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1、人称的总结和练习 一认识人称: 第一人称单数:I 我 第一人称复数:we 我们 第二人称单数:you你 第二人称复数:you你们 第三人称单数:he他,she她,it它 单个人名、可数名词单数,不可数名词都是第三人称单数。 第三人称复数:they他们,所有的复数的可数名词,多个人称 只有在第三人称单数用动词的三单变化,其他用动词的原形。,1,.,二动词的第三人称单数 动词原形变第三人称单数的规则与发音规律同名词单数变复数大致相同。 1. 大多数动词在词尾加“s” likelikes playplays 2. 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后在加“es” 3. 以“s, x

2、, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es” watchwatches 4. 以“o”结尾的动词,加“es gogoes dodoes,2,.,练习一、 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 eat_ play_ sing_ swim_live_ get_ dance_like_ drink_ go_ stay_ make_look_ have_ pass_ carry_ come_ watch_ plant_ fly_study_ brush_ do_ teach_,3,.,练习二、将括号里动词的适当形式填入横线上。 1. I _ apples. (like) 2. He _ apples. (like

3、) 3. I _ up at seven. (get) 4. They _ up at seven. (get) 5. He _ up at seven. (get) 6. We _ up at seven. (get) 7. I _ ABC song.( like ) 8. Amy _ oranges. ( like ) 9. She _ oranges. ( like ) 10.They _ TV at home.( watch ),like,likes,get,get,gets,get,like,likes,likes,watch,4,.,11.Lingling _ TV at home

4、.( watch ) 12.She _ TV at home.( watch ) 13.You _ football at school.( play ) 14.Sam _ football at school.( play ) 15.Lingling and Daming _ football at school.( play ) 16.I _ my bike on Sundays.( ride ) 17.The boy _ his bike on Sundays.( ride ) 18.The girl _ her bike on Sundays.( ride ) 19.The girls

5、 _ their bike on Sundays.( ride ) 20.They _ their bike on Sundays.( ride ),watches,watches,play,plays,play,ride,rides,rides,ride,ride,5,.,练习三、选择正确的单词填到括号里。 1.I _ like books.( dont, doesnt) 2.They _ like these bananas.( dont, doesnt) 3.You _ like pencils.( dont, doesnt) 4.We _ like these shoes.( dont

6、, doesnt) 5.She _ like books.( dont, doesnt) 6.Amy _ like this dress.( dont, doesnt) 7.Tony _ like this apple.( dont, doesnt) 9.He _ like the blue T-shirt.( dont, doesnt) 10.The boys _ like rice.( dont, doesnt),dont,dont,dont,dont,doesnt,doesnt,doesnt,doesnt,dont,6,.,练习三、选择正确的单词填到括号里。 1. _ like book

7、s?( Do you , Does you ) 2. _ like these bananas?( Do they , Does they) 3. _ go to school? ( Do he, Does he) 4. _ live in Beijing ?(Do you , Does you) 5._ go to Hainan by ship? ( Do she, Does she) 6. _ like this dress? ( Do Amy , Does Amy) 7._ run to work? ( Do Tony, Does Tony) 9. _ walk to the park?

8、 ( Do he, Does he) 10._ go by train? ?( Do you , Does you ),Do you,Do they,Does he,Do you,Does she,Does Amy,Does Tony,Does he,Do you,7,.,She goes swimming.,Module 8 Unit 1,8,.,What do you like?,I like,ice cream,football,9,.,What does she like?,She likes,ice cream,football,10,.,What do you do on Sund

9、ays?,I ,on Sundays.,watch TV,play football,go skating,fly kites,11,.,What does she do on Sundays?,She ,on Sundays.,watches TV,plays football,goes skating,flies kites,12,.,What does my mother do on Sundays?,My mother,on Sundays.,watch TV,go swimming,es,es,13,.,PPT模板: PPT素材: PPT背景: PPT图表: PPT下载: PPT教程

10、: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件:,What does Sam do at the weekend?,How about Amy?,She goes swimming.,Listen and find out the answers,He plays football. And he watches TV.,She watches TV and she reads books.,14,.,1. Today is weekend. 2

11、. Amy plays football at the weekend. 3. Sam watches TV at the weekend. 4. Lingling likes books.,V,X,V,V,Listen and check,15,.,watch - watches,go - goes,read - reads,do - does,play - plays,第三人称单数变形,like - likes,16,.,17,.,18,.,19,.,20,.,21,.,22,.,23,.,I watch TV at the weekend.,24,.,The boy _TV at the

12、 weekend.,watches,25,.,Amy _at the weekend.,reads books,26,.,I _at the weekend.,goes swimming,27,.,Amy _at the weekend.,reads books,28,.,Chant:,Goes, goes, she goes swimming. Watches, watches, she watches TV. Reads, reads, she reads books.,he,he,he,29,.,Read with your partner then show. (同桌分角色读课文),P

13、air work,Pronunciation语音,Intonation语调,Speed语速,30,.,Play a game!,31,.,She plays ping-pong at the weekend.,What does she do at the weekend?,32,.,Bingbing,He plays basketball at the weekend.,What does he do at the weekend?,33,.,He watches TV at the weekend.,34,.,He plays football at the weekend.,What d

14、oes he do at the weekend?,35,.,She reads books at the weekend.,What does she do at the weekend?,36,.,He goes swimming at the weekend.,What does she do at the weekend?,37,.,She watches TV at the weekend.,What does she do at the weekend?,38,.,She reads books at the weekend.,What does she do at the weekend?,39,.,He plays football at the weekend.,What does he do at the weekend?,40,.,He plays ping pong at the weekend.,What does he do at the weekend?,41,.,He/She .at the weekend.,watches TV,goes swimming,goes skating,plays football,practice,goes to the park,reads books,42,.,


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