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1、第 1 页 Reading in Unit 5 Theme Parks 教学设计 一、教学内容 Reading in Unit 2 二、教学目的( Teaching aims ) (一)知识目标( Knowledge aims) 1. Vocabulary: amusement attraction collection castle minority cartoon thrill coastal divide section shuttle butterfly injury rocket helicopter 2. Grammar: The ing form used as Adverbia

2、l (二)能力目标( Ability aims ) 1. Enable the students to talk about entertainment places. 2. Enable the students to ask and give directions. 3. Train the students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. (三)德育目标( Moral : To develop the Ss feelings of loving life and this colorful world. 三、教学重点

3、( Important points) 1. To master the uses of some words and phrases 2. The-ing form -used as Adverbial 四、教学难点( Difficult points) 1. How to ask and give directions 2. How to understand the texts quickly and well 五、教学手段( Teaching aids ) a computer, a blackboard, a book and some chalks. 六、教学方法( Teachin

4、g methors ) Task-based Language Teaching 七、教学课时( Teaching periods ) 2 periods 八、教学步骤( Teaching procedures ) Step1 Lead-in Discuss the following questions with you partner. 1 Have you tired any of the things in the pictures? Would you like to try them? Why or why not? 2 Have you ever been to a theme

5、park? What did you do and see there? Step2 pre-reading What do you suppose a theme park is? Theme Parks Fun and More Than Fun The title means that theme parks are fun to visit, but that they can also be educational and can offer useful information. Let s go to the theme parks in the world-Disneyland

6、. Introduce the Disneyland to the students: such as Ferris wheel; Free-fall rides; Merry-go-round; Roller-coaster rides. Step3 Reading comprehension 1. Scanning: 第 2 页 find out the main idea of each paragraph: Para. 1: Different kinds of theme parks. Para. 2: Disneyland Para. 3: Dollywood Para. 4: E

7、ngland s Camelot Park 2.Skimming Which theme parks are introduced in the text? What do they do to educate and entertain people? Read the passage and complete the following chart. Step4 Language points in the text 1. Phrase Study (1) Have in common The two girls have some in common. (2) base on (be b

8、ased on) One should always base his opinion on facts. This play is based on a short story. (3)Opportunity to do I missed a good opportunity to give my opinion on it. (4) Divideinto (be divided into) Let s divide ourselves into several groups. Our class is divided into three groups. (5) Feel like Whe

9、n an earthquake happens, you feel like being on a boat. Do you feel like having a walk with me? 2. Grammar:The ing form used as Adverbial Theme Parks Function World Park Theme: various building styles in over 30 countries out of China 第 3 页 (1)Key sentences in the text: Many people come to theme par

10、ks, looking for thrill and entertainment. But theme parks also try to make sure that visitors leave knowing more about their theme. Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take a shuttle to the Lowland. (2)Extension Time: When hearing the good news, the students were wild with joy. Ca

11、use: Being so poor in those days, we couldn t afford to send the body to hospital. Companion: Every evening they sat on the sofa, reading newspapers Condition: Unless working harder, you ll surely fail in the exam. Concession: Although repeating his words many times, the teacher could not make her u

12、nderstand what he meant. Result: He worked day and night, thus making himself near sighted. 九、教学评价 (Teaching evaluation) (一)形成性评价 1自我评价( Selfevaluation) Have you learned anything you didnt know before? If yes, what is it? Which topic impresses you most in this unit? Which part do you find the most d

13、ifficult in this unit? In what way can you work harder? 2小组评价( group evaluation) 姓名 小组讨论参与频度 提出问题个数 查找有效资料量 资料重组质量 代表小组发言次数 (二)终结性评价 1单项选择( Multiple choice) (1)The machine rests on a wide strong _ of steel. A. level B. base C. basis D. surface (2)I d say that he has nothing in _ her. A. general for

14、B. usual with C. similarity D. common with (3)Some people go abroad _ getting a lot of money. A. as a result of B. because of C. in the hope of D. in search of (4)You d better make sure _everything down. A. whether he ll write B. him to write C. he writes D. him writing (5)We are very pleased _ what

15、 he _. A. atwas done B. withhas done C. till the rest room D. andrest s room (6)Whether _, the picnic will be held as _. A. to permit; planning B. permitting; planned 第 4 页 C. permits; planning D. permitted; to be planned (7)_ a reply, he decided to write a letter to her again. A. Not receiving B. N

16、ot having received C. Not received D. Having not received (8)“ Can t you read? ” she said, _ to the notice. A. point angrily B. pointed angrily C. angrily pointed D. pointing angrily (9)He was very excited, _ words with which _ his thanks. A. lacking; expressing B. lacked; to express C. lacking; to express D. to lack; expressing (10)_ what you said, you should be praised. A. To judge from B. Being judge C. Judge from D. Judging from 2重写句子( Rewrite these sentences using the ing form) (1)Thousands



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