2021年浙江省宁波市江北区中考一模英语试题(word版 含答案)

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2021年浙江省宁波市江北区中考一模英语试题(word版 含答案)_第1页
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《2021年浙江省宁波市江北区中考一模英语试题(word版 含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年浙江省宁波市江北区中考一模英语试题(word版 含答案)(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021年浙江省宁波市江北区中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完型填空 Four beggars (乞丐) usually met at an old shack (小窝棚) at the end of the day. One day, they were very 1 because none of them had got much in 2 begging bowls.“I only got this piece of 3 today,” the first said. “I 4 got anything,” the second said. “I just pick

2、ed up these few vegetables outside the fruit and vegetable store.” The 5 complained that all he had been given was a handful of herds (香草) 6 he couldnt eat on his own. The fourth beggar had not 7 much better. “I only got the handful of old, dried beans, 8 they arent very nice!”As they sat around the

3、 fire, one of them had a great idea. “Lets put all our bits together and boil them. 9 , we can make a tasty dish and share it.” They all agreed.However, the first beggar thought, “I dont want to 10 . Ill just pretend to throw my meat into the pot. Theyll never know and Ill eat my meat 11 .” So he pr

4、etended to put the meat into the pot. Now the 12 idea had also hit the other beggars and the shack was so dark that 13 could see what the others were doing.Finally, one of them 14 that the dish should now be ready and, in turn, each of them helped himself to a bowl. They drank the hot water in absol

5、ute (绝对) 15 , learning that selfishness (自私) doesnt taste all that good.1AhappyBangryCupsetDconfident2AhisBherCitsDtheir3AbreadBmeatCchocolateDtofu4AneverBhardlyCsometimesDalways5AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth6AthatBwhatCwhoDwhy7AgotBdoneCthoughtDhoped8AandBbutCorDbecause9AIn the wayBIn a wayCIn this wa

6、yDBy the way10AtryBtasteCmakeDshare11AactuallyBaloneCquicklyDslowly12AinterestingBstrangeCsameDdifferent13AsomebodyBanybodyCeverybodyDnobody14AsuggestedBbelievedCintroducedDprepared15AhappinessBsadnessCsilenceDsatisfaction二、阅读单选 As the COVID-19 becomes normal in our life, the medical mask is necessa

7、ry for everyone. Here is a product introduction of disposable medical mask. Go to for more information.Disposable Medical MaskSize17.5 cm 9.5 cmAmount (数量)50 pieces/boxColorBlueTemperature20 to 70Shelf life (保质期)Two years (produced on Apr. 12, 2021)Main materialsNon-woven fabric (无纺布)ProtectionKeep

8、 you from flu, dust (粉尘), PM 2.5, smoke, etc.$12 a box (50 pcs) (buy ten get one free)Widely useDaily usefor office, home, cycling, store, doctors visit and general publicKindly remind Change a new mask every 4 hours. Put the mask in a dry place at room temperature.Warning Not for use on children un

9、der 2. Not for use on persons that have trouble breathing. Keep away from fire.16According to the passage above, we can know that _.Aa 12-year-old boy cannot wear the medical maskBthe medical mask should be put in the wet placeCwed better not use the mask after Apr. 12th, 2023Dthe medical mask is ma

10、inly made of woven fabric17How much should you pay if you want to buy eleven boxes of disposable medical masks?A$ 132.B$ 550.C$ 120.D$ 500.18What you have just read is a _.Aproduct instructionBnews reportCmeeting noticeDmovie review Last year on Mothers Day, someone from our community invited people

11、 to share stories about their mothers.A policeman said his mother took him to the opera on Saturdays. He listened but he didnt understand. He grew to love opera. Now every Saturday he listens to a radio that plays opera, enjoying Italian voices and happily remembering his mom.A woman shared that she

12、 was only 17 months old when her mother died. Her father remarried. She values the things learned from her stepmotherhow to keep house, cook and care for children. She said, “If you have a mother and youve known a mothers love, dont take it for granted (理所当然).”An entrepreneur (企业家) said that his mom

13、 let him skip school (逃学) on his birthday when he was 9. The driver said, “Why arent you in school?”“My mom let me skip and is taking me out to lunch for my birthday,” he said.The driver said, “Your mom loves you like nobody else. Dont you ever forget that, OK?”Another person shared that when he mov

14、ed to the US as a young man, his parents disagreed. He left anyway. He found a roommate, and every weekend they drove to the roommates home where his mother had food prepared and waited for them. Theyd pick it up and have food for the week. The roommates mother became a stand-in (替身) mother. He missed his mom so much.It is good to tell others what your mother, or someone who has helped fill that role, means to you. But if your mother is still living, it might also be good to tell her.19How many people shared the stories about their mother in the passage?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.20From the


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