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1、Topic 6 : Project Management第六讲: 项目管理,More Than Just MS project 不只是微软项目 Paul Gandel Syracuse University Singapore Management University,Goals 目标,2,Provide an overview of Project Management Become familiar with key project deliverables Practice developing a project schedule Practice developing a risk

2、 analysis and plan,概述项目管理 熟悉主要的项目交付物 练习制订项目进度表 练习制订风险分析及计划,Reference Material参考资料,3,Project Definition项目的定义,Defined beginning and end One time effort Produces an identifiable, measurable, unique product, service, result Project team works together for length of project,4,设定起始及终结 一次性的工作 产出一项可识别、可量度、独

3、一无二的产品、服务或结果 项目进行阶段,全组并坚作战。,Project Triggers项目触发因素,Market driven needs市场需要 Organizational needs组织需要 Customer needs顾客需要 Technological advances科技进展 Legal requirements法律要求,5,Benefits of Project Management项目管理的好处,Improves ability to deliver project on-time, on-budget Provides a methodology to follow Ens

4、ures common understanding of project needs & deliverables Improves productivity Ensures communication of project and product needs Improves quality Manages risk,6,提升准时而不失预算地交付项目结果的能力 提供一个可遵循的方法 确保对项目的需求及交付物有所共识 提高生产力 确保对项目及产品的需要有足够的沟通 提升质量 管理风险,Project Management 101 项目管理101Its All About Chunks! 一切皆

5、为庞大工程,Big Chunks 大块头 Little Chunks 小块头,7,There has never been a task that could not be done as long as it could be broken down into small enough pieces! 只要能化整为零、 化繁为简,工作便无难事了!,Project Management 101Eight Key Questions,Why is this chunk necessary? What measurable performance do we want from this chun

6、k? What skills and attitudes will the person doing this chunk need? Who is going to do this chunk? What tasks need to be done to complete this chunk? Where is this chunk going to be done? How long will it take to do this chunk and when does it need to be finished? How much is this chunk going to cos

7、t?,8,为何必须进行此项目? 欲从这项目中取得何种可量度的成绩? 参与该项目的人员需具备何种技能和态度? 谁将参与该项目? 要完成此项目有何工作必需要做? 此项目在哪里进行? 完成项目需多久?何时必需完成? 项目成本多少?,Who Works on a Project?谁做项目的工作?,9,Project Manager Responsibilities项目经理的责任,Ultimate responsibility for project results Identify and manage stakeholder expectations Select and motivate team

8、 members Manage project scope Manage the schedule and work efforts Report project progress Anticipate and manage risks Manage costs Follow standard project management methodology,10,为项目结果负最后责任 确定及管理相关利益者的期望 挑选及激发组员 管理项目范围 管理进度 报告项目进展 预测及管理风险 管理成本 遵循标准项目管理的方法,Other People Involved (Stakeholders)其他相关人

9、员(相关利益者),Sponsor responsibilities Customer, end-user responsibilities External customer responsibilities Project Team responsibilities,11,赞助人的责任 顾客,最终享用者的责任 外部顾客的责任 项目小组的责任,Managing within Constraints 在限制下作管理,12,Quality 质量,Cost 成本,Einstein discovers that time is actually money 爱因斯坦发时间实际上就是金钱,Scope 范

10、围,Time 時間,Project Management Knowledge Areas项目管理知识范围,Quality质量 Scope范围 Communications沟通 Time时间 Cost成本 Risk风险 Human Resources人力资源 Procurement采购,13,Key Project Deliverables主要项目交付物,Project Charter项目章程 Scope Statement范围陈述 Change Control转变控制 Project Schedule项目进度表 Status Report状况报告 Communication Plan沟通计划

11、Risk Analysis & Plan风险分析及计划,14,1 Project Charter项目章程,Purpose: Formally recognizes project Usually the first document created Identifies: Project purpose Project importance Project Sponsor Project Manager Authorizes Project Manager to use resources (money and people) Signed by executive empowered to

12、commit money and people,15,目的 正式确认项目 通常为第一份制定的文件 需确定的因素: 项目目的 项目重要性 项目赞助人 项目经理 授权项目经理使用资源(资金及人力) 获授权使用财政及人力资源的行政人员签署,2 Scope Statement范围陈述,Purpose: Identify and communicate project work to be done Identifies: Project boundaries Requirements Impact on other applications Assumptions, Constraints, Risk

13、s Key Milestones Roles and Responsibilities Overall Costs,16,目的: 确定项目工作并就此沟通 需确定的因素: 项目界限 需求 对其他方面的影响 假设、界限、风险 重要里程碑 角色及责任 整体成本,3 Change Control转变之控制,Purpose: Ensure changes are managed and beneficial to project Identifies: Process for identifying and evaluating project changes Factors that must be

14、evaluated to determine effect of change on time, cost, scope, quality Stakeholders who must approve project changes Process for implementing approved changes,17,目的: 确保转变在控制之下并对项目带来益处 需确定的因素: 确立及评估项目转变的程序 决定时间、成本、范围及质量转变带来的效果之因素 批核项目转变的相关利益者 实施已批核之转变的程序,4 Project Schedule项目时间表,Purpose: Identify, sequ

15、ence, and control the activities and resources needed for project Identifies: Project activities Order of activities People assigned to activities Time estimates for each activity Labor costs,18,目的: 确定及順序列出项目所需的活动及资源並加以控制 需确定的因素: 项目活动 活动次序 分派员工参与活动 每项活动的时间估计 劳工成本,5 Status Report状况报告,Purpose: Provide

16、 information about project and/or individual progress to project manager and/or stakeholders Identifies: Activities completed Activities started Activities planned for next period Activities late or overdue Issues or concerns,19,目的: 向项目经理和/或相关利益者提供有关项目和/或个别活动进程的信息 需确定的因素: 已完成的活动 已开始的活动 已计划在下一阶段进行的活动 延迟或过期的活动 问题或关注,6 Communication Plan沟通计划,目的: 给予组员相关信息 需确定的因素: 需要接收信息的团队 每次沟通的目的 每组需要的讯息 信息提供有多频密 沟通形式,20,Purpose: Links people with the information they need Identifies: Groups who should receive info


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