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1、精选文档Teaching Design for Unit 8 When is your birthday?Section A (1a1c) Period 11. Teaching objectives:Knowledge objectives: Ss can master the words of months: month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Besides, Ss can master and use the ex

2、pressions to ask and answer about each others birthday. They know how to talk about the dates correctly. Also, they can learn the 1 st, 2nd , 3 rd in the expression of the dates which are greatly different from Chinese.Ability objectives:Ss can talk about the dates correctly anduse the sentences to

3、ask and answer others birthdays. They can listen to the tape and complete the tasks.Emotional objective:Ss learn to be thankful to their mothersand learn to care about others by memorizing others birthdays.2. Key points: Get Ss to learn the vocabularies and the right way of expressing dates. Let Ss

4、work in pairs to practice and complete the task meaningfully.3. Difficult points: Help Ss to understand the right way of expressing the dates: January 1 st, February 3 rd , etc.4. Teaching aid: PPT, smallcalenders for whole class,blackboard5. Teaching Procedures:(1) Greeting as usual(2) Lead in: Sho

5、w a picture of a cake. Ask Ss when we enjoy a cake. Ss may answer that we usually eat cakes at birthday party. Play the song of happy birthday, and ask class about the names of the song. Then, show the title of this unit and get Ss to read the title.(3) Warm-up and learn new words: Get Ss to think i

6、t over ( What can they think about when talking about birthday?)and show the saying(Children s birthday is the mothers suffering day.)for Ss, which aims to get Ss become thankful. Then show the pictures about 12 months and ask Ss to learnthe new vocabularies. Ask Ss to read them and memorize them sy

7、llable by syllable. After that, let Ss follow the tape and repeat the words.(4) Presentation: Show the calender and tell Ss how to expressthe dates and make a comparison with Chinese expressions.Get Ss to find out the rules of the dates in a months. Invite oneor two Ss to tell. Then, summarize the r

8、ules and get Ss to master the meanings and pronunciations of 1 st, 2nd , 3rd , 5th . Ask Ss birthday and show the key sentences in the screen. Get Ssto learn and read.(5) Practice: Let Ss listen to the tape and number the conversations. Ask Ss to listen again and repeat after the tape.Then, get Ss t

9、o practice the dialogue in pairs. Invite some pairsto act out the dialogues.(6) Production: Get Ss to make new dialogues by asking theirfriends or seatmates birthday and make record in the calender. Then check if their record is right. Suggest Ss to say“ happy birthday “ to their classmates next time.(7) Do a summary.(8) Assign homework: Copy the sentences and words. Do some previsions for new lessons.6. Blackboard Design:Unit 8 When is your birthday?My birthday is on.1st=first4 th= fourth2st=second3rd=third5th =fifth可编辑7. Class Reflection:8. 9.


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