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1、Unit 4 What s the best movie theater?Section A 1a 1c By Yu Ping【学习目标】Key words: theater comfortable screen close ticket seatKey sentences:What s the best movie theater? It has the biggest screens. It is the most popular.重学习重难 点】初步了解形容词最高级的构成,学会使用最高级比较人或事物。【学法指导】1.情境学习法2、小组合作探究法3、交际法一、导入(5分钟)1 .Watch

2、 a video My people,My country.Do you want to see this movie?Let s go to the cinema.Look at the pictures and learn the new words.二.探究学习(18分钟)I、What does a good movie theater have?Look at the mind map and discuss the question.Come to 1a .How do you choose a movie theater to go to? Write the things in

3、the box under Important or “Unimportant ” . Ss discuss with their partners and write the words in the chart. comfortable seats big screens best sound cheap new movies close to home buy tickets quickly popularImportantNot importantI think . things are important. It has. It is I think -things are not

4、important. It has.It is 2 .Present some sentences with superlatives of adjectives and adverbs.-Town Cinema has a big screen.-Screen City has a bigger screen.-Movie World has the biggest screen.Look at the pictures , ask students to try to use the superlatives to make sentenses.3、热身练习照样子用最高级形式写出下列短语。

5、comfortable seats -the most comfortable seatsbig screen -good soundshort waiting timeclose to home-cheap -popular -4. There are three movie theaters in Miluo.They are Xingyao Cinema,Friendship Cinema and Hengdian Cinema.What s the best movie theater?Ask and answer it with a partner.e.gA; What s the

6、best movie theater?B: .It has the biggest screens.It is the most popular.5、完成25页1b,Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters .At first please try to fill in the blanks on the left.Town Cinema(TC) Screen City(SC) Movie World(MW)QualitiesMovie TheaterIthas screens.Movie WorldIt s the mos

7、t popular nearhere.It sto home.Town CinemaIthas the shortest waitingtime.Ithas the best sound.Ithas_seats.Movie World、小组活动。(10分钟)1、If you are the boss(老板)of the theater,how do you attract( 吸弓I) people to your theater? Discuss it in your groups and make a poster.You can make it like this:Welcome to o

8、ur theater! It is.It has .So our theateris your best choice(最佳选择)!提示(制作海报时可以使用我们今天学的短语):拓展词7匚:the most delicious food the newest movie the biggest parking lot( 停车场) the best service(最好的务)Welcome to our theater! It is It hasSo our theater is your best choice.2、小组操练后进行小组展示.四.小结(1分钟)五、课堂练习 (6 分钟)抢答题1.C

9、hangjiang River is the river in China.2.Blue Whale( 蓝鲸 ) is the animal in the world.3.Giraffe is the animal in the world.3.Paris is one of the cities in the world.链接中考1. It has the store in China.A. goodest B. good C best D better2. This book is of all.A. cheapest B. cheap C. cheaper D. the cheapest

10、3. He sthan his brother.A. funny B.funnier C.the funniest D.the funnier4. 翻译 . 这家剧院有最舒适的座位。读一读记一记最高级规则变化口诀最高级,很容易,一般词尾加 est。(cheap-cheapest)词尾若有哑音e,直接就加st。 (close-closest)重读闭音节,单辅音字母要双写。(big-biggest)辅音字母加y,记得把y变为i。(friendly-friendlier )多音节,考考你,most到底加哪里?教师寄语Good better best,好,更好,最好,Never let it rest ,不要让它停下来,Till good is better,直到好成为更好,And better is best .更好成为最好!I hope you can be the best!


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