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1、 Revised as of 23 November 2020高中英语特殊句式全面讲解及练习含答案高中英语语法讲义第二讲 特殊句式倒装句 通常句式为自然语序“主语+谓语”,有时为了强调句子的某一部分,或者出于词汇用法、语法结构或修辞上的需要,将这种比较固定的语序加以颠倒,就形成了倒装。分为完全倒装,部分倒装和形式倒装。一.完全倒装:谓语动词完全置于主语之前,主语为名词不为代词,谓语不用进行时。1. 一些表示地点、时间或方位等的副词或介词短语。如:here, there, now, then, up, down ,in, out,away, off, in the room, on the wa

2、ll等置于句首。 Down came the rain and up went the umbrella. Then followed three days of heavy rain. Out rushed the children laughing loudly. Away flew the plane.2. such 位于句首。 Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th centurys greatest scientist.注:此句型中的such多被认为是表语,所以such后的be动词应与其后真正的主语保持一致。 Such

3、are the facts; no one can deny them.二部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(助动词,情态动词或be动词)置于主语之前1. so+ be 动词/ 助动词/ 情态动词+主语,意为“.也是如此”。 They love making lots of friends; so do I.2. neither/nor+ be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,意为“.也不这样”。 Lily cant ride a bicycle; neither/nor can Lucy.3. 否定词never, seldom, nor, not, little, hardly, scarcely等或表

4、示否定意义的介词短语at no time,under/in no circumstances, in no case, by no means, on no condition 等置于句首时。 Not a single mistake did he make. =He didnt make a single mistake.4. only 修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,且放在句首时。 Only then did I begin to understand him. Only in this way can we solve the problem. Only after the war did

5、 he learn the sad news.5. so.that.和such.that.句式中,so或such及其所修饰的部分置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understoodSuch progress did he make that he won much respect.3 形式倒装:在语法上称为前置。只把强调的内容提至句首,主谓并不倒装。 1.感叹句 What an interesting talk they had! =How interesting a

6、talk they had! +比较级.,the +比较级.句型 The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. + n.或however+ adj./adv.引导的让步状语从句 Whatever reasons you have, you should carry out your promise. However difficult the problem may be, we must work it out this evening.4,as / though引导让步状从,表语、状语、含情态动词的谓语提前,表语为单数名词提前

7、不用冠词。 Young as /though he was, he was successful. Child as /though he is, he knows much.题组训练1. Only when you can find peace in your heart you keep good relationships with others.2. At no time they actually break the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.3. Only after Mary read her composit

8、ion the second time she notice the spelling mistake.4. -Its so good. Never before I had such a nice meal! -I am glad you like it.答案:1. will 2. did 3. did 4. have强调句1.强调句型的陈述句形式:It is /was +被强调部分+that/who+其他部分。被强调部分为“人”时可用who/that,被强调部分是“事物”时用that.It is I who/that am right(强调主语)It was him that/who we

9、 met at the school gate.(强调宾语) It was in the park that Tom lost his watch.(强调状语) 2.强调句型的一般疑问句形式:Is/Was it +被强调部分+that/who+其他成分Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English?3. 强调句型的特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+is/was it that+其他成分。Who was it that broke the window?Whe

10、n was it that you called me yesterday?What is it that you want me to do?4. 有时可用It might be.that/who.,It must have been .that/who.句型表示强调。It might be his father that/who youre thinking of.It must have been his brother that/who you saw.5. not.until.结构的强调句型。 其强调句式为:It is /was not until +被强调部分+that+主句的肯定

11、式He didnt go to bed until ten oclock.It was not until ten oclock that he went to bed.I didnt realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.二 对谓语动词的强调 It is /was .who/that.结构不能强调谓语动词。强调谓

12、语动词,用助动词do, does或did加原形。Do come this evening.He did write to you last week.Tom does study hard now.三 特殊疑问句中以“the devil” “on earth” “in the world”表“究竟;到底”之意来起强调的作用。 What on earth are you doing.题组训练1. Was because Jack came late for school Mr. Smith got angry?2. It only after he had read the papers Mr.

13、 Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.3. It was not until I came here I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.4. It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.其他特殊句式一 省略

14、与代替(1) 定语从句中的省略现象 限制性定语从句中宾语的关系代词 that ,which, whom常可以省略。如She is the girl (whom/who/that) I would like to work with.(2) 状语从句中的省略现象 1.当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词,这时从句中可以出现下列结构: (1)连词(though, if, when等)+形容词 Work hard when (you are) young, or youll regret.(2)连词(as if, while等)+介词短语 He looked ever

15、ywhere as if (he was) in search of something.(3)连词(when, while, though)+现在分词 While (I was)walking along the street, I heard my name called.(4)连词(when, if, unless, once, than等)+过去分词The exhibition is more interesting than (it was) expected.(5)连词(as if, as though等)+不定式 He opened his mouth as if (he wer



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