Unit 10 Section A 第2课时公开课教学设计【人教版九年级英语】

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1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section APeriod 2 Section A 3a - 3c教学设计教学目标【知识与能力目标】1) 学习掌握下列词汇:relaxed, value, capital, noon, mad, effort, drop by, after all, get mad, make an effort2) 复习 be supposed to句型。3) 如何正确的阅读课文。【过程与方法目标】根据新课程理念,结合本课时的教学内容,开展任务型教学活动。设置多个与课文相关问题,利用略读和详读,吸引和组织他们积极参与课堂活动,学

2、习和应用英语完成学习任务。【情感态度价值观目标】1) 通过“应该” 与“不应该”进一步了解一些国家的礼仪和对时间的看法。2) 了解不同国家的不同的时间观念, 加强对中国文化的理解。教学重难点【教学重点】1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。【教学难点】1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。课前准备1. 准备录音机和磁带;2. 设计课后巩固练习;3. ppt;教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Ask Ss to talk about differ

3、ent customs in different countries.Step 2. Lead-in1. Show pictures of Colombia and Switzerland.2. Look at the pictures and say something about the two countries.What do you know about Switzerland?What do you know about Colombia?Step 3. Reading1. Work on 3a: Tell Ss to read the article and answer the

4、 question:In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner?Ss read the article quickly and try to find the answer to the question.2. Check the answer. Key: In Colombia.Step 4. Careful Reading1. Answer the questions according to the passages in 3a.1) Is it OK if people in Colombia arrive a

5、bit late for a friends dinner?2) Who are pretty relaxed about time, Colombians or Swiss people?3) Colombians usually make plans to meet friends, dont they?4) What are you supposed to do if you want to visit your friends in Switzerland? 5) What do people in Switzerland think of time?Answers: 1) Yes,

6、it is. 2) Colombians. 3) No, they dont.4) I am supposed to make plans.5) They think its very important to be on time.2. Work on 3b. Read the passage again and fill in the chart.Ideas and customs aboutColombiaSwitzerlandBeing on timeits OK to be lateits important to be on timeVisiting a friends house

7、drop inwhenever they likealways call firstMaking plans with friendsdont usually make plansalways make plansStep 5. Role-play 3cRole-play a conversation between Teresa and Marc. Teresa is late and Marc is mad.Use the target language: In , youre supposed toA: Hi, Marc. Sorry, Im a little late.B: Teres

8、a, youre 10 minutes late!A: Its just 10 minutes! Its no big deal!B: Well, in Switzerland, youre supposed toStep 6. TalkingSay something about Zhang.A: Did you have a good time at Zhangs birthday party?B: Oh, yes. But I was a bit hurt about the way they treated my present. I gave Zhang the latest tap

9、es from the U.K. as a birthday present when I got inside the door and what do you think happened?A: What?B: Nothing. They only said thank you, but then just put them away in a corner. I really didnt know why. Didnt they like them?A: Oh, Thats misunderstanding. In the west, its regarded as polite to

10、open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation.But in China, if you did that, you might be thought greedy (贪婪的). So Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left.Step 7. Language points1. Where Im from, we are pretty relaxed about time.Where Im from是一个由 “where” 引导的

11、地点状语从句。e.g. Just stay where you are. 就留在你原来的地方。relaxed adj. 放松的,自在的be relaxed about 对感到放松e.g. Dontbeafraid,justberelaxedabouttheinterview.不要害怕,轻松面试。Youjustneedtoberelaxedaboutthisexamination.你只要放松地面对考试就可以了。2. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.value v. 珍视,重视

12、e.g. Ive always valued my teachers advice. 我一直很重视老师们所给的建议。life n. 生活(可数名词)e.g. Many people make different kinds of friends in their social lives. 许多人在他们的社交生活中结交了各种不同的朋友。一些常用短语和表达,如live/ have/ lead a life,常用life的单数形式。如:She just wanted to live a quiet life.她只想过平静的生活。3. We often just drop by our friend

13、s homes.drop by 顺便拜访e.g. Drop by my home this evening. 今晚到我家来谈谈。4. Were the capital of clocks and watches, after all!after all 毕竟e.g. So you see, I was right after all. 你看, 毕竟还是我对吧。You decided to come after all. 你毕竟还是决定来了。5. So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends.make an effort 做出努

14、力e.g. I will make an effort to stop smoking. 我要尽力戒烟。You should make an effort to improve your reading ability.你应该努力提高你的阅读能力。6. Also, we never visit a friends house without calling first.双重否定句。never和without都表示否定,合在一起表达肯定意义,“一定会”。e.g. You will hardly ever be able to speak good English without practicing. 你不练习几乎是不可能把英语学好的。Step 8. HomeworkWrite a short passage about manners in Colombia and Switzerland in 80 words.教学反思略。 5 / 5



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