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1、 大规模定制的知识管理方法 关键词:设计 大规模定制 知识管理方法 基于实例推理 中国论文 职称论文【摘要】为实现产品设计知识的获取、管理和重用, 构建了基于W eb 的设计知识管理体系。对产品配置设计知识、变型设计知识及其过程知识的组织和管理方法进行了研究。根据知识及其表达方法的特点, 提出采用有向图的十字链表法、规则的双向链表和数据库表组织设计知识库, 实现知识检索的导航机制。应用J2EE 技术构建知识库引擎, 结合实例推理和规则推理的方法, 实现知识的智能检索和问题求解, 从而有效支持定制设计的快速实现。 关键词: 设计大规模定制知识管理方法基于实例推理Abstract:In o rde

2、r to m anage and cap tu re the design know ledge du ring p roduct cu stom izat ion design, a W eb2based know ledgem anagem en t system is developed. In o rder to o rgan ize and m anage p roduct conf igu rat ion design, varian t design and their p rocess know ledge is studied. Fo r accu rate rep rese

3、n t ing cu stom izat ion design know ledge, it p resen t s sem an t ic netwo rk model to rep resen t the know ledge. Design know ledge base con sist s of fou r sub2know ledge bases: design resou rce base, roduct case base, ru le base and m anufactu ring info rm at ion base. A cco rding to know ledg

4、e rep resenting methods, know ledge bases are o rgan ized in to o rthogonal linked list, doub ly linked list nd tab les. Know ledge base engine is p ropo sed based on J 2EE. Case2based reason ing and ru le eason ing are u sed to so lve p rob lem s. TheW eb2based know ledge m anagem en t system can s

5、upport customization design effect ively.Key wordsDesign, M ass cu stom izat ion, Know ledge m anagem en t bbbbbbb, Case2based reasoning引言1产品知识管理系统2知识表达3知识库的构建4知识库引擎5系统实现及应用6结束语参考文献1M urdock. A n info rmat ion modeling framewo rk to suppo rt design databases and repo sito riesC P roceedings of the19

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8、at ive building design environmentJ . A rt ificial Intelligence in Engineering, 2000, 14: 233 247.6中国机械工程学会, 中国机械设计大典编委会. 中国机械设计大典: 第1 卷M . 南昌: 江西科学技术出版社, 2002:682 700.7黄薇. 浅析语义对象类型J . 高等函授学报: 自然科学版, 2001, 13 (5) : 40 43.8李思强, 袁满, 张连斌, 等. 语义对象及建模技术J . 计算机应用, 1999 (5) : 40 41.9童秉枢. 现代CAD 技术M . 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2000: 196 210.10Rezayat M. Know ledge2based p roduct development using XML and KCs J . Computer2A ided Design, 2000, 32:299 309.11Q in X L , W illiam C, Regli. App lying case2ba


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