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1、8BU6U7同步梳理Unit 6 Travel基础单词:1. 击败,战胜v.defeat 挨打的defeated2. 葡萄酒n. wine 葡萄grape3. 成年人n.adult4. 往国外;海外adv.aboard登上v.甲板board5. 举世闻名的adj.famous6. 地标n.landmark7. 绿树成荫n.greenery8. 名胜n.scenic spots9. 使能够n.enable10. 农业的adj.agricultural11. 农业agriculture12. 风景优美的adj.scenic13. 城堡n.castle14. 女王n.queen15. 影响n.inf

2、luence16. 奶酪n.cheese领导者n.leader领导v. lead17. 文化n.culture18. 有文化的adj. cultural19. 音乐会n.concert20. 遍及prep.throughout词组短语:1. sth happen to sb: 某事发生在某人身上 sb happen to do sth: 某人碰巧做了某事2. defeat: v击败、战胜 defeat sb: 打败某人3. now that = since: 既然4. sth be behind sb: 某事已经过去5. be starting to do sth: 正在开始做某事6. thi

3、nk about sth: 思考某事 think of sth: 想起某事、思考某事7. Why not do sth? = Why dont we / you do sth? = How / What about doing sth? 提出建议8. spread: v 伸开、展开、传播、散布 spread spread spread out: 伸展、延长9. tourist destinations: 旅游目的地、旅游景点10. tourism: n 旅游、观光、旅游业 sb be on a tour of sth: 某人正在游览某处、某物11. landmark: n 界标、里程碑、纪念碑

4、、标志性的建筑12. tree-lined: a 绿树成排的、绿树成荫的13. take sb with you: 带某人和你在一起14. be an hour away from some place: 据某地一个小时的路程15. offer sth to sb: 提供某物给某人 = provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth:16. go on to do sth: 继续做某事(中间有停顿) go on doing sth: 继续做某事(中间无停顿) 17. enable sb to do sth = make sb do: 让某人做某事18. agr

5、iculture: n 农业 agricultural: a 农业的19. region: n 地区、区域 = area20. scenic: a 风景优美的 scene: n 场面、现场、(戏剧的)一场、景色、风景 scenery: n 风景、景色21. influence: n / v 影响、作用22. in some ways: 在某些方面23. a leader in sth: 在.中的领导者 leading: a 重要的、主要的、前列的、首位的24. further the studies: 深造学习25. throughout the world = all over the wo

6、rld 遍布全世界26. force sb to do sth: 强迫某人做某事27. listen to a recording: 听录音、听唱片28. repaint: v 重新粉刷、重新上色29. jump off sth with parachutes: 带着降落伞跳下来30. look forward to sth / doing sth: 期待某物、期待做某事31. the leaning tower of Pisa: 比萨斜塔32. be built to be: 被建造成为 rebuild: v 重建 rebuilt rebuilt33. a bell tower: 钟楼34.

7、 cathedral: n 总教堂、大教堂 church: n 教堂35. not only is the tower beautiful: 强调句式,使用倒装语序,即:谓语动词在主语前36. lean to one side: 向一边倾斜37. look like +句子: 看上去像某件事38. fall over: 掉落、倒下 fall down: 倒塌、跌倒39. the building of the tower: 塔的建造40. sb be certain + 句子: 某人确定某件事41. It was said that + 句子: 据说.42. official: a 官方的、法

8、定的、公务的、正式的 officially: adv 官方地、正式地、公务上43. chamber: n 室、卧室、会客室44. from the top: 站在房顶、从最顶上向外看去45. a beautiful view: 一片美丽的风景46. gravity: n 重力、万有引力、地心引力47. beneath: prep 在.的下方、低于48. sink: v 下沉、退去、渐渐进入;n 水池、洗涤槽、污水坑 sank sunk 49. make sth straight: 让某物变直50. get worse: 恶化、变得更糟糕51. the rescue of the tower:

9、塔的修复工作52. collapse: n / v 折叠、倒塌、崩溃、衰弱53. by 2050: 到2050年54. if not sooner: 如果没有提前的话55. reopen: v 重新开放56. restrict: v 限制、限定、约束、束缚 sth be restricted: 某事受到限制57. the next 300 years: 接下来的300年句型语法:1. used to do sth. , be used to do sth. 与be used to doing sth(1) used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事,而现在这件事情可能已经不再继续了。(

10、2) be used to do sth. 是被动语态,表示“被用来做什么”的意思。(3) be used to doing sth. 表示“习惯于,适应于”的意思。2. go on to do sth. 继续去做(另一件事)go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事)3. now that =since, 引导原因状语从句。4. 六种提建议:What about doing How about doing Shall we do Lets do. Why not do why dont sb. do5.way的用法in some (many) ways在一些(许多)方面 by the

11、 way顺便问一下 on the way在路上 in the way 挡道,妨碍人的1. The car goes _ a speed of 100 kilometers an hour.A. with B. for C. at D. in2. The population in the world has _ these years.A. increases B. raises . C. increased D. raised3. Mr. Wang must be at home. Look, the light is_.A. off B. on C. in D. out4. My gran

12、dpa goes fishing monthly because it is his favorite way of .A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. to relax5. People waste _electricity every day.A. a large number of B. a huge amount ofC many D. quite a lot6. My father _ computer games when I got home. A. plays B. played C- was playing D. is playing7.

13、Let the children go away. They are making too much _ here.A. noisy B. voice C. noise D. sounds8. Remember _ the window open when you go out. Its going to rain.A. dont leave B. not to leave C. leaving D. to leave9. _that pair of new _ expensive? A. Is . shoe B. Are . shoe C. Is . shoes D. Are . shoes10. About _ of the earth is covered with water. A. one half B. one-third C. one-fourth D. two-thirds11. There was a silence after she had finished_.A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. speaks12. Everyone looked excitedly at the sky the colorful ball



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