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1、中南国际海中科技特长班初一英语课堂练习A. parrot; carrot )11. There is onlyA. few(2014.6.12)一A. not washB. dont washC. not to washD. to not wash一()2. Dontyour goldfish out of water. It will die soon.一A. takeB. putC. bringD. carry一()3. They are going toa new building in front of the playground.A. put upB. take upC. look

2、 upD. clean up一()4. The fish smells. Throw it away.线A. niceB. wellC. badD. badly一()5. I have a pet. I spend a lot of timeit.一A. looking atB. looking overC. looking forD. looking after一()6. I borrowed a book from the library. I willittomorrow.A. return; backB. return; /C. repeat; /D. repeat; again一()

3、7. The trip to Shanghaius two hours and a half last week.一A. costB. tookC. spentD. paid一()8. Dontme, Mum. I can take good care of myself.A. talk aboutB. care aboutC. worry aboutD. think about一()9. -The exam is so easy. -But I m afraid notcan pass it.一A. everybodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD.nobody)10. Whi

4、ch of the following pair have different sounds about the underlined letters?(C. burn; hurtB. protect; projectD. award; toward、单项选择(15分) )1. You d betterbread in the fridge. We need some more.B. a fewC. littleD. a little)12. Dont feed your dog at the table.-A. Yes, I will )13. T hear youB. Yes, I won

5、tC. Youre welcome D. Sorry, I won tin a pub. What is it like?Well, its very hard work and I malways tired, but I don t mind.A. are workingB. will workC. worked)14. -This is Jerry from the headmasters office. Could I speak to James?-D. were workingA. I m speaking.B. Speaking.C. Who are you? D. Hello.

6、初一英语第3页共4页)15. -Dad, the cat is in the tree. She cant come down. Can you get a ladder?-Oh, it jumped off.B. All rightC. No problem D. Take careA. Never mind二、完形填空(15分)Yesterday morning, it was already seven thirty when I got up. I was afraid that I would be 1, so I left without 2. There were so many

7、 people at the bus stop that it was not 3 tocatch a bus. Ten minutes passed, I still could not one. So I decided to take a taxi. Unluckily, I only had two dollars with me, and it was not enough. The 5 thing left for me to do was to 6 to my school. Suddenly I ran into an old woman, and she 7 down. Wi

8、thout apologizing, I left her and went on my 8 . That evening, I learned that the old lady was badly9 in the leg and was in hospital.Thefollowing day I met the old lady and told her who Iwas.10I thought that she would be_J1, with me. She wasnt but 12 instead. Formemy girl, I know you didnt want to h

9、urt me, did you? Dont15,Ill get better.and said, Ill never do it again!”()1 . A . earlyB . fastC. lateD. quick( )2 . A . mealB . supperC. lunchD. breakfast( )3. A . possibleB . easyC. difficultD. important()4 . A . findB . get onC. get offD. look at()5. A . onlyB . badC. goodD. safe( )6 . A . comeB

10、. jumpC. visitD. walk()7. A. fellB. putC. pulledD. laythat smile was 13 than anything. I began to cry. She took my hand and said kindly,“I thanked her( )8 A streetBroadCwayDline( )9 A worriedBlostCcoughingDhurt( )10. A As usualBAt firstCFor exampleDAt the same time( )11.A warmBgladCpleasedDangry( )1

11、2.A smiledBlooked aroundCshoutedDcried( )13.A badBbetterCworseDlucky( )14.A Of courseBNever mindCBad luckDAll right( )15.A be afraidBtroubleCworryDmove三、阅读理解(30 分)A.Jack was only four years old. After lunch every day, his mother took him to his bedroom and put him on his bed to rest for an hour, but

12、 Jack never slept. He usually made a lot of noise( 吵闹 ) andgot out of his bed every few minutes.One afternoon, Jack s mother put him on his bed and left the room. Ten minutes later, she heard a big noise. She hurried into Jack s room. Jack was not thetrreo,ubsuetrhsiswere on his bed.She looked for h

13、im in the other rooms. But Jack was not there either. She was very angry, she shouted “ Are you running here and there without your trousers on?”ans“weNreod, Mrs. White,a man from door, “ Here s a letter for you and I m wearing my trousers. ”()1. After lunch every day Jack .A. slept for half an hour

14、 B. slept for an hour C. often went to sleepD. never slept()2. Jack s mother Jack well.A. looked forB. looked after C. looked at D. looked like()3. Jack made a lot of noise because.A. he liked to hear big noiseB.he wanted hismother to look for himC. he didn t want to sleepD.he was on hisbed without trousers on()4. Jack s mother to look for Jack.A. ran every room in her houseB.called policeC. ran to the doorD.ran out of thehouse()5. The man at the door thought .A. Jack s mother was talking to JackB. Jack was on


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