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1、关于询问物品价格的句型和日常用语: 1)How much is the coat? Its one hundred yuan 2)How much are the dresses? Theyre ninety- five pounds 3)Can I help you,sir? 4)What can I do for you,madam? 5)Yes,pleaseId like(to buy)that blouse 6)Ill take itthem 7)Whats eighty and thirtynine 7 Its one hundred and nineteen 8)Whose shi

2、rtis it(are they)? Its(Theyre)Yongxians 主要语法: 1)知道询问物品价格时单数与复数的区分。 2)知道询问物品价格a pair of的时候,be动词用单数。 3)知道询问加数时回答是用:Its 2学习的难点 1)衣物类的单词、词组和数词的记忆; 2)询问物品价格时单数与复数的区分。 3学习辅导 1)询问价格时需要用到的句型:How much iSare?ItsFhevre 2)注意价格单词:yuan和poundyuan是人发民币,pound是英镑。yuan没有单复数之分,one yuan,two yuan,three yuan;而pound有单复数形式:

3、 one pound,two pounds,three pounds还有注意它们各代表符号:yuan ¥,pound。Unit1 Blouses and Jeans一、根据听到的内容,在相应的括号内写上大写字母的编号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听读句子,选出句中所提及的单词,并把其字母 )1Asocks B. sweater C. shirt )2Adress B. blouse C. trousers )3Acoat B. cloths C. jacket )4Atwenty B. thirty C. forty)5Asixty B. sevente

4、en C. seventy)6Anine B. five C. ninety)7Athirteen B. thirty C. forty)8Acoat B. shorts C. jacket三、听问题选择正确的答语。)1AI like it B. Yes, please. C. Youre welcome.)2AId like B. Its 39 yuan. C. Theyre 39 yuan.)3A0K B. Here you are. C. Thank you.)4AYes B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I like them.)5. A. Its eighty yuan.

5、B. Its a coat. C. OK. Ill take it.四、看图写出相应的单词所缺的字母。sh t sh ts sk t bl se sh s dr s sw ter tr sers五、选择正确的答语回答问题。( )1. How much is the T- shirt?A. Its white.B. Its 45 yuan.C. Theyre 45 yuan.( )2. How much are the socks?A. Yes, they are.B. Its 10 yuan.C. Theyre 10 yuan.( )3. Is it a jacket?A. Yes, it i

6、s.B. Yes, its a shirt.C. No, it isnt.( )4. What colour are Mr. Chens trousers?A. Its black.B. Theyre black.C. Theyre jeans.六、选择正确答案,并把其字母编号写在括号内。)1How are they? Theyre are ninety yuan.A. much Bmany Cold)2Id like a dressAbuy Bto buy Cbuying)3Twenty and thirty fifty.Aam Bare Cis)4How much are the ?Aje

7、an Bpair of jeans Cshoe)5Whats three and ten? .AThirteen BThirty C. Fourteen七、写出对话所缺的单词。A: I help you?B:Yes,Id a skirtHow is the red one?A:80 yuanB:Oh! Its niceIll it.A: you. Byebye!B:Bye!八、根据实际情况回答问题。1How much is your shoes? 2Are your socks white? 3What colour is your T- shirt? 4Do you like your sw

8、eater? 5Whats forty and fifty?九、选择正确的答案填空1 Jeans are they? Theyre Mikes.A. Who B. Whose C. What2. How is the coat?A. many B. old C. much3. Seventeen and twelve twenty-nine.A. is B. are C. am4. The trousers are good. Ill take .A. it B. them C. they5. Id like a sweater.A. buy B. buys C. to buy6 The tw

9、o boys talk the heroes.A. for B. from C. about7 is your heroine?A. Who B. Whose C. Whos8 The young man a hat is Tom.A. wear B. with C. is wearing9 is that little boy? Hes my cousin Dan.A. Who B. Which C. Whose10 John and Ben wearing white shirt.A. is B. am C. are11. _you want to be a cook ?A. Does B

10、. Are C. Do12. Look at the men . They are _.A. policemens B. policeman C. policemen13. I want _ a manager when I grow up .A. to am B. be C. to be14. What s _job ? Shes _ athlete . A. she an B. her an C. her a15. What _your mother _? She is a worker .A. does do B. is . job C. does job16. _your name ?

11、 A. What B. Whats C. Are17. _is the teacher in your family ? My brother .A. Whose B. He C. Who18. _sister is a nurse . A. She B. Her C. Shes19. Both Ben and I _.A. is fireman B. are firemen C. is firemen20.Whats Jeans father_? Hes John .A. name B. job C. do21 his job?A. Whats B. What C. Which22 What your brother do?A. do B


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