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1、初三英语补全对话话题必背句型一 问候1 Hello/Hi. 你好。2 Hello.How are you? 你好吗? Fine, thank you. And (How are) you?我很好,谢谢。你呢? Very well, thank you. 很好,谢谢。3 Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上 /下午 /晚上好。4 Nice to see you again! 很高兴又见到你!5 . Please say hello to your parents.请向你的父母问好。Please give my best wishes to your parents

2、. 请将我的祝福带给你父母。二 介绍1 My name is Li Yan. Glad to meet you. 我叫李艳,见到你很高兴。2 .Excuse me. Whats your (full) name, please? 打扰了,请问您的全名是什么?3 .May I call you Robert? 我可以叫你罗伯特吗?4 .Certainly. /Of course. 当然可以。5 .This is Mr Huang. 这是黄先生。6 .How do you do? 你好。三购物:1 .Can I help you ? /what can I do for you? 你要买什么? -

3、Yes ,please. 是的2 . I want to buy a shirt for my son. 我想给我儿子买件衬衫。 I would like a pair of trousers.我想买条裤子。 Im looking for some flowers for my mom 我想给我妈妈买些花3 .What color do you want ? 你想要什颜色What sizes do you want ? 你想要多大尺寸?How many do you want ? 你想要多少4 . What / How about this one?/ 这个怎么样Is this one all

4、 right? / This one is OK? 这个好吗?5.I think it s tooAlraergthee. re any smaller ones? 我认为这个太大了,有小一点的吗?Do you have smaller ones? 有小一点的吗? I want a small one 我想要一个小的6 What does it cost?/ How much is it are they? 多少钱1 .It s too expensive.Do you have any cheaper ones?t啦, 你有便宜点的吗8 . Can I try it on ? May I t

5、ry it on ? 我可以试一试吗? -Of course. Sure , you can. 当然可以9 .-What is made offrom? - 它是由什么制成的? It is made of silk. 是丝织品10 .-Where is it made ? 他是哪里制作的? It is made in China. 是中国制作的11.I ll takethitem. 我买下。12.What kind of flowers would you like ? 你想要什种类的花? -Id like some roses!要一些 玫瑰。13.Thank you .谢谢-You re w

6、elme.不用谢。四问路:1. Thank you all the same. 同样谢谢你。 Thank you.2. Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital, please叫问,最近的医院在哪里?或 How can I get to the nearest hospital?或 Which is the way to the nearest hospital, please?或 Can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?或 Could you tell me how I can get to th

7、e nearest hospital, please?3. -How far is it from here? 离这里有多远? It is about an hour 一个小时的路 s walk.4. Is it far from here? 离这里远吗?5. -How can we get there?我们怎样到达那里 You can take No. 5 bus.你可以坐第 5路公交6. Which bus shall/should I take 我应该坐那一辆汽车?7. why do you want to go there 你为什么想去那里?9 . Can you go with me

8、 ?你能和我一起去吗?10 .Go straight 直走 Go down . 向下 Turn rightleft 向右 /左Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights. 沿着这条街一直走到第二个交通灯那儿。11 .At the end of the road youll see the.至路尽头你就会看到Turn left/right at the second crossing. 从第二个十字路口朝左/右拐。12 You wont miss it. 你不会错过的。13Can I ride a bike ther

9、e ?我能骑车去哪里吗?五 打电话1May I speak to Danny ? 我可以找丹妮接电话吗2. Is that Danny (speaking) 你是丹妮吗3.This is Jim ( speaking ).我是吉姆4. Who s that(speaking)(尔是谁5 . I can t follow 我听不明白6. When/ What time will it began 什么时候开始7 . Pardon / Would you say it again/ Please say it again 请再说一次8 . Can I take leave a message ?

10、我能捎口信/ 留口信吗9 . What s yophone number?你的电话是多少10 .can you meet me( at the airport ) tomorrow? 明天在机场能接我吗11 . What does he look like? 他长得什么样12 Hold onHold the line. 稍等 13 .Sorry,he isn int nhoewre. 对不起 ,他现在不在14. Please tell him to call me back when he comes back. 当他回来啦告诉他给我回电话15. Does he know your phone

11、 number?你知道他的电话号码吗、16. I m sorry to hear th苑到这很抱歉17. Bye/See you 再见 六 看医生:1. What s wrong /the matter / the trouble with yoU?怎么啦2. I have a fever ( a headache我发烧 /为疼3. About two days (three days / a week. etc.) ago. 大约三天前4. But I have been very busy 但我非常忙5. Is it serious, doctor ?严重吗6. How long have

12、 you been like this? 像这样多久啦7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? 今天早上你吃了什么8. Have you taken your temperature?你量体温了吗9. I want to take your te mperature./ I ll take your temperature / let me take your temperature. 量下体温10. How often should I take the medicine? 我应多久吃一次药Three times a day. 一天三次

13、11. . It is nothing serious. Just a little cold. 没什么严重的,只是有点感冒12. What shall I do? 我将怎么办13. You must take some medicine, and have a good rest.你必须吃些药,并好好休息14. . How many times should I take the medicine a day ? 我一天要吃几次药15. Three times .You d better drink more water and stay in bed. You ll be all righ

14、t soon.三次,你最好多喝水,躺床上休息。你将很快好起来七天气:1. What s the weHow s the weather 天气怎么样?2. It s sunnysnowy 3. Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节4. I like Spring SummerAutumnWinter. 我喜欢春夏秋冬八假期,周末活动:1. How was your weekend? 你的周末过得怎样2. what did you do on weekends? 在周末你做了什么3. What are you going to do on weekend ?

15、 What are you going to do for vacation? where wouldyou go on vacation ?假期你打算做什么4. I am going to .5. When will you leave ?When are you going? 你什么时候离开?你什么时候去?6. How will you get there? 你怎么样到达那里7. How long did you stay there? 你在那里呆了多久8. Who did you go there with ? 你和谁一起去9. When shall we meet?我们什么碰面10. Where shall we meet ?我们在哪里见面11.Did you hav a good time? 玩的开心吗12 . That s a good idea 是个好主意 That sounds good .听起来不错13 .Have a good time !Enjoy yourself. 玩的愉快九学习:1 .You look unhappy.What s wr



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