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1、2003年1月全国高等教育自学考试英语(一)试题。Vocabulary; and; Structure; (10; points,; 1; point; for; each; item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。 1.The; body; needs; fat; to; keep; it; _; the; cold; during; the; long; winter months. A; between; B; from; C; for; D; out 2.There; are; several; ways; _; we; can; cross; th

2、e; river; without; the; help of; local; villagers. A; in; which; B; across; which; C; to; which; D; on; which 3.You; must; hurry,; _; youll; be; late; for; class. A; but; B; so; C; or; D; either 4.The; smog; may; be; so; thick; that; airports; are; closed; and; chains; of; _ occur; on; the; highways

3、. A; conflicts; B; contracts; C; contrasts; D; collisions 5.They; finally; _; all; hope; of; finding; the; missing; dog; which; they; liked so; much. A; gave; up; B; gave; in; C; gave; off; D; gave; out 6.People; who; drink; a; lot; _; those; who; use; drugs; are; likely; to; suffer from; panic; att

4、acks. A; less; than; B; as; well; C; other; than; D; as; well; as 7.; _,; he; is; honest; and; popular; with; his; neighbors. A; As; he; is; poor; B; Poor; as; he; is C; As; poor; he; is; D; As; is; he; poor 8.I; wasnt; at; the; meeting; yesterday; to; hear; _; other; people; thought about; this; pr

5、oblem. A; which; B; who; C; what; D; that 9.Had; he; not; taken; your; advice,; _. A; he; would; make; a; bad; mistake B; would; he; have; made; a; bad; mistake C; he; would; have; made; a; bad; mistake D; he; had; made; a; bad; mistake 10.Some; people; are; _; to; use; proverbs; in; their; everyday

6、; conversation because; they; see; them; as; vehicles; of; too; much; used; wisdom. A; responsible; B; reluctant; C; relevant; D; remarkable 。Cloze; Test; (10; points,; 1; point; for; each; item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。 Lightening; and; thunder; seem; very; different; from;

7、fog,; clouds,; rain,; wind,; heat, and; other; things; which; make; up; the; weather._11_; without; knowing; about the; rest; of; the; _12_,one; cannot; understand; lightening; and; thunder.; Long ago,; _13_; scientists; had; begun; to; study; the; weather,; everyone; was; afraid of; lightening; and

8、; thunder.; _14_; the; ancient; Greeks; and; Romans,; thunder was; the; angry; voice; of; _15_; great; god; Zeus,; or; Jupiter. Today; we; know; more; about; weather; and; _16_; lightening; and; thunder; too, though; there; _17_; still; much; to; be; learned.; People; today; are; not; often afraid;

9、of; thunderstorms,; though; we; know; that; lightening; _18_; dangerous. _19_; we; understand; lightening; and; thunder,; there; is; a; thrill; (激动); in watching; a; summer; thunderstorm; which; clears; the; air; and; leaves; us; _20_. 11.A; So; B; If; C; For; D; Yet 12.A; weather; B; whether; C; wo

10、nder; Dwander 13.A; before; B; after; C; since; D; when 14.A; For; B; To; C; As; D; About 15.A; its; B; his; C; their; D; ones 16.A; in; B; about; C; on; D; of 17.A; are; B; was; C; is; D; were 18.A; can; be; B; must; be; C; need; be; D; should; be 19.A; While; B; Although; C; So; D; Because 20.A; t

11、o; relax; B; relaxing; C; relax; D; relaxed 。Reading; Comprehension; (30; points,; 2; points; for; each; item) 阅读下列短文,并从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。 Passage; One Questions; 21; to; 25; are; based; on; the; following; passage. For; many; years; ,T-shirts; were; simple; short-sleeved; unde

12、rshirts; for; men; and boys.; T-shirts; used; to; be; of; one; colorwhite.; And; since; they; were; worn; under shirts,; they; were; generally; not; seen. Today; the; T-shirt; has; become; fashionable.; It; can; be; seen; everywhere; and; on everyone.; Women; and; little; children; wear; T-shirts; a

13、s; do; teenagers,; university students,; and; men; from; all; walks; of; life; (各行各业)。T-shirts; are; worn; on playground,; at; the; beach; or; in; town.; They; can; also; be; worn; for; work.; Yet T-shirts; remain; relatively; inexpensive; and; long; wearing,; as; well; as; easy to; care; for.; Smar

14、t; but; comfortable; and; convenient; to; wear,; they; have; become one; of; Americans; newest; ideas; on; fashion. Although; T-shirts; are; now; available; in; a; wide; variety; of; bright; materials and; styles,; the; most; popular; kind; is; the; traditional; cotton; T-shirts; with a; slogan; or; picture; printed; on; the; front.; A; T-shirt; may; bear; a; picture,; a single; word,; a; popular; phrase,; or; an; advertiseme


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