2021年北京市西城区中考二模英语试题(word版 含答案)

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2021年北京市西城区中考二模英语试题(word版 含答案)_第1页
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《2021年北京市西城区中考二模英语试题(word版 含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年北京市西城区中考二模英语试题(word版 含答案)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021年北京市西城区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1My parents are always helpful. _ give me advice when I am in trouble.AIBYouCWeDThey2Street cats often hide under cars to keep warm _ winter.AinBonCuntilDto3The environmental problem is serious, _ scientists say we can fix it.AbecauseBbutCorDso4We _ eat or dri

2、nk in the museum. It is against the rule.AshouldntBneedntCwouldDcould5_ is the train ticket from Beijing to Shanghai?It is about 550 yuan.AHow oftenBHow muchCHow longDHow old6The band finished off their show with one of _ songs.AfamousBmore famousCmost famousDthe most famous7We _ several discussions

3、 since we started the project.AhaveBhadCare havingDhave had8Jack is good at English. He _ several prizes in the competition last year.AwinsBwonCwill winDhas won9Where are you going this summer vacation?I _ to Yunnan. It is my dream place.Awill goBgoCwentDhas gone10Jane,where are you?Dad,I_ the car i

4、n the driveway. It is really dirty.AwashBwill washCam washingDwas washing11The subway _ for safety every day. Its safe for us to take it.AtestsBtestedCis testedDwas tested12Can you tell me _?Next Friday.Awhen we will take graduation photosBwhen we took graduation photosCwhen will we take graduation

5、photosDwhen did we take graduation photos二、完型填空Too Proud to Ride“Do you want to come riding with us in the park this Saturday?” Eric asked. He and Dave were great at riding bikes.“Of course!” Pete replied. Pete smiled at his friends Eric and Dave, but another thought crossed his mind. He didnt even

6、know how to ride, but how could he tell his friends that?When he went home that night, he got out his bike. His parents had bought it for his birthday. When hed first gotten it, hed been excited and had tried to 13 . After a day or two and a scraped knee, hed given up. His mother smiled now to see h

7、im trying again, but he just gave her an angry look. It was embarrassing not to be able to ride a bike!So Pete 14 his bike across the street to the parking lot and tried to ride again. After half an hour of trying, he still couldnt ride, and his legs hurt. He didnt know what he was going to do.“Itll

8、 be all right, dear. Youll get it. Just keep trying.” His mother said. But it just made Pete 15 . He felt helpless. Even babies could ride bikes, right?The next day at school, Eric and Dave sat with him at lunch. “Are you ready for the big bike trip on Saturday?” Dave asked.“Oh, that.” Pete said 16

9、. He had his lunch and didnt want to say anything. It was hard to swallow(吞咽) his food, let alone his 17 . How could he say that he couldnt ride a bike?“Whats wrong?” Erica asked. “Are you busy this Saturday?”“No, its just.” Here it goes, Pete thought, “They are going to laugh at me if I tell them.”

10、“You cant ride a bike.” Dave saidPete opened his mouth. He almost 18 and said he could, but he didnt want to do like that. “No, I cant.”“We know already.” Eric said. “Why do you think we invited you? Youve got the coolest bike in school. We want to see you ride it. We are going to help you learn!”Pe

11、te couldnt believe what he was hearing. “WOW! Thats great. I thought you were going to make fun of me.”Dave 19 his head. “We are your friends. Why would we do that?”“I dont know.” Pete shrugged. “I guess I was just too proud.”That Saturday, Pete finally learned to ride his bike. He also learned a li

12、ttle something about friendship and asking for 20 .13ArepairBplanClearnDshare14ArodeBkickedCdrewDwalked15AangrierBhappierCbraverDslower16ApatientlyBexcitedlyCsadlyDpolitely17ApromiseBdoubtCconfidenceDpride18AliedBaskedCagreedDstopped19AnoddedBshookChungDturned20AattentionBhelpCrespectDinformation三、阅

13、读单选Homes Around the WorldFloating(漂浮) HomesLots of people in the world live on houseboats. People sleep, cook, eat, and sometimes work on them.The Uros people in Peru make floating houses from the plants that grow in the lake. First, they make a floating island for the house to stand on and then the

14、y make a house, all from plants!Rock HomesSome people still live in caves(洞穴)! Cave homes can be very comfortable today, and they usually have windows and electricity.In Guadix, Spain, almost half of the people live underground in caves. Many of the homes have chimneys(烟囱), but these arent to let smoke outthey are to let air in!Family HomesIn many places in the world, lots of generations(一代人) of a family often live together. This can be helpful because the grandparents can look after the children while the parents work.The people who live in this house in Mexico use ladders(梯子) t


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