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1、过年请假条精品范文尊敬的(科长、处长、主任):根据国家和单位关于探亲假的有关规定,我拟于x年 x月x日至x年 x月x日休探亲假 x天。请给予批准为盼!特此申请申请人:年 月 日请假条”相当于公文中的“请示”,但比请示简便、灵活,格式可以不固定,也可以固定。一般最常用的格式如下:标题(居中):请假条上款(顶格写部门的名称或领导人的名字):正文(请假缘由、起止日期及天数)如:因.需要请假,请假时间自XX年x月x日至XX年x月x日共xx天,恳请领导批准。下款(标在右下).请假人:x x x.xxxx年xx月xx日请假条xxxxxxx我叫xxx,今年xx岁,系xxxxxx员工。我计划于xxxx年xx月

2、xx日至xxxx年xx月xx日回家探亲,时间为1个月,望批准为盼。礼请假人:xxxxxxx年xx月xx日请假条我于xx年月日,回家探亲,望领导批准署名日期to: john smith, supervisorfrom: george chen, accounting departmentdate: march 11, XXsubject: casual leave of absence john, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from march 23 to 27.yesterdayi rec

3、eived a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling methat a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damageto my house. as the only son of my parents, i should of back to assessthe situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. though icannot stay at home for too

4、 long a time, i should at least makearrangements for repair work. i believe my relatives in the village andmy neighbors will also e to help. financially i have nodifficulties.i will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.假条范例:探亲假条(交财务处)姓名单位去向事由(未婚探亲、探配偶、已婚探父母)探亲假天数路程假天数请假起止日期销假时间。部门领导签名


6、x月x日共xx天,恳请领导批准。下款(标在右下).请假人:x x x.xxxx年xx月xx日请假条xxxxxxx我叫xxx,今年xx岁,系xxxxxx员工。我计划于xxxx年xx月xx日至xxxx年xx月xx日回家探亲,时间为1个月,望批准为盼。礼请假人:xxxxxxx年xx月xx日请假条我于xx年月日,回家探亲,望领导批准署名日期to: john smith, supervisorfrom: george chen, accounting department!-empirenews.page-date: march 11, XXsubject: casual leave of absenc

7、e john, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from march 23 to 27.yesterdayi received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling methat a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damageto my house. as the only son of my parents, i should of ba

8、ck to assessthe situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. though icannot stay at home for too long a time, i should at least makearrangements for repair work. i believe my relatives in the village andmy neighbors will also e to help. financially i have nodifficulties.i will call you a

9、t 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.假条范例:探亲假条(交财务处)姓名单位去向事由(未婚探亲、探配偶、已婚探父母)探亲假天数路程假天数请假起止日期销假时间。部门领导签名请假条我于xx年月日,回家探亲,望领导批准署名日期尊敬的_:您好!我是_级_专业的_。因_(请假理由)不能_。特此请假。请批准。此致请假人:_年x月x日请假条xxxxxxx我叫xxx,今年xx岁,系xxxxxx员工。我计划于xxxx年xx月xx日至xxxx年xx月xx日回家探亲,时间为1个月,望批准为盼。礼请假人:xxxxxxx年xx月xx日精品范文一:尊敬的(科长、处长、主任):根据国家和单位关于探亲假的有关规定,我拟于x年 x月x日至x年 x月x日休探亲假 x天。请给予批准为盼!特此申请申请人:年 月 日第 7 页 共 7 页


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