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1、The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,This is the United Kindom,英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。其是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰,爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。除本土之外,其还拥有十四个海外领地1 ,总人口超过6

2、400万,以英格兰人为主体民族。,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,在两次世界大战中都取得了胜利,但国力严重受损。到20世纪下半叶大英帝国解体,资本主义世界霸主的地位被美国取代。不过,现在英国仍是一个在世界范围内有相当影响力的大国 。,1688年的光荣革命确立英国君主立宪政体,英国是世界上第一个工业化国家,首先完成工业革命,国力迅速壮大。18世纪至20世纪初期英国统治的领土跨越全球七大洲,是当时世界上最强大的国家,号称日不落帝国。,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,Famous spots,泰晤士河 River Thames,伦敦塔桥 Tower Bridge,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,威斯敏斯特

3、宫 Palace of Westminster,白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,英国是世界上最早创立会计师制度的国家,早在1854年苏格兰特许会计师协会(ICAS)便在英国苏格兰的爱丁堡市创立。 除此之外,英国的会计师专业发展亦是全球最发达的地区。由于英国政府采用会计师专业团体多元竞争的特色,促使在英国境内出现了世界上两大会计师公会。这包括欧洲最大的会计师公会 - 英格兰及威尔士特许会计师协会(ICAEW),及世界上规模最大之一和最为国际化的会计师公会 - 特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)。,Accounting in the United Kindo

4、m,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,Backgroud,Accounting in the United Kingdom developed as an independent discipline,pragmatically responding to the needs and practices of business. It now still allowed accountants considerable felxibility in the application of professional judgment.,the EU Directives - the most impo

5、rtant source of development in company law since the 1970s The United Kindom was the first country to develop an accountancy profession.Professional accounting thinking and practice were exported to Australia, Canada, the United States,and other former British pessessions. pragmatically:实用主义地,英国会计准则


7、ccounting Regulationg sets out five basic accounting principles: .revenues and expenses are matched on an accrual basis .Individual asset and liability items are valued separately .The principle of conservatism is applied .Consistent application of accounting policies from year to year is required .

8、The going concern principle is applicable to the entity being accounted for,statutory rules:法定条例,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,Companies Act 1985,It requires the consolidation of financial statements.The legal stipulations are general and allow considerable flexibility in case-by-case applications. It enacted lega

9、l sanctions for companies that do not comply with accounting standards.,eg:,consolidation of financial statement:财务合并报表 legal stipulations:法律规约,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,CCAB Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies,ICAEW the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ICAS the Institute of Cha

10、rtered Accountants of Scotland ICAI the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland ACCA the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants CIMA the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants CIPFA the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,1970年,ICAEW发表了一份题为“20世纪7

11、0年代会计准则意向书”的文件,提出了增强会计实务统一性、制定会计准则的目标。同时,作为该意向书的结果,ICAEW首次在 1970年建立了“会计准则筹划委员会”(ASSC),以推动会计准则的制定工作。从1970年到1976年,英国另外五个会计职业团结陆续加入了 ASSC的组织,ASSC获得了一次改组。1976年,英国六大会计职业团体联合成立了“会计团体咨询委员会”(CCAB),并将改组后的ASSC改名为 “会计准则委员会”(ASC)。从此以后,由ASC正式开始制定英国的会计准则。在ASC与CCAB的关系上,首先由ASC制定会计准则的草案,然后提交 CCAB理事会进行讨论。因此,ASC的会计准则草

12、案必须经CCAB批准后才能正式实施。 ASC在制定会计准则方面作了相当大的努力,它所发布的会计准则称为“标准会计实务公告”(SSAP)。ASC从1976年成立起到1990年被新的会计准则制定机构ASB取代为止,15年间共发布了25项SSAP.至今,一部分SSAP仍在被采用。,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,DEFECTS: . Difficult to ensure the compliance of standards . Lack of conceptual framework . Allow for the possibility of different accounting metho

13、ds .Only pay attention to the principles of general nature but ignore the detailed operating procedures .Standard setting time is too long .Small companies are difficult to meet the requirements of standards Companies Act 1989: created a new FRC to overseeing its three offshoots: ASB(replaced the AS

14、C), UITF and a Financial Reporting Review Panel.,the improvement,overseeing:监督,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,FRC an independent body,ASB issue accountingstandards &FRSs guided by FREDs,UITF (紧急问题工作小组) respond quickly to new problems and issue calrifications of other accounting standards and regulations,estabilish,

15、英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,Auditing Standards were designed to strengthen the accounting and audit profession Before 2000: .just small limited liability companies must be audited .only members of first four which the six accountancy bodies listed are allow to sign audit reports 2000: CCAB is in charge of the au

16、diting standards Accounting Foundation was set up to regulate and oversee FRC : transform to APB 2003: Accounting Foundation was dissolved POB : oversees AIU Finally: AADB was established,Auditing Standards:审计准则,英国会计准则-课堂演讲PPT,Financial Reporting,Financial statements generally include: .Directors report .Profit and loss account and balance sheet .Cash flow statement .Statement of total recognized gains and losses .Statement of accounting policies .Notes referenced in the financial statements .Au



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