Unit 8 重点词汇梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)

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Unit 8 重点词汇梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)_第1页
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《Unit 8 重点词汇梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 重点词汇梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 8 TOPIC TALK1living n生活方式2ocean n. 海洋,大海3smog n. 雾霾4desert n. 沙漠5global adj. 全球的6industrial adj. 工业的7extinction n. 灭绝8electricity n. 电9transport n. 交通运输系统10battery n. 电池11recycle v. 回收利用12carbon n. 碳13live in harmony with nature 与大自然和谐共生14do my part for sth 尽自己所能做某事15view n. 风景;美景;意见重难点单词讲解1.ba

2、lance n平衡;天平;余额 v平衡;权衡balanced adj.保持平衡的To me, green living is about living in balance with nature. (教材P28)对我来说,绿色生活就是与自然和谐相处。合作探究体会balance的用法和意义Life is like riding a bike. To keep your blance, you must keep moving.人生就像骑单车,只有不断前进才能保持平衡。He lost his balance and hurt himself when he went upstairs. 他上楼时

3、失去了平衡,摔伤了自己。You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。自主发现keep ones balance保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡balance sth _against sth 权衡;斟酌;比较词块积累out of balance 不平衡keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡keep a balanced diet 保持饮食均衡,巩固内化单句语法填空/完成句子You

4、 have to (balance)the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.To keep fit, youd better keep a (balance) diet.Suddenly a girl and fell down in front of him.突然有个女孩在他前面失去了平衡而跌倒了。The child couldnt on his new bicycle.孩子骑他的新车时不能保持平衡。balance balanced lost her balance keep his balance2.

5、view n风景;美景;意见 v观看;看待For example, I plant some flowers and vegetables outside my window and I have a great view, too.(教材P106)例如,我在窗外种了一些花和蔬菜,我也可以欣赏很好的景致。合作探究体会view的用法和意义In my view, he is the best person for this job.在我看来,他是这项工作的最好人选。A group of riders came into view on the dirt road.一群骑车的人出现在那条土路上。In

6、 view of the weather, the event will be held indoors.由于天气的缘故,这项比赛将在室内进行。He is helpful and honest and we all view him as our friend.他诚实且乐于助人,我们都把他看作是朋友。自主发现in ones view在某人看来come into view 看得见;进入视野in view of 考虑到;由于view.as 把看作巩固内化单句语法填空When the car goes around the corner, our house will (映入眼帘). (在我看来)

7、, no matter what situation we are in, bad or good, we should not waste food.We (看作)every customer as a partner. (考虑到)the facts, it seems useless to e into view In my view view In view of3.do my part for sth尽自己所能做某事To me, green living is about doing my part for the environment. (教材P28)对我来说,绿色生活就是为环境尽

8、我的一份力。短语记牢记牢下列短语take part in参加play a part in 在起作用;在扮演角色for ones part 就某人而言I took part in an English speech contest last week.上个周我参加了一次英语演讲比赛。These days work plays an important part in a single womans life.现在,工作在单身女性的生活中起着重要作用。For my part, I found the meeting most fruitful.就我而言,我认为这次会议很有收获。巩固内化完成句子My

9、 family and my job both my life.我的家庭和工作都是我生活中重要的组成部分。I joined some associations, I made friends with students who shared the same hobbies.我参加了一些社团,在那里我和有共同爱好的学生交朋友。 , I find the story less than convincing.就我而言,我觉得这个报道毫无说服力。play an important part in where For my partLesson 11.shoot n芽;苗;嫩枝;射击 v射击;射中;

10、拍摄;飞驰Roots & Shoots(教材P31)根与芽合作探究体会shoot的用法和意义Two weeks after wed planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear.我们播种后两周,绿色的小嫩芽就开始长出了。The hunter took a shoot at the deer in the distance.猎手向远处的那头鹿开了枪。The new soldier shot at the target, but missed it again.这个新兵向靶子射击,但又没有射中。自主发现take a shoot a

11、t朝射击shoot at 朝射击;向开枪巩固内化(1)写出下列句中shoot的含义He shot the arrow from the bow(弓)The movie was shot in black and white. The boy shot along the street on his bike. 射击 拍摄 飞驰(2)一句多译刚才,那位猎人朝一头野猪射击,但是没有射中。Just now, the hunter a wild pig, but missed it.Just now, the hunter a wild pig, but missed it.took a shoot

12、at shot at2.involve vt.参与;包含involved adj.有关的;卷入的It is by acting together, in this exciting way, that we can involve thousandsmillionsof people, and this is what is going to change the world.(教材P31)正是通过共同行动,以这种令人兴奋的方式,我们可以让成千上万的人参与进来,这将改变世界。合作探究体会involve的用法和意义Dont involve me in your quarrel!不要把我牵扯进你们

13、的争吵中!He was involved in reading the novel all morning.他整个早上都在专心读小说。Nobody in my life really wants to be involved with me.在我的生命中,没有一个人真正想融入我的生活。自主发现involve sb in sth把某人卷入某事中be involved in doing sth 专心做某事be involved with sb 涉及;与有关联,巩固内化单句语法填空He was (involve) in working out a plan.So why do you continue (involve) with these people?Dont involve me in (solve) your problem.involved to be involved solving Lesson 21poster n海报2founder n. 创办人,创始者3profit n. 盈利,利润4organizer n. 组织者5contented adj. 满意的6occur v. 发生7make sbs dream come true (使)某人梦想成真


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