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1、六年级英语期末试题亲爱的同学们,欢迎来到英语的世界,预祝你会取得优异的成绩,相信你是最棒的! 考试时间:40分钟 总分:60分听力部分一、听录音,选择所听单词的序号。(5分)( )1. A. give B. get C. gift D. game( )2. A. snowman B.snow C.snow D. snowball( )3. A. healthy B. heavy C. high D.help( )4. A. breakfast B. begin C.basketball D.body( )5. A. something B. some C. something D. someo

2、ne 二、听句子,看图,用1、2、3、4、5排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选择所听到句子的序号。(5分)( )1. A. I played on the beach. B. I swam in the lake.( )2. A. Dont be angry. B. Dont tell him. ( )3. A. Can you hit the ball? ? B.Did you have fun today?( )4. A. We will go to the park. B. We will buy some fruit. ( )5. A. I have

3、fun with my friends. B. I dry the dishes after dinner. 笔试部分 一、根据打乱的汉语提示,将正确的单词写在横线上。(5分)1. I will _ my aunt and uncle. 2. I like to play _.3. We make a beautiful _. 4. Throw the ball is _. 5. Lets have a surprise _ for Li Ming. 汉语提示: 聚会; 容易的; 蛋糕; 篮球; 拜访,参观。 二、选择正确答案的序号,写在题前的括号内。(5分)( )1. -_ are you

4、doing? -Im getting ready to go home next week. A. What B. How C. Why( )2. Will you swim in the sea? -Yes, I _. A. am B. do C. will ( )3. In _ , its cold and snowy. A. autumn B. winter C. spring ( )4. -Do you have _ ping-pong balls? -No, I dont. A. a B. some C.any ( )5. Jenny _ things at the shop yes

5、terday. A. bought B. buy C.buying五、选择与图相符句子的序号,写在括号内。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. In autumn,trees lose their leaves.B. Football is my favourite sport.C. We like to fly kites.D. I like to swim in summer. E. She is planting flowers.四、连词成句,标点已给出,首字母已大写。(10分)1. like I fan the ( . )_2. photos Li Ming found

6、 this ( . )_3. sun sit I like in the to ( . )_4. about What caps these ( ? )_5. always I walk school to ( . )_五、选择正确答语的序号,写在题前的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. How many gifts do you need? ( ) 2. What will you do this summer holiday? ( ) 3. What time does the party begin? ( ) 4. How often did you have breakfast last

7、week? ( ) 5. What do you like to do ?A. I like to look at the clouds.B. I need eleven gifts. C. I will help my parents. D. At about 4:00 in the afternoon. E. I had breakfast six times last week. 六、阅读短文,判断正误,正确(T),错误 (F)。(5分) Hi, My name is Mary. Im thirteen years old. My family likes to go on trips

8、in summer. We will go to Hainan in this summer holiday. We will go there by plane. It is very hot in Hainan. But it is very fun. There are many beautiful flowers and trees. My mother likes the flowers. She will lie on the beach and look at the birds in the sky. My father will swim in the sea. I will

9、 play on the beach. We will feel happy. ( )1. Marys family will go to Shijiazhuang in this summer holiday. ( )2. They go there by train.( )3. Marys mother likes the flowers.( )4. Mary is 12 years old.( )5. Marys father will swim in the sea. 七、写作天地。(5分)亲爱的同学们,拥有健康的身体是很重要的,请写一写我们要怎样做才能拥有健康的身体!要求:书写规范、

10、表达准确,5句话左右,不要用真实姓名。提示:句型I/We should play sports every day. 词汇always, breakfast, exercise, vegetables, fruit, strong, walk, run,teeth, hands, brush Healthy Body_六年级英语期末试题听力材料一、听录音,选择所听单词的序号,每个小题读两遍。1. game 2. snowman 3. healthy 4. basketball 5. some二、听句子,看图,用1、2、3、4、5排序,每个句子读两遍。Before breakfast, I wash my hands.I will watch the ships on the sea.I always have my umbrella on a rainy day. Running is exercise.Here are some little fla



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