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1、叫我第一名1. I never let it get to me. 我从不放在心上。2. Dad could never understand my optimism.我爸永远不懂我的乐观。( Stepmom 继母 )3. Fractions are your friend分数是你的好朋友。4. Whats a school for? 学校是干嘛的?5. Did you like making noises and upsetting people, Brad? 布莱德,你喜欢发出怪声惹人讨厌吗?6. I dont like making noises any more than you li

2、ke hearing them.你们不喜欢听到怪声,我也不喜欢发出怪声。7. A few words, a little education, and it was like opening a door to a brand new world.几句话,教育一下,就像开启了通往全新世界的大门。8. I had no choice but to prove that Tourettes would never get the best of me. If I quit, I would be agreeing with everyone who ever told me I was barki

3、ng up the wrong tree. 我别无选择,只能证明妥瑞症永远不会打倒我。如果我放弃了,就等于是认同跟我说想得太天真的那些人。9. I make a point of being open about it. Its, ah, never off-limits to my students.我早就下定决心要直言不讳了。我从来不给学生们设限。(teaching philosophy 教学理念)10. Why cant you stay focused and realistic at the same time?你难道不能同时专注和实际吗?11. Egocentric, humor-challenged idiots. 自我中心,一堆自大的白痴。(sympathetic 同情)12. Dont take it to heart. 别放在心上。I just dont want her to be singled out.我只是不喜欢她被排挤 。


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