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1、这首由 Michael Skloff 作曲、Allee Willis 作词的歌曲原本是为迈克尔 斯蒂普和纳塔利-麦钱特度身定做的,但这两名歌手拒绝出演。于是,剧组想到了由两名喜欢穿黑衣、戴墨镜的歌手丹尼-怀尔德 (Danny Wilde)和菲尔-索利姆(Phil Solem)组成的“ 伦勃朗” 乐团。 Ill Be There For You 为你,我会在那里 So no one told you 没有人曾告诉过你, Life was gonna be this way 生活就是这样的。 Your jobs a joke, 你的事业不成功, Youre broke 一文不名, our love

2、 lifes D.O.A, 爱情没有结果。 Its like youre always stuck in second gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。 Oh when it hasnt been your day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月, Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。 But Ill be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你, When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。 Ill be there for you 我会在那里支持你, Like Ive be

3、en there before 就像我以前一样。 Ill be there for you 我会在那里支持你, Cause youre there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。 Youre still in bed at ten 早上 10 点你还赖在床上, And work began at eight 即使 8 点就应该去上班。 Youve burned your breakfast 你把早餐弄煳了, So far things are going great 但直到现在一切还不错。 Your mother told you 你妈妈告诉你, Thered be day

4、s like these 生活有时候会像这样不如意。 But she didnt tell you when the world 但是她没有告诉你, Has brought you down to your knees 你也会有心灰意冷的时候。 But Ill be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你, When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。 Ill be there for you 我会在那里支持你, Like Ive been there before 就像我以前一样。 Ill be there for you 我会在那里支持你, Cause

5、 youre there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。 No one could ever know me 没有人能够了解我, No one could ever see me 没有人可以看透我, Seems youre the only one who knows 似乎只有你知道 What its like to be me 我该是什么样的人。 Someone to face the day with 我会和你一起面对明天, Make it through all the rest with 一起坚持到底, Someone Ill always laugh with 一

6、起纵情欢笑。 Even at my worst Im best with you 无论情况有多糟,我们都是最合拍的一对。 Its like youre always stuck in second gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。 Oh when it hasnt been your day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月, Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。 But Ill be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你, When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。 Ill be there for you 我会在那里支持你, Like Ive been there before 就像我以前一样。 Ill be there for you 我会在那里支持你, Cause youre there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。


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