾后把火关小。用文火熬30 分钟,然后把 火关掉。冷却后,到出服用。到出时当心不要把药渣倒入杯中。 Chemist: Every morning soak one bad in 200 mls of cold water for one and a half hours, then heat it up quickly

14、. As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat. Leave it to cool, then pour out the liquid to drink. Be careful no to let any of the leaves go into the cup. 病人:还挺复杂的。顺便问一下,我能用普通的钢制锅熬药吗? Patient : It is quite complicated. By the way, can I use a steel pan? 药剂师:不行,你还是用砂锅。 Chemist: No, you cant do that. Youd better use an earthenware pot. 病人:谢谢。我今天还真学到很多东西。 Patient : Thank you very much. I have learned a lot today fom you. 药剂师:不客气。祝你早日康复。 Chemist: Youre welcome. I hope you will recover in no time.



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