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1、六年级英语科第四单元检测试卷 评分: 一、选出划线部分发音与众不同的一项,将其字母代号写在括号里。(10 分) 1.( ) A.mother B.weather C. thank D. these 2.( ) A. tidy B. July C. early D. easy 3.( ) A.heavy B. headache C.bread D. meat 4.( ) A.watch B.want C.sad D. wash 5.( ) A.helped B.cleaned C. studied D. played 二、按要求写单词,并在括号里写出新单词的中文意思。(16 分) 1、改变一个字

2、母变成新单词。 mouse- ( ) light - ( ) blue- ( ) shirt - ( ) 2、small-big dry - ( ) warm - ( ) clean- ( ) messy- ( ) 三、用括号中单词的适当形式,完成下面句子。(20 分) 1. The weather was_ (wind) and cool yesterday 。 2. The bedroom ( be )messy yesterday . But it tidy now. ( be ) 3. There ( be) lots of bikes on the road before . Now

3、 there (be) so many cars and buses. 4. Let s _ (carry)the garbage there. 5.What s the matter with _ .(they) 6.How many _ (shoe)can you see? 7.Don t put the _ (trash)there. 8. Look! Jim is _ (wash)his clothes. 四、选择填空。(14 分) ( ) 1. - Look! Ben s room is so . -Let s clean it . A. clean B. dry C. messy

4、( ) 2. What are your shoes like now ? - I them this morning , so they are now. A. washed , dirty B. clean , clean C. cleaned , clean ( ) 3. What your hair like last night ? - It dirty. A. was , was, B. were , was C. are , are ( ) 4. What was the weather like ? - It was . A. messy B. yucky C. cloudy

5、( ) 5. There is a lot of trash on the beach , so we . A. cleaned it up B. cleaned them up C. cleaned up it ( ) 6. Doing exercise is good for you . A. too much B. enough C. not enough ( )7. I never eat eggs. I dont like _. A .them B. they C. their 五、根据上下文补全各组对话,使其意思完整、合理。(20 分) 1. - were you yesterda

6、y ? - I at home - What did you at home ? - I TV . 2.Reading is good, but reading in bed is _ for our eyes. 3. - your bedroom tidy just now ? - Yes , it was , but it s now . 4. -What s _ with you? - I m feeling sick. 4. My books on the floor this morning. But now they _ on the desk 六、理解,根据短文意思,判断正(T)

7、误( F)。( 10 分) Mr.Wang has a parrot. It s green and yellow. It can speak(说话)like a man. Every morning he goes to talk with it. But the parrot doesn t say anything to him. One morning Mr.Wang is angry(生气 ) with it. He doesn t give it any food and water. The next morning he goes to see it again. He say

8、s something to it. But the parrot still( 一直 ) doesn t speak. At last Mr.Wang says: “ Fool ! You re a fool(白痴 ). ” Soon he hears the same words from the parrot. He lau ghs. He loves it very much. It s a very clever parrot. ( ) 1. The parrot can speak like a man. ( ) 2. One morning , Mr. Wang is angry

9、 with the parrot. ( ) 3. One morning , Mr. Wang gives the parrot some food and water. ( ) 4. Mr. Wang is a fool. ( ) 5. The parrot is very clever. 七、写作。( 10 分 ) 这些年你们学校肯定发生了天翻地覆的改变,请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇 短文,谈谈你们学校过去和现在的变化。不少于50 个句子。 提示 : was /were / small / old /no library/ small playground/ before/ ; is

10、/are/ big / beautiful / old /big library/ big playground/ now Old school and school Today _ _ _ _ _ _ 六年级英语科第四单元检测试卷答案卷 一、 共 10 分,每小题 2 分。 1、C 2、B 3、D 4、C 5、A 二、共 16分,每空 1 分。 1.答案略 2. wet (湿的)cool (凉的) dirty (脏的) tidy(整洁的) 三、共 20 分,每空 2 分,大小写及形式错误扣1 分. 1.windy 2.was, is 3. were, are 4. carry 5.them 6.shoes 7.trash 8.washing 四、共 14 分,每小题 2 分。 1. C 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6.B 7.A 五、共 20分,每空 2 分,大小写及形式错误扣1 分. 1.Where ,was ,do ,watched 2.bad 3.Were, messy 4.wrong 5.were, are 六、共 10 分,每小题 2 分。 1、T 2、T 3、F 4、 F 5、T 七、略。共 10 分。


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