Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 10 教学设计1

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《Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 10 教学设计1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 10 教学设计1(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 There is a park near my homeLesson 10教学设计一、教学重点与难点1重点词汇:near, in front of, building, restaurant, between, post office, next to,supermarket, right, left,2重要句型 1) there is near/in front of 2)next to the hairdresser is aclothes shop. on the left /right of the restaurant is a cake shop.3语法:复习并初步掌

2、握there be 句型的用法和含义。There is a park near my home .There are many trees in front of the building.4日常表示地址方位的用语:On the main street is a bank. Next to a bank is ahairdresser. Next to the hairdresser is a clothes shop. Across the road, there is a noodle restaurant .on the left of the restaurant is a cake

3、shop二、教学目标掌握有关的描述地址方位的用语以及相应的词汇 语言点:本课文有两个要点,值得注意:1There be是个常用句型,其中的there 是主语,be是系动词。类似的有therestands/exists 2There are a few tall buildings near the park. I live in a flat in one of thosebuildings.公园附近又一些高楼大厦,我就住在这些高楼之一的一套公寓里。这是两个较为复杂的简单句, near the park 是在公园附近,one of thosebuildings是那高楼中的一栋。三、教学用具pp

4、t , picture, cards, textbook 四、教学过程1)复习:由听音,做动作复习左、右,再延伸到向左转,向右转,在情景中让学生理解体会。并教学短语turnright/left2)导入新课:a.板书简笔画,复习巩固旧单词的同时为新课做准备。b.根据黑板上的指示图,让学生用前面学过的方位词来描述所处位置。3)呈现新知:a.将不同的街道用不同的颜色标示出来,呈现:Whereisthepostoffice?ItisinGreenStreet.学生问答操练重点句型。b.播放Whereisthepostoffice?歌曲,在听唱中巩固句型“Whereisthe?”c.呈现另一种回答方式。




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