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1、小学六年级英语毕业复习资料(一)时态一、一般现在时: 表示经常性、规律性习惯性的动作或现在存在的状态。 结构:1. 动作词一般用原形,但如果是第三人称单数时(如Tony ,he ,she ),动作词用第三人称单数形式,即加s 或 es ; 在主语前加do, does帮助疑问句,后面的动词用原形;在动作词前加dont, doesnt 帮助否定句,后面的动词用原形。2. 句子中没动作词时,用be动词:is , am , are ; is , am , are 放在主语前帮助疑问句;is , am , are 后面加上not帮助否定句。3. 情态动词can, may, should,must引起的句

2、子是一般现在时,后面接动词用原形; can, may, should,must 放在主语前帮助疑问句,后面接动词用原形;can, may, should, must后面加上not帮助否定句,后面接动词用原形。 4. 肯定祈使:动词原形 + 其它 否定祈使句:Dont +动词原形 + 其它 5感叹句: What a mess! What a beautiful desert! What beautiful flowers! What+(形)名 How beautiful! How beautiful the flower is! How beautiful the flowers are! Ho

3、w+形A. :(非第三人称单数)主语+V+其它 We come from China.(第三人称单数)主语+Vs+其它 He comes from China.主语+be (is, am, are)+其它 We are from China.主语+情态动词(can, may, should, must)+V+其它 She must go.B. :(非第三人称单数)主语+dont +V+其它 We dont come from China. (第三人称单数) 主语+doesnt +V+其它 He doesnt come from China.主语+be (is, am, are) not+其它

4、I arent from China.主语+情态动词(can, may, should, must)+not +V+其它C一般:Do +(非第三人称单数)主语+V+其它 Do you come from China?Does +(第三人称单数)主语+Vs+其它 Does he come from China? be (Is, Am, Are)+主语+其它 Are you from China?情态动词(Can, May, Should, Must)+主语+ V+其它 She cant go.D特殊疑问句:+do +(非第三人称单数)主语+V+其它 Where do you come from?

5、 +does +(第三人称单数)主语+Vs+其它 Where does he come from? +be (is, am, are)+主语+其它 Where are you from?+情态动词(Can, May, Should, Must)+主语+ V+其它 Can she go?二、现在进行时: 表示现在正在进行的动作。 结构:1. be动词( is , am , are) + 动词ing (现在分词); is , am , are 放在主语前帮助疑问句,后面的动词加ing;is , am , are 后面加上not帮助否定句,后面的动词加ing。A. :主语+be(is, am, ar

6、e)+Ving+其它 They are coming here. B. 否定句:主语+be(is, am, are)+not +Ving+其它They arent coming here.C. 一般疑问句:be(Is, Am, Are)+主语+ Ving+其它 Are they coming here?D. :特殊疑问词+ be(is, am, are)+主语+ Ving+其它 What are they doing?三、一般过去时:表示过去某个时间里发生了的动作或状态。 结构:1. 动作词用过去式(ed ) ; 在主语前加did帮助疑问句,后面的动词用原形;在动作词前加didnt帮助否定句,

7、后面的动词用原形。2. 句子中没动作词时,用be动词的过去式:was , were; was , were 放在主语前帮助疑问句;was , were后面加上not帮助否定句。A. :主语+Ved+其它 We came from China 主语+be (was, were)+其它 We were from China. B. :主语+didnt +V +其它 We didnt come from China. 主语+be (was, were) +not+其它 We werent from China.C一般:Did +主语+V +其它 Did you come from China? be

8、 (Was, Were)+主语+其它 Were you from China?D特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ did +主语+V +其它 Where did you from? 特殊疑问词+ be (was, were)+主语+其它 Where were from?四、一般将来时:表示将来某个时间的动作或状态。 结构:1. be going to + 动词原形 is , am , are 放在主语前帮助疑问句;is , am , are 后面加上not帮助否定句。2. will+ 动词原形will放在主语前帮助疑问句,后面接动词用原形;will后面加上not帮助否定句,后面接动词用原形。A. :主

9、语+will +V +其它 He will dig a hole.主语+ be going to +V +其它 He is going to dig a hole. B. :主语+will not +V +其它 He wont dig a hole.主语+ be not going go +V +其它 He isnt going to dig a hole. C一般:Will+主语+V+其它 Will he dig a hole? Be(Is, Am, Are) +主语going to +V+其它 Is he going to did a hole? D特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+will+主语+

10、V+其它 What will he do? 特殊疑问词+be(is, am, are) +主语going to +V+其它 What is he going to do?五、过去进行时:表示过去某时正在进行的动作。结构:1. be动词( was, were) + 动词ing; was, were 放在主语前帮助疑问句,后面的动词加ing;was, were后面加上not帮助否定句,后面的动词加ing。A. :主语+be(was, were)+Ving He was digging a hole.B. 否定句:主语+be(was, were)+not +Ving He wasnt digging

11、 a hole.C. 一般疑问句:be(Was, Were)+主语+ Ving Was he digging a hole?D. :特殊疑问词+ be(was, were)+主语+ Ving What was he doing(二)时态意义与结构一览表:时态时态意义与动词主语动词形式常用时间肯定句否定句(特殊)疑问句一般现在时1.表示现在的状态。be动词三单isis not (疑问词) is +主语always,often, nowusually,sometimes,ever, never, in the morningin the afternoon,in the evening,at ni

12、ght,on Sunday,everyonce a week,twice a month,3 times a yearIamam not(疑问词)am+主语you,复areare not(疑问词)are+主语2. 表示经常性习惯性的动作、兴趣爱好或能力。情态动词所有主语can +Vcan not +V(疑问词)can +主语+Vmay +Vmay not +V(疑问词)may+主语+Vmust +Vmust not +V(疑问词)must+主语+Vshould +Vshould not +V(疑问词)should+主语+V行为动词三单Vsdoesnt +V(疑问词)does +主语+V非三单V

13、dont +V(疑问词)do +主语+V3.祈使句be无BeDont beBe quick. Dont be worried.行为无VDont +VListen to me. Dont push.4.感叹句What a mess! What a beautiful desert! What beautiful flowers!How beautiful! How beautiful the flower is! How beautiful the flowers are!一般过去时表示过去了的动作或状态。be动词单youwaswas not(疑问词) was +主语yesterday,this

14、 morning,before that,last复+youwerewere not(疑问词)were+主语行为所有主语Veddidnt +V(疑问词)did +主语+V现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。行为动词三单is +Vingis not +Ving(疑问词) is +主语+Vingnow,Listen!Look!WheresIam +Vingam not +Ving(疑问词)am+主语+Vingyou,复are +Vingare not +Ving(疑问词)are+主语+Ving过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作。行为单youwas +Vingwas not +Ving(疑问词)was+主语+Vingyesterdaythis morningat that timeat nine 复+youwere +Ving


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